Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 2

Randy's POV:
I had arrived at the hotel about a half hour ago and I was anxiously pacing the length of the room waiting for Adam to arrive. I need to get this plan figured out so I can put it into motion as soon as possible. Adam better have a damn good plan to get his sister with me. Getting impatient, I sit down on the bed when Adam finally walks through the door of the hotel room.
"It's about damn time you got here. I was starting to worry you were going to blab everything to your sister." I smirked
"Real funny Orton. Why the hell would I do that, when in the end it will just hurt her. I don't want her to get hurt and that's the only reason I'm helping you with this damn plan." Adam replied sitting on the bed oposite of Randy.
"Well, why you have been sitting here having a damn panic attack, did you come up with a plan?" Adam laughed.
"I wasn't having a panic attack, I just didn't want you to ruin anything." I sneered. "And actually I did. But, I know you won't like it."
"Oh god. What is it?" Questioned Adam.
"Well, you help me kidnap her, and I bring her to my house and keep her locked up there until she learns to love me the way I love her." I smirked.
"Uh, hell no. You are NOT kidnapping my little sister just so you can get her to fall in love with you." Adam yelled.
"Come on Adam, what if it's the only way. You want her away from Cena and all the other guys don't you?" I replied.
"Yeah, I do. Fine Orton you win. I'll help you figure all of this out, but this better not come back on me, cause my Lex can't know I helped you plan this. It will kill her." Adam pleaded.
"Deal man. I don't want to hurt her. I just want to prove how much I love her." I said as Adam walked towards the door.
"Yeah, well, I guess we'll just have to see how this goes then. But, whatever you do, don't hurt her." Adam begged.
"I wouldn't even think of hurting her Adam. You can trust me." I said, shutting the door behind Adam.
Oh my dearest Alexus. You will be mine. In time, I will have you as mine and you will be Mrs. Randy Orton. I will not let anyone else have you. If I can't have you then no one can. Tomorrow is going to be a good day, I though as I got into bed.
Alexus' POV:
I was sitting on my hotel bed thinking about what Adam and Randy could possibly be up to when my roomate Nikki Bella walked in.
"Hey Lex, what's wrong?" Nikki asked.
"Nothing really, but Adam and Randy have been hanging out a lot lately and I just wonder what they're up to. When those two hangout together nothing good usually happens. And the looks Randy has been giving me are kind of creeping me out." I replied.
"Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides, you know that Randy is a ladies man, so of course he's going to give you creepy looks." Nikki laughed.
"Haha, yeah that's definitely true. Well goodnight Nikki." I replied shutting off the lights.
"Goodnight Lex." Nikki replied sleepily.
I know Nikki said not to worry about them but I just couldn't help it. Something just doesn't feel right. But, I guess I'll take Nikki's advice and not worry about it. And finally I drifted off to sleep.