Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 3

Randy's POV:
I woke up the next morning with a huge grin on my face. Soon, I would be waking up beside my beautiful Alexus everyday. But first, I had to finish planning with Adam and then put the plan into motion. No one was going to keep me from getting what I wanted. Nobody. I will do whatever it takes to get Alexus to be mine and make her happy for the rest of her life. But, all too soon, I was disturbed from my thoughts by Adam barging through the hotel room door.
"Hello, can I help you?" I asked sarcastically.
"Funny. Do you want to get this plan done or not?"Adam asked, beginning to get irritated with Randys attitude.
"No Adam, I just want to let some other guy take her. Obviously I want to get the plan done." I sneered.
"Well then, let's get started. How the hell are you going to kidnap her?" Adam asked.
"I haven't really figured that part out yet. I was hoping that you would be able to come up with something?" Randy asked hopefully.
"Well, as much as I hate to say this. I'm afraid we're going to have no choice but to drug her. We'll have to drug her drink or food or something. It's the only way you'll be able to do this without her finding out about it until she wakes up." Adam replied.
"Well, I suppose that will be the only way for this to work. We could all go out to breakfast tomorrow morning and we can do it then, hopefully she'll have to use the bathroom so we can do it without her seeing it." I answered.
"Sounds like a plan then. Where are you going to get the drugs?" Adam questioned.
"I can call up an old friend of mine and see if I can get a few sleeping pills from him. We'll put one in her drink, she's small enough that one will work." I said confidently.
"Okay, well just make sure you don't give her too much of it. Call up your friend and see when he can get them to you." Adam said.
Quickly I pulled out my cellphone and dialing the number of an old friend I went to school with, praying that he was in town and had something. Otherwise, I'd have to think of a different plan. But, I'll have to lie about what I need them for. He'll never give them to me if I tell him the real reason I need them.
"Hey, Jordan?" I questioned.
'Randy, is that you? Hey man what's up?" Jordan asked.
"Yeah man it's me. Listen, are you in town?" I asked hopefully.
"Dude, I'm always in town!" Jordan laughed.
"Yeah, I forgot. Hey, do you happen to have a couple of sleeping pills?" I questioned.
"Come on Randy, when don't I? Why do you need some?" Jordan asked.
"Yeah, you'd be doing me a huge favor. How much?" Randy asked, smirking.
'For you man, free of charge." Jordan answered.
'Seriously?" I questioned.
"Yup. Besides, I'm sure there's something I owe you for, so just consider this your payment." Jordan laughed.
"Thanks man. When can you meet?" I asked.
'How about in an hour at the McDonalds down the road from the hotel?" Jordan questioned.
"Okay, sure. See you then. And thanks again man. I owe you." I stated.
'Nah, don't worry about it. See you in an hour." Jordan replied before hanging up.
An hour later Jordan and I were sitting in the vacant McDonalds parking lot. The second he pulled up beside me, he handed me the two pills in a small plastic bag.
"Here you go man, I hope this helps you." Jordan said, not knowing what Randys true intentions were for the pills
'Oh trust me Jordan, these are going to help me more than you realize." Randy smirked.
"Good, well I gotta go, I got another delivery to make. But hey, next time you're in town we need to hang like we used to." Jordan replied, starting his car.
"Yeah, definitely." Randy replied before driving away and back to the hotel.
The whole way back to the hotel I was beyond excited. I have the pills, now all that is left to do is slip one into Alexus' drink and she'll fall asleep within minutes. Then I can bring her to my house, where my plan can officially begin. I've already arranged a ton of time off with Vince, so I will have plenty of time for my plan to be completed.
Arriving back at the hotel I quickly got to the elevator and to my hotel room. Yanking my cell out of my pocket I called Adam and told him that the plan was a go. By this time tomorrow, Alexus will have been at my house for a few house and will probably be waking up from the pills. I went to bed that night feeling nothing but excitment for what was about to come the following morning. Once I have Alexus, my life will be almost complete.