Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 5

Alexus' POV:
I finally woke up after what seemed like hours. I don't even remember falling asleep. The last thing I remember is getting in the car with Adam and Randy after going out for breakfast with them. After getting my thoughs together I finally sat up, but I didn't recognize where I was. I started freaking out because I had no clue what happened or where I was. Looking around the room I finally see Randy sitting in a chair over by the window smirking at me.
"What the hell did you do to me Orton?" I screamed, jumping off the bed.
"Oh, nothing really. But, I believe I did tell you one day I would get you to love me like I love you. And now your time has come. Lex, you will learn to love me." Randy smirked.
"Over my dead body." I spat, stomping towards the door, but Randy beat her to it, blocking her path.
"Damnit Randy, get the hell out of my way!" I yelled, trying to shove Randy out of my way. "What don't you get about the fact that I don't want to, and will never want to be with you?"
"You don't mean that Lex. You just need to get used to the idea of being with me. Eventually you will warm up to the idea of being with me forever." Randy replied.
"I will never be with you. Wait until Adam finds out what you did." I yelled, as Randy walked slowly opened the door.
"Yeah, well we'll see about that. Oh, and don't bother trying to get out, there's no possible way for you to get out." Randy smirked walking out of the room and shutting and locking the door from the outside.
Randy's POV:
Oh Alexus, if only you knew the truth. How would you react if you knew your dear brother was involved in this whole plan of mine. But, time will tell. Soon you won't be able to resist my charm. And you will fall in love with me. I will make sure of that. Well, I should probably call Adam and update him before he has a panic attack. Pulling out my phone I quickly dialed Adams number and walked out onto the back porch.
"Hey Adam, just wanted to call and update you like you wanted." I laughed.
"Funny . How is she?" Adam asked worridly.
"She's fine. Pissed off, but fine." I smirked. "She wants to tell you what I did. But little does she know her dear brother was involved in the whole thing."
"Yeah, well, she isn't gonna find out I'm involved now is she Orton?" Adam demanded.
"Yeah,yeah, she won't find out. But, if she stil hasn't given in to her true feelings, I may just have to tell her." I smirked.
"You wouldn't." Adam said.
"Oh, I would. If it comes down to it, I'll tell her in a heartbeat. Maybe then she'll see the light." I replied hanging up the phone and walking back into the house.
Dumbass Adam. He doesn't realize I will do whatever it takes to make Alexus mine. If that means telling her that her brother helped me with this plan, then so be it.
Adam's POV:
"Shit!" I yelled, throwing my phone against the wall of my locker room.
I cannot risk Lex finding out I was involved. I just hope she give in to Orton, that way he won't have to tell her. It would kill her to find out that I helped Randy drug and kidnap her. She's my little sister and I can't lose her. Not to help Randys twisted mind. Oh god, what have I done? I have a feeling that I am soon going to regret helping Randy with his stupid plan. Maybe I should have just let her make her own decisions. Well, it's too late for that now. Maybe I can find a way to fix this before things go bad. But, I can't let Randy find out. He'll do everything in his power to keep me away from Alexus, and I can't have that happen. I guess I'll just have to see how this plan goes. Maybe he won't even have to tell her I was involved. Only time will tell.