Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 6

Alexus' POV:
That night I couldn't sleep at all. The only thing I could think about was how I had to try and get out of this place and away from Randy. I cannot believe Adam is friends with this guy, I mean he kidnapped me! After this, Adam better not stay friends with him. As I sit there thinking of a way to escape, Randy walks into the room carrying a tray of food.
"Here ya go baby. I figured you would be hungry. You've had a long day and need to keep your strength up." Randy stated, setting the tray on the bedside table.
"You're even stupider than I thought if you think I'm going to eat anything you give me. You drugged me to get here, so how do I know you won't drug me again." I spat glaring at Randy.
"Sweetie, I didn't want to drug you. You left me no choice. I knew you wouldn't come willingly so, I had no choice. Trust me, if there had been another option, I would have done it. Do you think I liked having to drug the woman I love to get her to come with me." Randy asked gently.
"Probably. I know how sick and twisted you are Orton." I said, walking towards the window and looking out it.
"Alexus, I did not like having to drug you. I would never want to hurt you. I love you. Why is that so hard for you to believe?" Randy asked angrily.
"Because Orton, I know you all too well. I know what you're like and I want NO part of it. Now let me go, so I can find Adam and let him know what you did." I yelled.
"NO! I will NEVER give up Lex. You will be mine and that is exactly why you are here! You will learn to love me like I love you. Besides, Adam is gone. He's in the next city along with the rest of the WWE." Randy laughed seeing the look on my face.
"What? No, he had to have noticed that I went missing, how could he not? I was supposed to go with the next city with him." I replied beginning to panic, realizing I was truely stuck here with Randy.
"Oh my dear Alexus. Adam knows your missing. He just can't be bothered to look for you because well let's just say, he's not exactly clueless. " Randy smirked before walking out the door, locking it before leaving down the stairs.
"SHIT!" I screamed, picking up the nearest object and throwing it against the wall.
Randy's POV:
Walking down the steps and into the living room I heard Alexus throw something at the wall after I left the room. The girl has got a temper just like me. Now do you get why we would be the perfect couple. Not only does she have a temper like me, but she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. So, it'll be interesting trying to get her to give in to her true feelings for me. I think all she really needs it time to adjust to life with me. Then she will get used to everyday life with me, and then her true feeling will begin to show, even if she doesn't want them to.
Alexus' POV:
Randy thinks I'm going to give into my feelings but I've got news for him. I will not give into him. Even if he is incredibly gorge...NO! Bad Alexus! I've got to remember that I can't think like that about him. After all he did kidnap me and drugged me to do so. But, If he went through all this stuff so he can show me how much he loves me then It can't happen. I will not start developing feelings for him. Under no circumstances will I fall in love with Randy Orton, I thought as I finished the food he brought me and crawled into bed, exhausted.
Randy's POV:
One last time I called Adam to update him on the situation.
"Hey dude, what's up?" Adam answered.
"Nothing much, I think she finally fell asleep. I brought her up a bunch of food earlier, but I'm not sure if she ate it. She didn't wanna touch it cause she said I would probably drug her again." I laughed.
"Well, you did drug her once already, what's she supposed to think?" Adam replied.
"That I love her and I did this for her own good?" I questioned.
"I doubt that will ever happen." Adam laughed.
"Yeah well you better hope it does. I already almost let it slip that you had something to do with this. I believe my words were something like, he's not exactly clueless." I smirked.
"Orton, I'm not kidding, if you tell her I had something to do with this it will kill her and I will make sure you lose her forever." Adam sneered.
"Yeah, I'd like to see you try." I replied. "Anyway, I have to go, so I'll update you again in a few days. See ya."
Adam thinks he's going to prevent me from being with his sister if I tell her that he helped me with this whole thing. Well I've always been smarter than him when it comes to stuff like this, so whatever he plans he better remember I'm always one step ahead. There is no way in hell I will lose Lex because of his stupidity. But, tomorrow is a new day, and the day I will being trying to get Alexus to warm up to me. I was so excited that I could barely sleep that night once I got into the bed in the guestroom. Soon I would be sleeping back in my room with the woman I love, just as soon as she admits her feelings for me are there.
Adam's POV:
Oh god, I've really messed up big time. I cannot believe Randy even hinted that I could possibly know something about what's going on. If he tells her, I swear he'll regret it. But, I really can't do much because damn Randy is always one step ahead of everyone else. Anything I come up with to get Lex out of there will just end up being a miserable failure. Maybe I should just let him be and risk him telling her everything that went on. For hours I lay in bed thinking about how Alexus is doing with Randy until I finally fall asleep.