Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 7

Alexus' POV:
After waking up this morning, I took a long hot shower. Last night I had a dream about Randy and I, it's was beyond weird and actually it was more like a nightmare just because he was in it. Anyway, in the dream we were MARRIED. Never in my life would I want to marry that guy. All of the money and shoes in the world wouldn't be enough for me to willingly marry him. And let me tell you, I love shoes, so that's definitely saying something about the guy. But, I mean part of me does have some feeling for him, not that I'd ever tell him that. Then he'd never leave me alone. Finally, when the hot water ran out, I had to push the thoughts of Randy from my head so I could get ready. Once I was finished, I walked back into the bedroom where Randy was sitting with another tray of food for me.
"I'm glad to see you ate the food I brought you last night." Randy said as I sat down on the bed.
"Yeah, well I was hungry so I didn't really have a choice now did I?" I snapped.
"Lex, stop being like this. You ate the food because you're starting to trust me, and I'm glad. I want you to trust me." Randy replied softly. "I don't want you to hate me Lex. It kills me to have you hate me.
"Yeah, I bet it does." I replied sarcastically.
"Alexus Alia Copeland, quit it with the attitude. You are going to spend the day with me and you are going to like it and have fun. Do you understand me?" Randy growled.
"Fine whatever." I replied, beginning to eat the food he brought me.
"Good, now I'm going to leave the door unlocked, and I want you to come downstairs when you're finished eating." Randy said, walking out of the bedroom door.
This is going to be a long day. I don't know how much longer I can keep denying my feelings for Randy. Pretty soon he's going to see right through me. I'm basically fighting a losing battle because that's what's going to happen, I'm going to lose. But, the fact that I'm going to lose this battle isn't even what hurts me. What hurts me is the fact that Adam, my own brother, hasn't come looking for me. I thought he cared about me, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe Randy is the one who cares about me, not my own brother.
Randy's POV:
After leaving the room once I brought Lex her food I walked downstairs and sat in the living room texting Adam. I know I told him I would update him every few days, but I figured I should update him once again just so he doesn't freak out. Even though after our conversation yesterday he's acting like he doesn't even care how Lex is doing, which pisses me off. She's his sister, his flesh and blood and he's acting like he doesn't give a shit about her. Whatever, he keeps it up and I will inform her of her "dear" brothers part in this. I'll tell her every last detail and although it will hurt her in the end, she may just realize I did it for her own good and for her happiness. I can't stand seeing her miserable.
Finally, a half hour later Lex walked down the stairs in dark blue jean capris, a Hollister tee shirt and black wedges. She looked gorgeous. But, of course to me she always looks gorgeous. Alexus was going to love what I have planned for her today. Today is going to be all about her. I'm going to take her to get a massage,her hair and nails done and then shopping. I know it's all of the things she loves, so hopefully this will help her warm up to me.
"Come on Lex, we gotta go." I said, walking over to the door, opening it.
"Why Randy? Why can't you just let me call Adam so I can leave?" Alexus asked, not moving from her spot.
"Because. It's just better this way. With Adam around I will never get to show you how much I truely love and care about you. I just need for you to see that." I replied. "Now come on. We have places to be."
"Fine. What are we doing today?" Alexus asked, walking out the door behind Randy.
"Today is all about you. I'm going to take you to get a massage,your hair and nails done and then shopping. How does that sound?" I asked
Suprised Alexus replies, "That sounds wonderful Randy. But, why is it all about me, if you want to spend the day with me? Shouldn't we be doing something you want to do as well?"
"We can do that another time. I want today to be about you, so I can prove my feeling for you are real." Randy replied, pulling out of the driveway.
Alexus' POV:
I couldn't believe Randy was doing all of these things for me. Maybe he really does love me. No other guy I've dated has ever done this for me before. The more time I spend with him the less I begin to hate him. But, I can't love him. I just can't. I've dated guys like him before and I will not go back to living like that. No way. Where's Nikki when I need her the most. I'm so confused.
The hour ride to the salon was a pretty silent ride. I just sat there trying to figure out where these feeling for Randy were coming from. I never felt like this about him before. But, my thoughs were interrupted when Randy got out of the car and walked over to my side, opening my door.
"Come on Lex, we're here." Randy said, stepping aside so I could get out of the car.
"Thanks Randy." I replied, as I began walking towards the building.
"No problem. Do you know what you want to get done to your hair?" Randy questioned.
"Yeah, I think I'm going to get it trimmed, layered and colored back to blonde." I replied as the women led me to a chair, making sure that was exactly what I wanted done.
During the two and a half hours that it took for the woman to do my hair, I couldn't help but feel Randy's eyes on me the whole time. By the time she was done with my hair and I went over for my massage I was more confused than ever. I had no idea what I even wanted anymore. Part of me wants to hate Randy, but the other part of me wants to love him. So, which part of me do I follow? I thought this massage would help me relax and get some of my feelings together, but once again Randy was staring at me the whole time with a cute grin on his face and I knew there was no way I would be able to relax.
Finally, we headed to the mall and the first stop was the nail salon. I kept it simple and just decided to get French Tip acrylic nails, and red nail polish for the pedicure. It only took about fourty-five minutes for them to finish and then we headed off go shopping.
"What exactly are we shopping for?" I asked, looking over to Randy.
"Well, we're going to buy you some shoes, new outfits, a couple bathing suits and a few dresses for when we go out to dinner." Randy replied, entering the first store, Charlotte Russe.
"Okay." I replied, beginning to look around.
"Pick our whatever you want, but I want to see how it looks when you try it on." Randy said.
"Fine." I mumbled.
After walking around the store for an hour I had picked up a few cute outfits consisting of shorts, jeans, tank tops, tee shirts, and a few skirts and dresses. Once I had the approval from Randy we went off into the next store and picked out a few cute heels, some flip flops and some cute boots. The second to last stop was Victoria Secrets where Randy picked out most of the bras and panties, which really didn't suprise me considering the fact that he's a guy. But, I also bought some shirts and pants there too. Finally, we went to a dress shop and picked out a few semi-fancy dresses for when Randy made me go out to dinner with him.
Randy's POV:
Today has been a great day. I enjoyed spending this time with Lex and I enjoyed it even more because I made it all about her and I knew she would appreciate that. As we left the mall, I knew she was exhausted so I stopped and picked up a pizza for us. When we got home, we silently at dinner at the kitchen table.
"Randy, I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for me today." Alexus said.
"It's no problem Lex. I enjoyed today. We actually got along, so I'm hoping that I'm beginning to prove my love for you." I said, getting up and putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Honestly Randy, I don't know how I feel anymore. I just need some time to get my thoughts together and figure everything out." Alexus replied. "I'm tired so I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight Randy."
"Goodnight Alexus." I replied, watching her as she walked up the stairs.
Alexus' POV:
Honestly, I had a good time with Randy today. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. But, I really need to get my feelings together and figure everything out. I also need to figure out why Adam hasn't tried to find me. Maybe I'll ask Randy about that tomorrow. After putting all of my clothes and stuff away, I finally fell into a deep sleep.
Randy's POV:
I'm glad Alexus had a good time today. But, she's probably wondering why Adam hasn't tried to find her. Maybe tomorrow I will tell her the truth about everything. She could either appreciate it or hate me even more for it. After showering, I climbed into bed thinking about how I was going to tell Alexus the truth.