Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 8

Randy's POV:
I woke up this morning in a great mood. Usually, I'm never a morning person so I'm always grouchy, but with Lex here, I can't help but be a happy person in the morning. Lex was still asleep so I decided to give Adam a call. Picking up the house phone I dialed his number and after five rings he finally picked up.
"What do you want Orton." Adam growled.
"Well, I figured you would want another update on how your sister is doing." I replied. "I took her out yesterday shopping, she got her hair and nails done, as well as a massage."
"Yeah, well guess what? I don't care! Honestly, I don't care anymore. You can do whatever you want with her." Adam answered hanging up the phone.
Hanging the phone back on the stand I punched the wall behind me. How could Adam be so cold about the wellbeing of his sister? Does he honestly not care about what happens to her anymore? I need to tell Lex the truth, but this will break her heart. How the hell am I supposed to tell her that her brother doesn't care about her anymore.
Alexus' POV:
I woke up that morning to a loud bang. I ran down the stairs wondering what happened. When I got into the living room, I saw Randy glaring at the wall which now had a hole in it.
"Randy?' I asked. "What happened?"
Randys eyes softening he looked at me and said "I'm sorry I woke you up Lex. I didn't mean too."
"It's fine Randy. What happened?" I questioned.
"Why don't you get changed and I'll make breakfast. We can talk about it then." Randy replied.
"Okay." I replied walking up the stairs and into the bedroom.
As I walked towards the closet wondering what could have gotten Randy so upset. I know he has a temper, but still, I wonder what set him off. After standing in front of the closet for 10 minutes I finally decided on a pair of light blue jean shorts, a purple tank top and a pair of white flip flops. Once I finished getting ready I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Randy's POV:
Once Alexus went upstairs to get ready, I sat there for a few minutes thinking about how I was going to tell her about her brother. I knew it was going to hurt her, but she needed to know. Finally, when I heard her coming back downstairs I got up and went to look for something to make for breakfast.
"Do you need any help Randy?" Alexus asked shyly.
"No thanks Lex. I'm almost done." I replied as I began putting the food on the plates. "What do you want to drink?"
"Coffee is fine." Alexus replied sitting down at the table.
"Here you go." I said as I brought the food over, then went and got the coffee.
"So, what pissed you off this morning?" Alexus asked as she began eating.
"Okay, I'll tell you cause I know you won't give up. But, what I'm going to tell you will upset you." I replied, looking at her.
"I can handle it Randy. Now what is it." Alexus said.
Putting down my fork, I began telling Alexus everything that has happened in the last few days. Including how her brother came up with the idea of me drugging her to get her here. By the time I finished explaining everything Alexus was in tears.
"So, you're telling me that my brother came up with the idea of you drugging me?" Alexus asked, confused.
"Yeah, and it gets worse. When this first began he wanted me to call him everyday and update him on how you were doing. But, when I called him this morning to update him, he acted like he didn't even care." I replied grabbing Alexus' hand. "I'm telling you this not because I want to upset you, but because you deserve to know. I'm always here when you need me Alexus. Just remember that"
"Thanks Randy. I appreciate you telling me and I'm glad that you did. I would have wanted to know. If you kept it from me longer, it would have hurt me more." Alexus replied, standing up and giving me a hug.
"No problem." I replied, hugging her back. "Why aren't you more suprised by this?"
"Because it's not the first time he's treated me badly. All of my life he's treated me like this. He's never wanted me to be happy. That's probably why he didn't have a problem with this plan. Because at first I really did hate you. But now I don't even know how I feel anymore. I'm so confused about all of this." Alexus replied.
"Well you have time to figure all of this out. But, tonight Raw is in St. Louis so I wanna go there, and you're coming with me." I said, putting the food and dishes away.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Alexus questioned nervously.
"Why wouldn't it be? Are you afriad of running into Adam?" I replied.
"Kind of. He's never really been the nicest person to me. And I don't want him doing anything to hurt you either." Alexus answered quietly.
"Don't worry Lex. I'll be with you the whole time so Adam won't do anything to hurt you. And I'd like to see him try and hurt me." I laughed, kissing her forehead. "Now, go finish getting ready we're going to leave in about a half hour. I wanna get there way before there early.
"Okay." Alexus replied, walking up the stairs.
Alexus' POV:
I quickly walked up the stairs to go finish getting ready. I really did not want to go to the arena with Randy. If Adam was there it was not going to end well. I was so nervous I could barely do my makeup because I couldn't stop shaking. But, I managed to get it done and walked back downstairs to meet Randy. Once we had everything we left for the arena. During the ride to the arena I couldn't stop shaking, so Randy grabbed my hand and held it. But, once we got to the arena the shaking just got worse.
"Randy, I don't think I can do this." I said, looking over to Randy.
"Lex, you will be fine. I promise. I won't let anything happen to you." Randy replied, letting go of my hand and stepping out of the car and walking over to my side.
Stepping out of the car when Randy opened the door I replied, "If you say so Randy."
Grabbing my hand again Randy and I began walking towards the arena. When we walked inside the first person we saw just happened to be Adam.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little slut herself and her new boy toy." Adam smirked.
"What is going on with you Adam? How am I a slut? And by the way, Randy told me everything. Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out you had something to do with this? I can't believe I'm related to a jackass like you!" I sneered.
"Yeah, well I can't believe I'm related to a slut like you." Adam laughed. "What happened to hating Orton?"
"You know what Adam, I'm not gonna stand here an let you talk to her like that! She is your sister and you WILL treat her with respect." Randy yelled, punching Adam in the face. "Come on Lex, let's get out of here."
The ride home was a quiet ride. I can't believe Randy punched Adam in the face for me. Maybe I should give him a chance. Once we got home we headed inside to watch the show.
"Randy, thanks for everything today. I really appreciate it." I replied hugging him.
"Lex, it was so problem." Randy replied, pulling me next to him on the couch as we began watching Raw.
Once the show was over I gave Randy one last hug and then headed up to bed. It's been a long day, and I passed out within minutes.
Randy's POV:
Alexus is finally showing her feelings. I'm so glad I'm making progress with her. But, I can't believe Adam would say that stuff about her. He left me no choice but to punch him in the face. But, tomorrow is a new day, so we'll see how tomorrow goes. After showering and changing I crawled into bed, exhausted.
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A/N: Well Adam is certainly changing for the worst. From here I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with him in the story. So, any suggestions wil be helpful! Thanks. ~Crystal.