Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 9

Randy's POV:
I was sleeping peacefully in the spare bedroom, when I get woken up by the obnoxious sound of the door bell.
"Who in the hell would be here this early in the morning?" I thought to myself as I got out of bed.
As I open the door I see "SLUT!" spray painted on the windshield of Alexus' car. That god damn prick Adam must have done this! That guy is just going to push me too far and he's going to regret it one way or another. But, before I can even do anything Alexus walks up behind me to see what's going on.
"Randy, what's going on?" Alexus asked walking towards the door.
"Nothing!" I quickly reply, shutting the door, not wanting her to see what happened.
"You're lying." She said, trying to get past me.
"Trust me Lex. You don't wanna go out there." I pleaded.
"Randy, what's the big deal?" Alexus asked slipping past me and out the door.
I follow her outside and can see her trying to hold back the tears. I hate seeing her like this. Adam is going to pay for all the pain he is causing her.
Alexus' POV:
The second randy shut the door and stood in front of it, I knew he was hiding something from me. He may be doing it to protect me, but I don't like people hiding things from me. The second I went out the door I was speechless. Someone, probably Adam, had spraypainted "SLUT!" on the windshield of my car. Now I know why Randy didn't want me to go outside. I guess now I can say I no longer have a brother. It's clear how Adam feels and that he wants nothing to do with me. I just don't understand what I did wrong. I mean doesn't Adam want me to be happy? I'm happy with Randy, so Adam should be happy for me.
"Lex? Are you okay?" Randy asked, wrapping his arms around me.
"I don't know anymore. What am I supposed to think of this? I mean, my own brother doing something like this?" I replied, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"It'll be okay Lex. I'll deal with Adam, you don't have to worry about a thing. Why don't you go inside and take a shower and get dressed. I'll wash this off of your car." Randy said giving me a kiss.
"Thanks Randy." I said walking into the house.
Adam's POV:
This is perfect! Lex is so upset. She needs to learn not to disobey me. From my spot in the bushes I watch as Randy scrubs the writing off of Alexus' windshield. However, neither of them realize this is just the beginning. I have just begun my brilliant plan. Now that this part is done, I believe it is time for me to go and work on the next part of my plan. Quickly I walk to my car and drive off to the hotel to plan the next part of my plan. Nothing will stop me from getting my way. When I'm determine, nothing stops me. Not even Randy Orton. I could beat him any time and any place.
Randy's POV:
That little prick Adam needs to pay. But, he is way too sneaky, I'm going to need some help on this. He wants to play dirty? Well guess what Adam, I can play just as dirty. I will make you regret the day you were born! Once I finish washing the paint of of Alexus' car, I head inside, shower and get changed.
"Hey Lex, I'm gonna head over to Cody's house for a little while. I need to find a way to get your jackass brother back for this little stunt he pulled." I said, taking my keys out of the bowl.
"Okay. Just please don't do anything stupid Randy." Alexus' said.
"I promise Lex. But he needs to learn that he can't mess with us and have no consequenses. I'll see you later." I replied, kissing her goodbye.
"Okay, bye." Alexus' said shutting the door behind me.
Alexus' POV:
God, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. I can't lose him. Adam is going to do everything in his power to keep me from being happy with Randy.
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Alexus' Car: