Status: one-shot

"Don't worry about it, Cry."


I swore to myself that if he said it this time, he'd be fucking dead. And guess what? He. Fucking. Said it.

"Don't worry about it, Cry."

"That's it!"

I set my controller aside, a low growl being ripped from my throat as I pounced on Pewdie. He gave quite the gasp, falling backward onto the couch as I placed my knees on either side of his slender hips. He tried - and failed - at pushing me off of him, and my hands found his wrists, gripping them tightly and pinning his hands above his head. I glared down into his crystal blue eyes, and I'll be fucked if they weren't twinkling like always. His lips curved into a wide, shit-eating grin and that simply added fuel to the fire. I tightened my hold on his wrists and he fucking laughed, wiggling his eyebrows in a way that really made me question exactly what it looked like I was doing.

"Well, well, well," he teased, a smug grin plastered to his face as he wiggled his hips beneath mine. "I always knew you wanted me."

I had never been more thankful for my mask than I was at that moment. My face turned all fifty shades of fucking red. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks before I shook it off, letting go of his hands and glancing to the side.

"In your fuckin' dreams, Pewds," I muttered quietly, rubbing my upper arm in discomfort. It wasn't until then that I noticed it. His crotch, whether he realized it or not, was pressed flush against mine. And he was fucking hard as a rock. My eyes widened and I quickly scampered backward, cowering into the complete other end of the couch. Pewdie's head tilted slightly and he blinked a few times.

"You okay, man?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice as he scooted closer to me. Not trusting my own voice, I nodded feverently, clearing my throat. He chuckled nervously, parting his lips to begin to speak before it finally hit him.

It was his turn to widen his eyes in terror, glancing down at his own crotch to notice the obvious bulge. His cheeks flushed of all color and I noticed the audible gulp as he swallowed nervously. The spark had left his eyes as they met mine once again, but then found something a little more to the south to focus on.


Not only was Pewdie pitching a fucking massive tent, but sure enough, I looked down to find myself with the same issue. That was when the silence was broken. He was actually fucking laughing at the situation, that smug grin back on his face. Pewdie covered his face, his whole body shaking with his laughter.

"Oh, well I'm glad you think this is fucking funny!" I frowned, kicking a foot forward to hit his knee. One hand left his face to cover his knee, and Pewdie fell forward, continuing to laugh until his face came crashing down between my thighs. A moment later, he lifted his head just enough to peek up at me from behind his messy, blonde hair. His ocean blue eyes had returned to their shiny state, and suddenly I wasn't so angry anymore. Something - I don't know what - but something about this felt right. And to be quite honest, I could get used to the sight of his head down there.

"Pewds?" I managed to speak the word quietly, my eyes remaining locked with his. He simply hummed in reply, hesitating a moment before crawling his way back up the couch until his body was hovering over mine. "Pewdie, what are you - "

He didn't let me finish the question, speaking those words that I fucking hated so much before lifting my mask away and pressing his lips to mine.

"Don't worry about it, Cry."
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been having too many PewDieCry feels lately.
