Even the Devil Wouldn't Recognize You

As he caressed his tickle-me-pink tongue onto my five inch member, the blood flowing through my fingers turned icy cold. Was this how it had felt to be raped? I felt like I was deprived of everything. My dignity, my integrity, my soul. But the worst part is... I had asked for this. The impending curiosity. What would it be like? How would it be if? No, this is not what I wanted. No, this is not what I thought. He was controlling me. He implemented his homosexual thoughts into me. I felt so icky, almost like I could never look at him the same way again. But he pressured me. Those two were going at it, as he slugged his hand down his pants, progressively stroking back and forth. I just had to look away. But I kept looking. It was like watching a train wreck. It's so erratic and horrific, but yet you keep looking. Then his mouth was tethered to his sex organ. It was so sensual and passionate, you almost thought they were lovers. Except he was as traumatized as I was. The look in his eyes, the instantaneous fear, it was beyond repair.

This story isn't about the other kid that got his dick sucked, it's about who sucked it. We weren't in an alley, there weren't any hobos asking for favors. It was in that other kid's room. And it wasn't a hobo asking for favors... it was my best friend.

It was September 8, 2009. Lanky, hunch-backed, fucks-could-give 6'3 tall dude. That's me! Anyway, it was the first day of school, 7th to be exact. My science teacher was assigning locker partners. Oh fuck me. I hope I don't get this loser. Square-rimmed glasses, hair so greasy it probably had a funky ass odor to it, and he just had this really obnoxious look on his face, like he just didn't belong. You guys aren't fucking idiots, it doesn't take an idiot to find out he was my locker partner and that he was my dick sucker, but just hold onto your asses you impatient fucks.

So we were pretty much locker buddies. I would give you a drawn-out dissertation on the nostalgic scenario, but if I did, I would be a liar. I don't remember shit on the first day other than my locker buddy and that I fucking hated him. Well, we pretty much just went our separate ways that day. No questions asked.

Flash forward to the next day. I was pretty fucking tired. I got a shitload of sleep, but I was one lazy fuck. I got dressed and ready, and I was headed towards the front door. It was my locker buddy. Yeah, we'll stick to that. Dick sucker just takes you out of the time zone. But anyway, bet you didn't see that coming. He was right at the front door. But I knew someone was at the door. My mother told me after I got my shit together, but if I told you that, you would've probably guessed it.

"Have these", locker buddy had two Rice Krispes treats in his hand. Oh how fucking nice. I still thought he was off his rocker, but he had a good heart. His sister was there as well. I took them. I don't like Rice Krispes, but I took them. "So how many girlfriends have you had?" asked locker buddy. As a little shit, I didn't lie. I had none. Plain as day. So I answered honestly, nada. "Oh well I've had four. One time, we made out on this one girl's parent's bed. It was really hot. For the other girl, she saw my dick and she thought it was nice." I gotta admit, I was jelly. Greasy-haired bitch got some action, but still, I was a young squat, I didn't want one of those icky relationships.

After a while once we got at school, nothing fucking happened. We just talked casually, nothing much, until one day he asked me "Hey can we swing by your place?". I never really had a play date before. Let alone a guy. I'm not a fruit basket either. I fucking love girls. But I don't judge on gays or bis. The reason why I've never hung out with a guy is because I never liked my own kind. Sports, video games, I thought that shit was for assholes. Oh I'm so fucking cool, I can shoot from a free throw line. The ladies love me. Yuck.

We played b-ball in my backyard ironically though, but not really. We tossed around the ball like faggots. After we did that, he pretty much talked ostracized black women, but not in a negative way. Just the ghetto ones. "Qurl Tyrone be sleeping with Fonisha". I ate up that shit. It was funny.

Flash forward a week later. School. School. School. Weekend! Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Him, his sister, and I went to the movies to see "When in Rome". During the previews, he belted out "YOU KNOW WHAT VIAGRA IS RIGHT?". I thought it was funny... and so did the audience. It died down for a while. During a near-sex scene, he shielded his face. Hey! I did that too. Our mothers trained us well I guess haha. Don't be lookin' at some smex! Well, we stopped.

After the movie, we played some mini golf. How exciting right? Well, it's funny, he kept yapping about the fucking movies. Movies. Movies. Movies. How did he get laid? Well not laid, just some spit sharing. It's funny because he hit the ball so hard it actually went over the next fence. And another thing, he'd also be a cheater cheater pumpkin eater. "Steven, don't record my score"! He'd Chris Brown that shit with his golf club until it made it in the hole. We ate some pizza and left home.

Okay weekend, weekend, school day. It was.. ah fuck I forget. Sometime in mid-September. We finally got arranged seating. Of course I sat next to my locker buddy, but I had my eye on this one girl. Hazel, easy-going eyes, peacock-like hair, and the cutest nabby nose. I had a crush on her. But that's not the best part about my school year. It was about this psychotic bitch. A few months later, this bitch cyberbullied me, printed records of me, accused me of identity theft, threatened to get the police on me. This bitch was my crush. Yeah, you think that's shocking? Chapter 2 please.