Even the Devil Wouldn't Recognize You

Chapter 8: Final Draft (Birthday Letter)

Dear Loc Huu Nguyen,

It wasn't even the third week into school and already some dumbass almost gets kicked out of lab. God... what's this dumbass' name? Well... the next day after I see him in the hallway after third. Brief nod, saw him a few times in the lunchroom in the mornings, no big deal. When I went home after this day, I had lost my closest friends. Of course they weren't "lost", but, I decided to end it. The feeling of betrayal. It hurt. I used to have a best friend.

He was a like a brother to me. Four years, it was all gone. He envied my newest friends, my school, and me dating his "girl" which it never really was. I couldn't sleep, every dream was a nightmare. My friends (the ones that still had my back) told me to pray. Well, I haven't done that in a while, never was the religious type, but so I did.

Every night... I prayed to feel better. All my friends... my close ones... all turned on me. My brother. Gone. After a while, I'd say hey to the same dumbass in the hallway. Well the next morning after, I couldn't sit with the girl I sat with everyday in the morning. She was a traitor. The guy, yes, he's a close friend that didn't betray me. Well... she was sitting with him and of course I'm neglected.

I see the same kid I ran into in the hallways, the same dumbass almost getting kicked out of lab. Still don't know his name. Next day in class, he gets called on in class. THAT's his name? It's something you hang onto a door. The morning after, I just left the girl with my friend, I went to ask the kid I bumped into in the hallways in the lunchroom (in the mornings), "Hey do we have any homework?" For about two weeks, I'd just awkwardly leave after asking. I wouldn't know what to say. I remember running into him after first period. What do you have second? "Mr. P... something haha."

After awhile, I decided just to sit in the lunchroom. I hated that backstabbing bitch. I could never go back there. "SHA-NELL". That's how he pronounced our teacher's name. "Can I try some of that?" "Got gum?". He'd always ask me for food or gum or something haha. Well after a while, we had our laughs, we talked about God knows what. After a while, one day, I walked him to the bus stop. "Is this like an interview or something?". I bothered him with so many questions. Hell, I annoy him to this day. I have a big mouth. I'm loud. I'm obnoxious. But wait... the entire I was searching for my brother... when he was right in front of me the entire time. Maybe praying works.

Talking about hot girls, cars, games, laughing like idiots, feeling good around your friends, being annoyed by them sometimes; that's what brothers do. For one, I felt happy. Those people that betrayed me didn't matter.

And that brother... is you dude. I can't thank you enough for being there for me. To trust someone as much I trust you... and to call someone a brother... like almost like a part of you, takes a lot, but it's worth taking a lot to make such a bold statement, because you deserve every bit of that statement. I know I bother you, I know I'm difficult, and you bare with me. You inspired me in so many ways to just be myself and just let the people who aren't your friends just slide by. You seriously saved me in so many ways. And you gotta admit, you have one cool friend. I always help you with homework, I get you headphones haha, I give you my food, I'm always here for you. Hell, I'm writing this haha. Well Lockster, I hope you have a happy seventeen. You deserve every second of an awesome day. Here's to the brother I've always wished I had, I have 2 sisters, what can I say? Haha. And here's to the best friend I've always wanted to never betrayed me. ~Thanks for everything, and here's to great times. Happy Birthday Loc~~