Even the Devil Wouldn't Recognize You

Chapter 9.25: "I" WIN

You know what's the biggest bullshit you're going to be told in your life? To keep it all together, to love everyone, and whatever you do, if you don't have something nice to say- to not say it at all. BULL. FUCKING. SHIT.

I've had it with this SHIT. I've fucking HAD it. I'm tired of being fucked stepped around like a fucking doormat. I've HAD being waited on like how when you go to the doctor and she makes you fill in this FUCKING list and there's about 30 effin' signatures on it. THAT. FUCKING feeling.

You know what it annoys the most? Being taken as a fucking joke. When I say what's on my mind or I have something to say, I'm always taken aback. FUCK YOU.

To my friend who I wrote that letter to, how fucking DARE you tell how "fruity", or how when I say something, it's "homo". So you can't LOVE your friends? You can't LOVE being a friend. You can't even say love. You can't GROW with them. You can't SHARE stories. Oh... so it's all "weird".

Well let me tell you something mister. This "weird" person sat with you everyday so you wouldn't sit alone. This "weird" person gave you the fucking headphones you couldn't even fucking afford. This "weird" person has helped you with homework or whatever the fuck you needed. This "weird" person... wait... hold for the weird part... actually wants to actually be something in your life?

Hold the phone folks. I would KILL to have someone come up to me and say "you know. I wanna be your true friend." Everyone in high school, do they care about you? Do they REALLY? If you were to float off the face of the Earth; would they care? No, I didn't FUCKING think so.

You know, you don't have to FUCKING live in the moment. What if someone did that to you huh? What if someone just kicked you while you were down and said "well I live in the moment". Might as well just take a big shit on my face and let me lick it off.

And you know what; that letter; that letter meant everything. And I was going through some shit. And you should be HONORED you even have someone that gives two shits about you. Because anyone can just do some hanky panky handshake and tell you it's alright and how awesome you are, but not me. I actually TELL you what's up and how I feel and I'm actually there for you. How many people can you say that for?

I'm done with limiting my inhabitions. I'm done fighting all these inner-demons. I'm done fighting with everyone. Just FUCK. YOU. You never care and you never will. But you know the part that makes it worse? At the end of the day; this won't mean SHIT to you. When I sit down and take a shit in my toilet; the turd floating around probably gives more fucks than you do.

You never wanna tell me about your fucking last relationship. Maybe it was ruined because you never learn how to FUCKING take people seriously. You treat them like a punchline of your last joke. So I hope that wasn't "weird" or "homo" for you.