Even the Devil Wouldn't Recognize You

Chapter 4: The devil's slut was born

I didn't dislike. I didn't hate. I didn't loathe. NO word could describe my manifesting anger. The smoke coming out of my ears, the internal fire, all these colliding inner-demons. Not even "Love thy neighbor" phased me. I DESPISED her boyfriend. Despised is quite an understatement.

"He wants to be beat you up. He keeps threatening" as she giggled. Then, protruded with a qualm of silence. "Well he just wants to protect me, that's fine though. Like, you have to understand I'll always place him higher than you". My range, it was like I wanted to bench 500 pounds and smash each one into her skull and use my elongated, muscular arms and punch her, square in her noggin. Him? Pfft. He'd be a goner already. "Well... that's just how it works, maybe you should get a girlfriend. My boyfriend will find you one." Maybe I don't wanna be a little whore like you are. Maybe I don't fucking need to date EVERYBODY just because I feel sad and lonely. My ex went, what, a week without someone and she was fucking crying? Bitch, I've went more than a YEAR without someone and I'm mentally and socially stronger than you will EVER be, whilst in a relationship.

"He says he doesn't like you", she said as she chuckled. You think it's funny? Whenever I bring up someone that doesn't fucking like you, you don't let it go like I do, you fucking make me feel like SHIT saying it. She thinks it's all giddy giddy, well guess what... you treat me like a joke, I'll fucking leave you like it's funny, but I have more class than your ass does. Days, even WEEKS go by, no text. No call. No message. I decide to be the more grown-up person.

"Hey, what happened?". "Oh sorry, I forgot about you", she giggled. When confronted about the issue, what do I get? "Well I'm sorry, but he's just more important. You're so boring". That's it I snapped. "Listen, I don't need a fucking girlfriend. I don't need somebody to lean on my shoulder and solve all my problems. I have myself to do that. Second, I don't really fucking appreciate your boyfriend thinking his shit don't stink. He wants to beat me up, let him have it. That's right, he won't even say it to my face? Whatever. I can give two fucks. You won't even stand up from him because he's your boyfriend. That's the ONLY reason. You don't wanna lose him? Fine, but you might lose me. I'm sick of your little bullshit with your boyfriend. Maybe if you didn't talk about him so fucking much and saying all this little shit that comes from his mouth, maybe, just MAYBE, I might actually like him."

"Well, he's going through a lot. Be more considerate". I fucking HATE when people use this shit on me like as if they were reciting a line from a play. I could give TWO shits. If you can't fucking respect me regardless, then FUCK. YOU. I said "Listen, I personally don't care. You don't respect me, I don't FUCKING respect you." She stayed quiet and unsettled. I personally didn't give two shits.

Detail-by-detail, I had to regurgitate her shit-infested stories. "And then, he felt my boobs and he likes to touch them and make out with me a lot. It's called compassion." Do. I. Look. Like. I. Fucking. Care. And whilst this information, she STILL thought I cared when I didn't. "We went to see a movie and then he just started sticking his tongue in his mouth". Why don't you go fucking tell this to your dad? Let's see how he'll like these stories.

"I just don't get why they call me a slut?" Hmm, LET ME SEE. Well A) you let guys feel you around like there's no tomorrow and let them whistle and make suggestive remarks at you like you're some piece of property, B) You date guys like they're candy you can just eat, piece by piece, wrapper by wrapper. C) You tell me all the slutty things you do and how you constantly make out, guy after guy, guy after guy.

Not to be mean, but I'm glad this trainwreck of ours ended. THANK. THE. LORD. I don't need no slut in my life. Who knows what she could've done? Cheated, given me a disease, the lists are endless. I actually feel sorry for myself in engaging anything sexual with her. Now she just has slut written on her face.

I'm sorry Mr. I'm-Her-Boyfriend-And-I-Hate-Your-Ex. You tell me to go cry about it and get friends? Tell me how it goes for you in a school of 4,000+ friends. I have more friends than 100 fingers you can count on asswipe. You tell my ex-girlfriend, she should quit me like I quit her. Um yeah, because CLEARLY just because you guys are ex's means you guys SHOULDN'T be friends. If anything, she should quit YOUR ass for even having such a stupid ass rational.

Dear Ex, for once, can you stop telling me your stupid fucking gossip? Would it KILL you? Do you know how STUPID it is hearing "wow so and so said this about you, wow so and so doesn't like you". I really don't do that shit to you, so don't fucking do it to me. "Oh my god, so and so did this to me". Would it KILL you to be single? Maybe if you weren't such a whore, you would GET decent grades, NOT lose your parents trust, and you can for once have common sense. A) Shut up with your fucking gossip. B) LEAVE me out of your slutty details and everyone else. It's an A+B relationship, not the entire fucking alphabet. C) You're only fucking 14. Slow your fucking role. When I started out being 14, I was collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards and watching movies, not fucking pampering myself with pussy and ass (well, in your case, dick and ass).

Dear lord, forgive me for saying this, but for my ex, PLEASE, just PLEASE for once, I want you to be single for a LONG. ASS. TIME. For once, can you NOT be a drama infested little bitch. For once, can you actually SHOW me you care, unlike comparing me to your asshole friends or boyfriends or whatever the like? If I didn't have you in my life, my life would be a lot easier actually. If you don't do this to anybody else, WHY do you do it to me? You hate that I point the finger, then fucking stop with your stupid ass habits. Leave the drama and your slutty affairs alone? Maybe you'll actually get decent grades and you won't be such a fucking hot mess. Thank you and have a nice day! (: