Even the Devil Wouldn't Recognize You

Chapter 6.25: The Devil has a weak spot

It didn't take me days. Not even weeks. Months is pushing it. That's right. It took HALF. A. YEAR. But I made it through. I could sleep. I got better at homework. My parents were proud of me for once. No more lies. No more gossip. I felt like I had the world in the palm of my hands. It was this incredible, possessive feeling, but in the best way possible. I finally felt that happiness I had once felt such a long, LONG time ago.

I was closer to my ex girlfriend. We were pretty much brother and sister. Every phone call, it was her. Every hang around, yep, her too. There was literally no boundary. Any secret, any thought. It entered in her. Most importantly: It felt good to know the relationship with my mortal enemy was incoherent. Texts, instant messages, sure. The occasional call or hangout? Not in the slightest. I felt bad for her, but in a way, she needed to see what I saw.

Everything was going fine and dandy until... her boyfriend. I arrive at her house on a Saturday evening, "Yeah... haha... oh" She says while she presses her finger against her lips. She shushes me out of the room. I'm a bit hesitant at first and then she just shuts me out entirely.

"Oh.. who was that?" I said as she got off the phone with her boyfriend. "Oh that was my boyfriend. Yeah good thing you didn't talk." "Why?" "Yeah he really doesn't like you" she said as she giggled.

After that we went for a walk, those comments, it just sunk in and I absorbed every word like a sponge absorbs water. We retreated back to her place and saw a movie. While during our day she mentions a movie date. "Wanna go see that new movie?" "Oh, who's going?" "Yeah my boyfriend, so it's probably not a good idea. Never mind."

You know what I hate? When you are fucking PISSED. OFF. and then you have to act like everything's ok. But I shut up and I did it.

As we were at her house, she caught up. "Hey, you're not talking what's wrong?". "We'll take this outside." At first she was met with hesitation, but she later complied.

"Would it kill you to fucking leave me alone with your stupid boyfriend shit?" "We're NOT gonna break up. That's NOT going to happen". "Listen you little dumb bitch, I fucking know you guys aren't breaking up. I'm not saying that, but is it really necessary to keep saying oh haha, he haha, doesn't haha, like you, haha." "Well he doesn't?" "And, it's not necessary" "Wow, you make the biggest arguments out of something real stupid. Who gives a fuck" "The time I told you someone didn't like you, you were swearing up a storm, and this is one time, this is 24/7 for me. Stop being such a fucking liar. Out of everyone, you spell out I. CARE.". "Um, life sucks. Shit just happens." "Yeah, so leave me out of it."

"You don't even know what he's going through".
"You say that all the fucking time? What, if he fucking murdered someone, oh, you don't understand him. STOP defending him JUST because he's your boyfriend."
"Um, he will always be first on top. That's why I don't tell you things."
"I have a right to know since after all, you drag me into your fucking problems."
"Um no, I don't have to tell you. I don't feel comfortable."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well just..."
"I'm going home".

Her mom gave me a ride back and that was the end of it. I was tired of constantly being reminded of her boyfriend not liking me. Like I fucking don't know? And the time he told me to cry about it and get some friends. And he wants to fight me? I have, what... a school of 4,000+ kids and 100+ kids I know at different schools. He goes to... what? A school of 100+ kids and some kids he knows from different schools. And crying about it, yeah because you're such a big fucking baby you can't accept the truth you just need to leave people the fuck alone.

I pulled the plug entirely. Everyone changed. My ex-best friend. My ex-girlfriend. I felt my life was a joke. All those childhood memories? Gone. Ironically enough, as soon as I pulled the plug, I felt this feeling like I was rising. It was indescribable. No more having to compete with her boyfriend. No more having to hear her stupid stories with my moral enemy. No more stupid gossip shit she spread about the false things people say about me. I was in pure bliss.

I felt bad at first because she has a lot going on already, but she uses that excuse so often... that I really just don't fucking care anymore. And the "excuses" she brings up, she causes on herself. Bad grades? Maybe if you would stop trying to pick up every guy you see, maybe your grades would get better. You're tired of being labeled a slut? Stop acting like one. You're tired of your parents losing trust in you? Stop acting like you're 17 years when you're only 14.

I just don't know why everyone had to change. My ex-best friend turned into a back-stabbing, competitive-seeking, sexuality-confused little cunt. My ex-girlfriend turned out to be an outright whore. And these were my best friends. It makes me sad, but I was glad it was all over. Well, glad it IS all over.