Even the Devil Wouldn't Recognize You

Chapter 7: The devil loses Round One

We got closer, and closer, and closer. We bonded more, we talked more, nothing felt weird. Nothing felt wrong. Everything just felt so right. Why did I just discover this feeling of having a new friend until now? All seriousness was aside, we just had pure-bliss. Sometimes, friendships don't have to be poetic and all deep, a few chuckles can go afar. No more stakes to raise. Everything would just take its course.

I was reviewing my chemistry notes. For once, it wasn't just for him, it was for me too. Soon enough, I had been inclined in progressing for myself. My phone rang. But it wasn't just the annoying "vroom" when you get an e-mail or text notification, someone was calling. I looked at the phone. It was my ex.

I was hesitant to picking up. What if this was her angry boyfriend? What if this was her friend trying to cover up as her? In any scenario, it wasn't worth the risk. I texted her. I was intrigued, but not to the upmost degree. "Um.. you called?". "Yeah, I miss us not being friends. It hurts a lot."

For once, it felt good to have the other person on the receiving end, not just me all the time. "When do you wanna talk?". "Well... in person". The next night, I didn't go over to her house. Rather, I just had her call me.

We talked for a little bit, not too long, not too sudden; it was just right. She pretty confessed on how she got her relationship too involved, if you can even call it that. She said she got closer to people and really thought about what she thought about. That's great... but in all honesty, I didn't care anymore. She caused it, not me. I was done trying. It's not like giving someone a second chance, it's probably the billionth time.

She ended with "Well, I'm exciting to see where this is gonna take us." I felt a little guilt inside. Had I led her on? I was done being the worry wart. I was done playing these games with myself. Whenever I felt like texting her, I'd do so. Friendship shouldn't be on a waiting list, but it shouldn't feel forced either. It's sad it had to begin like this, but she carved this path for herself, not I.

That night, I felt awkward. It felt weird to have someone care that much about me, to text me back, but whatever. The next day, I finally decided to tell my friend that hung out with my grammar school friend everything I felt. She understood and same scenario, she was excited for what was to come.

It's actually a funny story, her boyfriend came up to me and said "You Steven right?". "Uhh yeah", I looked puzzled. *sticks out left hand* "Nice to meet you". I accepted it, "Uhh thanks." I guess I was of some importance to my friend still.

I felt fulfilled, but not quite. It certainly didn't help the girl I actually thought I had a shot at, again, led me on and pretty much just hung me right there. Girls suck, but they still look nice I guess. This year (for me) probably will be about friendship. I don't see myself being the "gamer" boy and getting all that action. I just see myself trying to... find other myself's. But I kind of liked it this way.