Status: Erratic updates, but please coments and I'll do my best to update

The Blessing and the Blessed

I Actually Like the Albatross

"I don't think I know the dance being performed. What be it about?" Spades asked in the middle of the feast. He was head of the table since he basically owned the town.
"Do you know the history, Al?" Madam Clear asked.
"It be about where the superstition about the albatross come from, correct?" I replied after a sip of my drink.
"Correct, continue." She gestured and sat back.
"Um, well. It starts off with a lone male dancer, the Mariner, and he be working on his ship. The female, or Albatross, flies in and they dance together, symbolizing the original interaction and good feelings that were between the two. However, during the dance the Albatross falls onto the 'ground' dead and the Mariner dances around in frustration and chaotic, symbolizing the misfortune he brought on himself by killing the bird that once brought good luck. Then the Albatross rises, dances around once, and leaves. He goes to the next Mariner, they interact symbolizing penance, and the dance starts again. Work on the ship, dance with their bird, death of the birds, chaos and, and finally rise of the birds. The new Mariner gets a person and it all repeats until the last Mariner is ushered in. When the last one starts dancing, a new part is added where instead of the Albatross dying, they continue to dance as one. It's suppose to symbolize the end of killing the Albatrosses."
"Very good, Al. You basically got all of the dance summarized." Madam Clear nodded.
"But isn't dat just a legend and the Albatross a carse?" Ace asked.
"If you read the original legend, you will find that the Albatross was suppose to bring good luck for sailors, but by killing it the man was wrought with misfortune."
"I still don't be trust 'em. I know too many who've had bad luck with 'em around." Spades commented. I said nothing as I thought quietly about how I was quiet fond of the birds. We talked some more before the feast came to an end and we were once again released to do as we pleased.
"So do ye believe in that superstition?" Spades asked as he lounged in a chair with a woman on his lap.
"Albatross be bad luck." Ace replied before kissing a pretty brunette.
"They be like women, not meant to be on a ship." Nicoli replied.
The rest of the crew replied in a similar manner. Then all looked at me expectantly. "Ah, well, I've felt nothing ill from them so i can't be judging. Plus I've not been sailing as long as all of ye."
"Maybe they be the reason ye have amnesia." Spades commented. Upon hearing it, my mind went blank like I was trying to remember something. My eyes glazed over as I remembered nothing. "Al?" A trace of concern was evident in Spades' voice.
"What? Sorry." I shook my head to clear it of the fogginess. "Possibly, but I don't recall. Excuse me." I weaved through the crowd to Madam Clear.
"Follow me." I did as I was told and we met up with six other men and women. The men were dressed in regular attire, while the women wore white dresses with black tipped sleeves.
"Does everyone know what to do?" A tall older man asked. Everyone nodded. "Alright, to your places." Madam Clear took my sleeve and dragged me into position. The dancers circled around the huge unlit bonfire and waited for the dance to start.
The man on my left memorized my face and clothes before turning to his partner. "Relax, Al. You can do this." Madam Clear lightly scolded and I gave a sharp nod. Not soon after, the bonfire was lit and the crowd started to gather.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha Spades was concerned for Al.
Sorry it's taken so long to put this chapter out, I've been working on my other story. And if in any chapters there is a missing -g or -b I'm sorry about that, those keys are missing. But enjoy the chapter and please comment. Cheers!