Status: Erratic updates, but please coments and I'll do my best to update

The Blessing and the Blessed

Not that Useless

I stayed hidden as my crew mates fought the navy scum. I felt useless, but I was not ready to fight since I would probably do more harm than good. I busied myself with a self appointed mission. I grabbed a giant burlap sack and crept over to the enemy ship undetected. I figured the layout could not be that different from our own, so I headed straight to the kitchen area. Once there I filled the bag with food, water, and coffee; lots of coffee. "Captain better appreciate this after what happened this morning." I muttered to myself and topped off the bag with fruit that had not gone bad.
"What are you doing there?" I turned to see a man in a white long coat coming at me.
"Oh, nothing. Just admiring the kitchen." I replied, dropped the bag, and started running. He chased me around the kitchen until I jumped on a table and picked up an iron pan. With a loud CLANG, he froze for a second and then dropped. I sighed in relief and walked over to my bag of goods. I slung it over my shoulder and then heard noises coming my way. "And that be my cue to leave... quickly." I scurried up the stairs only to pause at a staircase leading down. "What be this?" I looked around, placed my bag down again, and went below.
I grinned at what I found and sabotaged the place. Once satisfied, I hurried back up on deck to see that the dogs were being pushed back onto their ship. After looking around, I found some rope and swung back to The Scourge. I deposited the bag safely below deck and went to find Captain Spades.
He was fighting the Navy Captain when I found him. I went up beside him, "Captain."
"Not now, Al." He said through clenched jaws. "I be busy."
"I just suggest we ditch them sooner rather than later." I sniffed the air. "A mighty storm be approaching that we can leave in our wake if we leave now."
He gave a sharp nod and whistled, "BOYS!" The crew immediately pounded the navy back onto their ship and we disconnected from them. Those who tried to swing back got a bloody bullet in their gut or worse.
"Release the sails!" Spades shouted and everyone got into a seamless motion of preparing the ship to move as fast as possible. "Al, with me." He went straight to the wheel and I stood next to him.
"The storm be coming from the West. Head South East and we'll miss most if not all of it. The water may get choppy, but nothing more." I continued to instruct him on where to go until we were both sure the ship was safe. He shooed me to do other chores.
By now the crew was too awake to go back to sleep, so once everything was done they lounged around the deck. I came out and served everyone some coffee. "What happened to the piss water you gave me yesterday?" Captain asked. He was in a light mood since we defeated the dogs and escaped a storm. "This actually taste like coffee."
"It be coffee, Captain. You be lucky the navy be gracious enough to share with us, or you be drinking the same watered down coffee as before." I gave the second to last cup to Lions and turned to find the crew staring at me. "What?"
"This be navy coffee?"
"Well, ours now. I stocked up on as much food, water, and coffee as I could fit in a sack. They musta just come from port. I got some might fine looking food." Everyone remained quiet and it made me uncomfortable. "What now?"
Suddenly Ace burst into a fit. "Only ye'd steal food from de dogs while de rest ov us be fightin' 'em!"
I looked down and replied, "I aint be a fighter, so I thought the least I could do was not have us starve."
"Ye be alright, Al." Ace whacked my back and everyone joined in the laughter. I smiled and bowed out of the laughter.
"One ding I don't understand." Lions thought aloud. Everyone turned to look at him. "Why didn't de dogs follow us? We moved fast, but dey didn't move." A ripple of curiosity went through the group.
"Ah, that be my doing." Once again all eyes were on me. "I cut the rudder cable and broke most of the paddles. They aint going nowhere unless they can manipulate the sails."
Laughter broke out among the crew again. Ace slung an arm around my shoulders, "Ye neva cease ta amaze me. Ye may suck at fightin', but 'ehind de fence, ye reek 'avoc." He hit my back with more force than last and wandered to the his seat. He picked up his mug and toasted, "To Al, for showin' 'ose dogs 'ose boss!" Everyone toasted, even the Captain silently raised his cup to me. Embarrassed, I bowed my head and quietly went to leave.
"Where ye going?" Captain asked. His eyes lazily on me.
"To give coffee to Doc and to try to sleep. Haven't had any in a day and a half." Captain gave a nod and with his hand dismissed me.
I knocked on Doc's door. "Come in." I entered to see him reading. He was a middle aged man with greying short black hair and all seeing brown eyes. "What brings ye here, Al?"
"Coffee if you want some. And I mean real coffee, not the watered down kind." I placed the cup next to him.
"Special occasion?" He inquired.
"Nay dogs being generous." I grinned. He laughed, understanding immediately what I meant. I said good-night and passed out on my hammock.
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Since dropping physics (which I'm kinda sad I did) I should have more time to update my stories, YAY! please comment so I know how you are liking the story. Cheers!