Status: Active.

Living a Million Miles an Hour

Benjamin Paul Bruce.

"Ben?" I grabbed the males attention as I entered the kitchen. I looked around, he was by himself and he was just staring out the window. He redirected his gaze and stared at me softly with an expression of lonesomeness. He raised a single questionable brow provoking me to continue on with my question. "Do you know where Sam and Cameron are?"

I had been back from the laundry and after looking around briefly I noticed the two I need to talk to too were gone.
"They went grocery shopping." Ben stated apathetically

"Just my luck." I muttered and scoffed

"Why do you care?" Ben titled his head in slight concern despite the way he had just deadpanned the question he had asked me.

Before I could even respond Danny sauntered in to the kitchen. His eyes narrowed on me. He sighed at me then look at his friend "Why is she still here?" He asked. Ben shrugged and went back at staring out the window.

"I'm not deaf or dumb so stop treating me like it, Danny."

Danny scoffed and looked at me up and down "I've done nothing of the sort."

"You keep talking about me like I'm not standing right in front of you. What's your problem?"

"I'm perfectly fine, sweetheart. You seem very sensitive though."

"It's his personality, Reneé." Ben said in a boring tone to his voice. I was surprised. It was the first time he had said my name since the day we met. I didn't think he cared enough to remember it "If you're going to be around here your gonna have to get used to it."

"You remember my name?"

"As much as Cameron and Sam talks about you It's hard not too." Ben said with some emotion this time. He stepped away from the window and left the kitchen.

"They talk about me?" I asked Danny trying to contain my happiness. I wasn't sure why, but knowing those boys care about me put me in to a good mood.

"Um, yeah." Danny scratched the back of his head "So does James from time to time."

"What do they say?"

"Psh, I don't fucking know. I don't really care either." Danny rolled his eyes. "Anyways, our album is almost done. I'm doing vocals all next week and the rest of the band and our crew are going to be very busy getting ready for the releasing and tour."

"Okay?" I say not sure what Danny was trying say.

"Basically, we don't need any distractions from getting our work done, meaning you."

"Me? I'm a distraction?"

"Yeah, I don't need another one of mates taking off on a two day road trip with you just 'cause they feel like it." Danny said and started walking away but I wasn't finish with him. He couldn't just insult me then walk away.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault okay! Cameron tricked me in to that trip and we were supposed be back that night but it was storming." I say walking after him.

"Oh really?" Danny stops in his tracks in the middle of the living room to turn to look at me.

"Yes! And I am not a distraction." I say defensively and I cross my arms.

"But your not a help."

"I'm fixing the washing machine aren't I?"

"It appears your arguing with me for no reason."

"I'm not arguing. Neither of us are raising our voices. I'm simply defending myself." I say matter of factly.

"So what if you fix the machine? It doesn't help us in anyway really."

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Going home would be nice." I clenched my teeth. Why did I even bother talking to the guy? He was never going to be nice to me. I didn't even know why I tried. "Bye then" he said before continuing on his stride in the opposite direction. I stood there like a fool for a few moments. It was clear I was unwanted so I began to leave.

"Hey Reneé! Where are you going?" James said

'I'm going home!" I say opening and slamming the door behind me. I was at their mailbox when I felt familiar large calloused hands grab my waist.

"What's wrong?" James baritone voice caressed my ear as he spoke softly. And just like earlier, my inner flames dyed and somehow I was okay again. He had a weird docile effect on me. As much as I loved it, I hated it at the same time. The feelings were great. I hadn't felt like that in a very long time. But I also didn't like knowing a man had such a powerful effect on me. Even more so, I barely knew James!

"Danny is being a dick." I murmured I let my head fall back landing on his chest, I put my hand on his that was still securely on my hips.

He chuckled lightly, it tickled my ear "What else is knew? Baby, don't take anything he says to heart. He talks a lot of shit."

"I know," I say untangling myself from the man's grasp. "I'm sorry" I apologize lamely.

"It's alright." He smiles. It the first time I noticed that his teeth were absolutely perfect and his smile was brilliant. "So, are we going to start working on fixing the washer?"

"Yeah, of course." I say tearing my gaze from James' beautiful mouth. "Um, does Joey keep any tools around here?"

"I'm not sure honestly. But there is a shed out back. Would you like to check it out?"

I nod and James leads the way. On the back of the property there was about an acre of land and one small white shed was placed in the furthest corner of it all.

Inside was dusty and musty. I began looking for tools. On the shelves were many spare instrument parts but no actual tools were visible.

"Have I told you how much I like your hair?" James questioned wrapping a strand of my brown hair curl in his finger.

"Um, no?" I asked getting nervous. I started to regret coming in to the shed with James. Knowing how his mood could change dramatically with the drop of a hat. The shed was secluded and far away from the house so that know one could her our screams. I was panicking on the inside but I kept my cool as best I could on the outside. I moved to the other side of the shed and looked through some boxes. "Ah, finally!"


"I found some tools" I say triumphantly picking up the small tool box. "They aren't the best but they can work." I told him stepping out the shed

"Oh and grab that rope, James, please?" I pointed

"So, you're good at fixing things, huh?" James says as we walk across the backyard towards the house.

"I'm alright, but my dad was the handyman. He can fix anything"

"Wow, those shorts look damn good on you." James complimented from behind me while I was walking up the steps of the back patio. He felt the hem of the denim

"James!" I swatted his hand away "Thanks, Cameron brought them for me."

"Oh he did?" James said with a hint of disgust.

"Yeah, when we went to the beach."

"We should go out somewhere" James suggested as we stepped in to the laundry room.

"I can't." I denied the request. I honestly would have spending time with James but I remembered what Danny had told me.

"Why not?"

"Because that's what Danny and I were talking about. I'm a distraction! You guys need to focus on your album"

I hated admitting it just as much as I had to agree Danny was right. This wasn't my place to be. But I missed my friends back home so much and I hated living with my grandmother (nothing against her personally. She was awesome once I got to know her and the best cook it just I missed my old place.) It was just when I spent time with one of the guys all my worries went away. I didn't think about my living situation, my dad or my mom...

"You are not a distraction. Trust me, I'd tell you. Don't listen to Danny. He is a cunt-"

"I heard that!" I heard Danny voice rang in the distance. James stopped talking.

"How the?"

"Anyways, the albums almost done. So don't you worry. You can come over anytime." James continued to reassure me. Danny came in to the room.

"Keep coming around here we're going to put you to work. James, you know we still have lots to do."

"Well since you're here you can help us, Danny." I said

"Hahaha, no"


"What?" He mocked my whine. But I took a deep breath and didn't let his behavior get to me.

"I just need you guys to move and hold it up for me. It won't take long."

"Fine." He grumbled but none the less assumed the position to help and I was honestly shocked.

"Alright, so first just move it from the wall so we can unplug it." I instructed. I observed as Danny and James worked together to accomplished the task. They looked at me waiting for more instruction. "I have to removed the cab part so you guys are going to have to tilt it."

"Holy fuck this is heavy" Danny grunted helping James tilt the machine backwards.

"Coming from the guy that was bragging the he can pull the RV with one finger!" James spat.

"Shut up, James! Reneé can you?"

"Oh yeah." I say grabbing a screwdriver from the tool box. I began unscrewing the cab.

"I thought you said this wouldn't take long?" Danny complained

"Its only been a few minutes!" James said

"This is heavy!" Danny whined

"Then call Ben!" James suggested. So far he hadn't broke a sweat but Danny's arms were trembling as he struggled to keep the machine tilted backwards. I hadn't stopped the process of trying to remove the cab

"Someone call me?" Ben asked sticking his head in the doorway. "Whoa, the hell are you guys doing in here?"

"Help!?" Danny pleaded.

"I don't think I want too..." Ben said backing away.

"Get your ass over here or else I'll leak your nudes!" Danny warned with a groan Ben helped Danny on his side. Meanwhile I was almost done but I was holding back my laughter.

"You know, I'm getting tired of you holding that against me." Ben complained.

"Got it!" I said unscrewing the final screw and the cab of the washer falling down and partly on Ben's foot.

"Ow, fucking hell!" He cursed limping away.

"Sorry!" I apologized

"Be more careful! Ah, I think I'm bleeding?" Ben held his foot and sure enough his sock was rapidly turning crimson and getting soaked

"Shit," I curse. Ben took off his sock and there was a big gash on the top his foot near his toes.

"Can we put this down now?" Danny asked. I nodded. They dropped the machine and Ben hopped away on his non injured foot.

A first ad kit caught my eye on the self that was between detergents and softeners. I left the room to find Ben on the couch tending to his wounds with a few napkins Joey had just given him.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Ben asked shifting himself on couch away from were I was kneeling.
"I need to dress your your foot before it gets infected and falls off."

"I don't need your help! This is all your fault anyways." Ben looked down at me shaking his head. By this time Danny and James had joined us but they were keeping quiet spectating from a distance.

"Ben, let her help you." Joey said, he looked at me and gave me an encouraging nod. I glanced at Ben, his gaze was cold and emotionless. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

I removed his hand that contained soiled napkins away from his injury. It looked pretty bad but I kept my comment to myself opening the first aid container. After cleaning, and Ben bitching about how the peroxide burned, I had properly applied gauze and a wrap around Ben's foot.

"I think you need to go to the hospital to get stitches."

"No way!" Ben denied shaking his head.

"You need to get it checked out!" I argue.

"Why you already wrapped it just nicely."

"This could get infected. You need antibiotics. Do you want your foot to fall off?"

"Hey, I have a bunch of antibiotics in my pantry from a while ago when I..."Joey began to say but faded his voice quickly "I'll go get them." He excused himself.

"Ben, how you feelin' mate?" James asked

"I'm fine. No need to worry"

"Good because I wasn't" Danny scoffed then walked away "Drama queen."

"You can be such a cunt!" Ben yelled at Danny's back.

"Love you too!" Danny said before disappearing in to a room. James phone ranged and he excused himself from the room, I watched him step outside.

Joey returned with a ziplock freezer sized bag filled with bottled pills. He threw them at Ben.

"Thanks," Ben said opening the bag then handed them to me "I trust you have better judgment on them than I"

"I wouldn't give you drugs to OD on!" Joey said defensively he actually looked hurt.

"I know but I don't feel like reading all those labels and before you know it ill be foaming at the mouth. Reneé seems most qualified to administrate these to me properly. Besides, she seems to be only that cares."

I guess the day was full of surprises because those words were the most unexpected to come out Ben's mouth. He smiled at me weakly.

"Wow, that's really deep, Ben." Joey chuckled "I was just joking by the way." He said sitting on the smaller couch across from us. He picked up a guitar that was near by and begin playing. He wasn't playing for anyone really but to himself. He kept his eyes on his fret board and strings as he had his legs were over the arm of the love seat and played random chores that created a good melody.

"I'll be right back." I tell Ben he strugs

"I'm not going anywhere."

I take the bag of medication and go back to the kitchen where I sit at the table and empty the bag out. I wasn't sure how long I spent reading labels, looking up brand names of the medicine online to be sure of which ones that can be mixed, which ones where too powerful or weak. I narrowed it down to one type that could be three times a day and a painkiller that could be taken once. I knew I was probably slightly over doing it but I couldn't help myself when it came to helping other people. I checked the time on my phone, it was almost six pm. The sun was setting and the natural lighting that was in the kitchen was dimming. I went to to close the curtains when I stopped to enjoy the view. The window faced the back of the property. I knew why Ben was staring out it earlier. It was beautiful. Past the land of Joey's back yard were hills and very few scattered tress. The houses where far a part with their own land. The way the sun was setting made it look even better. It was then I started to appreciate the good things in my life. I was alive number one, I had befriended a group of awesome guys even though Joey still slightly creeps me out and Danny can still and be butthole they made me forget the bad things I'd been focused on since the move. I got live in beautiful house with a cool grandmother that cooks the best food I had in my entire life...

"You are acting like, Ben." James said from behind me. I nearly jumped outta my skin but I didn't yelp. "He always looks out this window. I don't know why."

"Its a nice view" I commented

"Yeah." I felt James' breath on my neck and warmth across my back even though he hadn't touched me. The tension drove me insane, but I kept my cool.

"How was your phone call?" I ask

"Okay, I hope your up for Chinese" James says stepping away. I exhale, not realizing I'd been holding my breath


"Because that's what they're bring back for dinner." James said looking at the table with concern seeing all the pill bottles spread across it.

"Oh you talked to Sam and Cameron?" I ask. I had been wondering were they were. I knew they went grocery shopping but it had been hours.

"Sam yeah. They're on the way back." He answered taking a water bottle from the refrigerator.

"You got another one of those?" I ask. James throws me one. "Thanks. Anyways, you were gone for a while. Sam was the only person you talked to?"

"Well, I also talked to my girlfriend and-"

I leave James and go to check on Ben. I didn't need to hear about his girlfriend when he kept hitting on me. I didn't understand him anymore like I thought I did.

Ben looked like he hadn't moved a muscle since I'd left. He was in the same slouching position with his leg outstretched and foot propped up. Joey was still playing guitar to himself.

"Here." I hand Ben the water bottle and two pills. Without question he took the medication and took a sip of the water. "You should take this three times a day morning, afternoon, night and this once between morning and noon." I show Ben the bottles

"Okay" he said putting the pill bottles in his pocket.

For a moment it felt strange. The atmosphere was calm and it made me feel at ease. Joey kept playing, Ben watched. I hadn't seen Danny since after the accident but it felt like I had over stayed my welcome. It was time for me to go home.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said. Joey stopped playing abruptly, Ben looked up.

"Leaving so soon?" Joey pouted

"I've been hanging around here all afternoon." I shrug

"Don't you want to stay for dinner?" Ben asked

"I would but no thank you. Sorry, Joey. I'll finish fixing your washer tomorrow."

"Don't be sorry it's cool."

"Ben, I'm really sorry about your foot."

Ben gave a half smile and nods with understanding. I head for the front door as I open it I hear joey begin to play his guitar once again.
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