Sequel: LLRIC: Next Chapter
Status: It is done. Ova.

Let Love Run It's Course

Chapter 2

“What do you think about Bavette's?” I asked Vic. He came to my house extremely nervous, telling me about how much he wants this date to be perfect and how much he likes her (as if I didn’t know) and doesn’t want to mess this up. I agreed to help him out. Now I ask myself why. Ugh. He’s my best friend, how could I reject him? He shrugged. “I don’t think Bavette's is good enough. I want this to be perfect.” And there he goes again. I rolled my eyes. “You wanted my help, so take my advice.” He looked at me with a hopeful look in his eyes. “Don’t try so hard. It’ll turn into a disaster if you worry too much. It could ruin your night.” He frowned and looked down, knowing I’m right. “What do you think I should do?” I thought for a second. “How about this: before you pick her up, buy her a rose. Not red or pink. A white one.” I described what I imagined would be a perfect date for me. “Take her to the beach. Trust me, it’ll be amazing. Just to look at the stars and her eyes glowing in the moonlight. Get a blanket and-“ I was interrupted by Vic’s phone. Its obnoxious ringing is famous for ruining many moments, even if there was nothing else I wanted more than for him to just go home and be too nervous to take her out. He took his phone out of the pocket and looked at the screen. He looks even more nervous than before, if that was possible. “It’s her, isn’t it?” He nodded. “Then answer it!” He got out of the room to the hallway to talk to her. I feel like he doesn’t trust me anymore. What happened to him? It’s like we’re drifting apart more and more with each passing day. I heard him talk into the phone, but couldn’t make out the words. He sounded frustrated. He hung up and returned into the room. I noticed his gloomy expression. “She cancelled the date.” On the inside I’m smiling, but trying to look sad for him on the outside. “I’m sorry Vic.” But not really. “If you want, we can hang out or something.” Or something. I could’ve laughed. He shrugged and silence filled the air. “Movie night? I’ll make popcorn!” I said with a slight smile, trying to make him feel better. He looked up at me and returned the smile. “Sure.” I went to the kitchen with a smile on my face the whole time. I took out the sealed paper bag with unpopped popcorn inside and put it in the microwave. She doesn’t even like him! I knew it! She cancelled. It’s a good thing, cause she’s not good enough for my Vic. No one’s will ever be good enough. Once the popcorn was ready, I went back into my room to find Vic sitting on the floor in front of the TV, going through my DVD collection. I noticed he changed into something more comfortable. It’s a good thing we’re best friends and I have some of his clothes just in case something like this would happen. He noticed me and looked up while showing me the movie he picked out. “How about we watch this one? I’ve never watched it before.” I laughed, knowing just how cliché this is. He picked out a romantic comedy. If only we were a couple… this would be perfect. “Sure.” Once the DVD was in the DVD player and we were snuggled up on my bed with popcorn between us. Soon enough I noticed Vic fell asleep, so I went to the kitchen and put the bowl containing what was left of the popcorn on the table. I went back into my room and turned off the TV before crawling back into my bed. Vic was turned towards me, now awake and confused. “Where were you?” I laughed lightly. “I went to the kitchen for a sec.” He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest before closing my eyes.
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Yep. Here it is.