Sequel: LLRIC: Next Chapter
Status: It is done. Ova.

Let Love Run It's Course

Chapter 3

I woke up. I turned around from the wall, noticing the bed is empty. Where is he? All of a sudden I heard someone screaming. I went downstairs to the living room. I noticed that the room looked different. What the fuck? The couch is gone and there was glass shattered all over the floor.


I turned around towards the noise, only to notice that it was coming from a wall, not the door. I walked towards it carefully.


From a different direction.


I looked down at the floor and noticed a trail of blood. They were leading towards my feet. Fuck. I’m not wearing shoes.

Black hair.

I could recognize it anywhere. I ran towards him, but he ran away. I called out his name, but he never turned around. He was out the door and I followed him. Soon enough I lost him. “Fuck!” I cussed out and returned to the house. What is going on?





Fuck. I’ve got to find him. I ran out again, not caring about the rain or my feet which are hurting like a bitch. I have to find him. I love him.


I finally found him. But he’s lying on the ground. Covered in blood. No no no no! I ran towards him and picked him up. “Please, don’t die! Don’t die on me. I love you. You can’t die.”

I shot up and yelled out his name. Fuck. It was just a dream. I was covered in sweat. I looked down at the bed beside me to notice he really is gone. I went downstairs and found him in the kitchen. Making pancakes and singing to himself. It brought a smile on my face. I walked closer to him and as soon as he noticed me his eyes lit up and he smiled. “Good morning, sunshine!” I laughed and hugged him. He lifted an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?” How can he know what’s on my mind? “Nothing. I’m fine.” He frowned. “No, you’re not. Now tell me what’s wrong.” I sighed and told him about my dream. He hugged me really tight. “Aww, I’m not going to die. So calm down. Ok?” He asked once he pulled away from the hug. I nodded. “You better not!”

We spent the day together. It was nice. At about 5 pm I got a call.

“Answer it!” He said when he noticed that I’ve been staring at it for 5 seconds. Little did he know that I really didn't want to. Ugh. How did I get myself into this mess. I don’t even like her. I sighed. You just want to make him jealous. That’s it. You just want him to be yours. I answered and heard her screeching voice on the other line. She apologized for cancelling and wants a second chance. “Sure. How about next Friday?” I asked her. Once we hung up, I plastered a fake smile on my face and told him about the date.

He’s worth of everything I go through.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if I scared you. Or if it's confusing. And short. Oh well.

I've been messed up since yesterday because of Mitch's death. He's been a big part of my life. I'll miss him.
But I promised to myself that I'll update today so here you go.