Sequel: LLRIC: Next Chapter
Status: It is done. Ova.

Let Love Run It's Course

Chapter 4

I yawned as I was watching a movie on a Friday night, alone at home. Vic’s on his date and I’m here, moping around the house.

I heard a car outside of my house, so I got up and looked out the window. It’s Vic. Once he was out of the car, he started approaching the house. I was already at the door when he knocked. “Heey, Kelllin.” He’s drunk. “What are you doing here?” I asked him, but all he did was hug me. “I caame to see youu.” He was smiling from ear to ear. “Don’t you have a date? With Jessika?” He shrugged. “Yeah, but I like you moree.” I lifted an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” He stood there for a couple of seconds before wrapping both of his arms around me and crashing his lips against mine.

I was just standing there, eyes open wide and confused. What is going on? I put my hands on his chest and slightly pushed him away. “What are you doing?” His hand found its way to the back of my neck. He was staring in my eyes. “I love you Kellin. I love so so SO MUCH!” I wish he wasn’t telling me this drunk. “No, you’re not.” I pushed away his hand. “Go to sleep Vic, we’ll talk about this in the morning. He nodded and walked upstairs. I sighed. Why do things have to be so difficult?

I turned off the TV and came upstairs to find Vic trying to take off his shirt, but he’s stuck. I laughed. He turned towards me. “’S not funny.” I helped him get untangled from his shirt and stood there just looking at his body. Fuck. I bit my lip and just stared. “Like what you see?” I finally looked away and shook my head, obviously lying. He put his hand on my cheek and turned my head so that I was looking at him. “You’re lying.” His eyes we’re seeing right to my soul. We both leaned in and just as our lips we’re about to touch I pulled away. I turned towards the closet and took out some clothes he could wear. I turned towards him and noticed that he already took off his pants. He was standing there, in the middle of my room with nothing on but his boxers. Damn. I handled him the clothes but he shook his head and returned them back into the closet. Oh God.

He got under the covers and I followed him after turning off the light. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly the whole night. How I know? I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about what Vic did. He kissed me. Holy fuck. And it felt so good. But did he mean it? Does he really love me? I don’t want this to be only a drunken I-don’t-know-what-I-was-doing thing. But it probably is. I finally fell asleep at around 4 am, listening to the sound of his heart beat.
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Here's another one! 2 in a day :) No more tho, but I'll post tomorrow.