Sequel: LLRIC: Next Chapter
Status: It is done. Ova.

Let Love Run It's Course

Chapter 6

I sat in my room, thinking over and over the things. I haven’t heard from Vic in the last few days, ever since we kissed. Oh God, what does he think of it? I hope he doesn’t think that I’m a creep for kissing him. But he was kissing back. Maybe, just maybe he feels the same. I sighed. Of course he doesn’t. He’s perfect, I’m not.

The next few weeks felt like a routine. A black and white routine. With no color. Vic used to be my color. I haven’t even tried calling, I bet he doesn’t wanna see me. I’m at work again, but things with Jessika calmed down. I guess the mean phase is over. Thank God. At least something good happened. But it still doesn’t feel right. Not without Vic. My shift is almost over. I was looking at the clock, ticking away. There are only 5 minutes left.

The doors opened and in came a mexican boy with the most amazing smile ever. “Vic.” The look he gave me sent chills through my spine. He came over to the bar, leaning against it. “Hey Kels.” He just said, like the last few weeks didn’t happen. “What are y-“ he has put his finger against my lips and I shut up right away. He just smiled. God damn. We stayed like this for a few seconds before he dropped his hand and pecked my lips. And he’s still smiling. “What are you doing Vic?” He shrugged. “No. Don’t give me that. I need to know how you feel. Please tell me. Cause I can’t take another day without knowing.” I pleaded his. “Without knowing if this is going to ruin our friendship or if…” I trailed off. He hasn’t said a thing.

Soon enough Jessika came over and her face when she saw Vic her was priceless. “Why haven’t you called me?” And a lot of other questions were asked, but I wasn’t paying attention to them. I took my things and walked out of the cafe while Vic was still stuck there with Jessika. I got a few feet away before Vic came running out and after me. “Wait, Kels!” I stopped walking and waited for Vic. When he caught up, he took my hand and pulled it towards the cafe “What are you doing?” I asked, completely confused. He kept quiet and dragged me all the way to his car. “Get in.” I shook my head. “Why would I? We haven’t talked at all lately. You haven’t called, not even once.” He opened the door for me. “I’ll show you why I haven’t.” This got me curious. “This better be good.”

Oh and it was. As soon as he pulled up I felt like my heart bursted out of my chest. We got to a little beach where there was a little house. When we got inside, there were candles all over the place. The whole living room was lit up with candles in all colors, rose pedals on the floor. “Vic…” I breathed out. I was left completely speechless But what got me even more was the little cut out letters on the floor that formed a sentence. ‘I love you Kels.’ I turned around to where Vic stood and hugged him. I haven’t even noticed the tears in my eyes until after we pulled away. “What’s wrong?” I laughed as the tears started making their way down my cheeks. “Nothing’s wrong. This is…” I pecked his lips. “...perfect.” He smiled and took my hand in his. I crashed my lips against his. This time no one’s drunk or running away. “Will you be mine?” The perfect human being that stood in front of me asked. “Do you even have to ask?” I raised an eyebrow before kissing him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tadda!! iT IS OVAAAAA!!!!
Hope you enjoyed this short story.
Next one up is Austlan.
I'll probs start writing this next weekend.
Thank you for reading, really.
I thought no one would read.