Live While We're Young


He was so annoying. They all were. They couldn't keep focused. Us dancers were trying to be serious and rehearse for this damn tour, and they were there messing about, not doing anything properly. The most annoying one was Harry. How he was the most popular member, I didn't know. He flirted so much and messed about. He could be quite dirty and seemed like a player. I didn't know him properly, but for the past two week's experience, I didn't want to spend six months along side him on stage. The rest of us used a backing track as the band ran about, not doing anything, to dance to. A large pair of arms wrapped themselves around me and I was lifted up. In the mirror on the other side of the room, I saw who it was.

'Put me down, Harry,' I growled. I wished he'd take everything more seriously.

'Oh, come on, Anna, lighten up. You always seem so serious!' he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

'So you do know my name,' I said sarcastically, fixing my hair.

'Of course I do. If we're all going to be touring, I'm going to need to know your names,' he chuckled.

'I'm surprised,' I raised an eyebrow at him.

'Why are you so serious?'

'Why are you so immature? I'm serious because I love my job and I enjoy it, but I want to be able to concentrate and do the best I can with it,' I explained.

'Well, Danielle, Liam's girlfriend, is a dancer, and she's not this serious,' he pointed out.

'I'm not just a dancer though, am I? I'm also the one who's going to be putting all sorts on your face before you go on stage!' I huffed.


Niall ran past and tripled up. A cold splash of water drenched his spine. I huge wet patch seeped through his top. I smirked.

'Niall, you idiot!' he shouted with a faint grin. Niall and Louis where laughing from the other side of the room. Harry pulled his top over his head and tossed it across the room. I turned my head away and walked over to my bag and pulled out my water. I drank it before returning over to the other girls to finish off the last dance. Afterwards, I made my way into the changing room. I changed from my "sweat pants" and vest top and into a pair of shorts, hoodie and converse. I walked out of the changing room, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I had my head down and walked through the double doors until I crashed into somebody.

'Sorry! Sorry, love! Oh, I should have been looking where I was going! Anna right?' it was Liam. He was the least annoying of the group, was very polite and quite lovely to be around.

'Yeah, yeah it is. It's fine, I should have been looking where I was going, too. Don't worry about it,' I sighed.

'Everything alright, love?' he asked.

'Yeah, great. Rehearsals didn't go too great today. Hopefully they'll get better before we leave. That reminds me, I'll have to pack my cases when I get in. We leave in three days,' I noted.

'Oh, yes! I'm looking forward to this tour! The Up All Night one was huge! I'm hoping this will be just as big!' he smiled.

'I'm sure it will be, Liam, love. I'd better go. See you tomorrow in rehearsals,' I waved. I walked away and hopped in my car before driving home.

My mum had laid all of my clean, new clothes on my bed after them being washed and ironed. I took out the suitcases and folded them neatly. I packed all the new essentials I'd bought especially for the tour. Everything fitted in perfectly well into the two cases. I placed them by my door and trudged downstairs. I sat at the table with my parents.

'You alright, sweetie?' my mum asked, watching me play with my food.

'Oh, yeah, just a tough day at work, that's all,' I replied.

'Well, eat up. You'll be sending six months touring. You won't be getting good food like your mother's much there,' my dad prodded.

'Yeah. I'm tired as well. Could really do with a rest. We have rehearsals tomorrow, the next day, and then we leave day after that. Going to America, then Australia, then New Zeland. We should be home after then,' I smiled, thinking of all the amazing places and then finally returning home.

Knowing that I would not be having a lot of time at home, I stayed downstairs watching a film with my parents. I enjoyed it, but I couldn't stop yawning. When the film was finally over, I stumbled to bed so I could try to get some sleep. All I could think of was the useless attempt of rehearsing that was coming the next day.

I woke late and rushed around getting ready. I ran into the kitchen with my bag and grabbed the slice of toast off of my dad's plate as I was rubbing out the house, shouting over my shoulder my goodbye and thanks. I dropped myself into the car and drove off to the studio. Everyone was already there. I found out that I wasn't staring off with dancing, and that I was practicing the make up routine with Lou Teasdale. Her baby, Lux, was there on the carpet, playing with a cuddly toy of some sort. Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Louis walked into the room. Harry walked over to the baby.

'Hally! Hally!' she gargled.

'Hello! Hello, Lux!' he cooed, scooping her up and sitting her on the side of his hip, with his one arm wrapped around her. She shoved the toy in his face to show him. He grinned and started playing with it with her. 'Did mummy get you that?'

'Mummy! Hally! Mummy!' she was pointing at Lou, either trying to tell Harry her mum was there, or that she wanted to go to her.

'Is that mummy?' he smiled.

'Yeah!' she shouted. He held her securely and tickled her. A huge smile spread across her little face and she laughed so hard, her little pale cheeks turned a light pink to match her little dress. I smiled at the way he played with her. He could be sensible. He saw me staring and winked across. I nodded my head in acknowledgement and turned away.

'What did you need me to help you with, Lou?' I asked Louise, as she was sorting out all of the make up brushes and products.

'Right. You know what make up brushes and what products to use on who. Get Harry first and I'll get Niall. This is just practising the whole look, then when they're all touched up, they'll get into costume as quick as possible,' she repled. On the inside I groaned. I had to get Harry in a chair and do his hair abd make up. Lou called him over for me. He placed Lux on the floor and walked over to sit in the chair.

'I saw you staring at me playing with the baby,' he winked.

'So? Lux is cute. Maybe if I'd have looked like her when I was her age and had a smile like her's, I'd be better off in the looks department. She's a little angel,' I shrugged.

'What do you mean you'd be better in the looks department?' he asked, almost shocked.

'Close your eyes, I need to put the stuff on,' I said, brushing off what he'd said. He sighed abd closed his eyes. I blended in the foundation, did what I had to to the eyes and lips and sent him to costume. Next, Louis came to me.

'You know Harry's only trying to be flirty,' he grinned. 'He wants to be a friend, not annoy you.'

'He could be friendly to loads of people without flirting. He could be a little more mature, as well,' I replied, repeating a similar process I did with Harry.

'Yeah. You're talking about being mature to me. That's going to work,' he smirked. I sighed and finished him up with good time. Zayn came and sat in the chair next. He could be very down to earth when he wasn't with the others. Our conversations where never terribly long, but they were better than some.

All of the boys where in costume and so were us dancers. We decided to do a quick dress rehearsal. We ran through what was probably the entire show. The boys had calmed down a little from yesterday, but not by much. We were able to complete dances abd costume changes, even if there where interruptions and bumps in the road. The same sort of thing happened the next day and it was time to leave all too soon. We were about to leave for a tour. My first ever tour that was outside of the UK.
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First chapter, hope you enjoyed. The plot will plan out as we go along. Leave your comments what you think and for everyone who reads, comments and subscribes...THANK YOU! x