Live While We're Young

Love and Hearts

As the interview was literally down the road from the hotel, they walked. Us dancers were supposed to be staying back, but as we were supposed to be doing things my way, Harry asked of I wanted to come. I said yes, and he sighed a little. I knew he didn't want me to, but I wanted to go, otherwise if we hid everything, everyone would think its true, and that we were just trying to avoid it. As left the hotel, I took Harry's hand and he reluctantly agreed to hold it. We walked down the street to the huge building.

Soon enough the interviewer was on, the cameras were rolling, the audience were in, and the boys were set up on a stool behind a microphone stand each. Paul and I were directly behind the camera, in the front row, in perfect eye line of the boys.

'So, boys, how's the tour going so far?' asked the interviewer, Brittney (not Spears).

'Its going good...yeah...' Louis nodded, still obviously upset by that mornings events.

'Probably more enjoyable than the last tour actually,' Liam smiled, hiding his mood better than Liam.

'You guys must be really tired with all of the singing and jumping around, doing interviews and tv appearances... Do you guys ever get a day off?' Britt asked.

'We had a day off yesterday, didn't we lads? That was the craic. Really fun,' Niall answered, looking round at the boys. Harry shifted a little uncomfortably and glanced at me. I nodded and he looked away.

'Of course! So what did you do on this day off?'

'We just hired a couple of boats for us and the people who help us on stage like the dancers and sailed out a little so we could do some swimming,' Zayn explained.

'Is that all?' smirked the interviewer. They all nodded and chanted yes, Harry a little louder and more defensively than the others. The interviewer raised her eyebrows and looked at the camera. Here are some pictures of the boys yesterday on their day off.' Harry's eyes widened and he slowly looked towards the screen next to the interviewer.

Pictures appeared on the screen, and to all of our relief, Harry and I did not appear at first. There was Niall driving the boat, Louis sunbathing on the deck while having a drink, Liam fishing, Zayn having a drink and texting, all of the boys swimming...and then all the pictures of Harry and I from the magazine...and more. My stomach began to turn.

'So Harry seemed to be enjoying himself the question as to what you got up to back at the hotel,' winked Beitt. Harry opened his mouth to talk with an angry look on his face, and the response that came I did think was Harry to begin with, but it was, in fact, Louis.

'For God's sake! It wasn't even like that! It was all completely innocent! Ask Paul, our tour manager, ask any of the other dancers, ask Anna herself and they will all tell you this is just bias! They took those photos to make people think they has a dirty little secret when in reality, nothing like they're making out is actually going on!' he fumed.

'Harry, would you mind if we actually spoke to Anna about this?' smiled Britt.

'Yes, I would actually. Keep away from my girl,' he snarled to the floor. Hearing him call me 'his girl' made my heart swoop.

'Bit defensive! Why don't we ask Anna of she wants to come up? Dean? Wanna bring her up?' she called to the director. He walked up to me and gestures for me to go on. Harry opened his moth to retort as I stood stiffly and walked, shaking with anger.

'It's fine, Harry, just drop it,' I warned, loud enough for just the boys and interviewer to hear.

'Did you have a good time yesterday?' Britt asked.

'Yes, I did actually. It was lovely,' I falsely smiled.

'was it all innocent like Louis is saying?'

'Of course it was!' I coldly replied.

'No one else seems to think so...'

'Doesnt matter what they think, it's the truth that actually matters. Word twisters opinions don't count,' I spat, aiming my comment at her. Harry held back a laugh by snorting. I leant my arm on his shoulder and he held my hand. Britt looked offended but soon covered for it.

'You have no proof of innocence, so you could be a little prostitute and he could be a little perv. You could be lying!'

'there are children going to watch this show? A fine interviewer you are talking like that when Directioners as young as seven could watch it.'

'It's not being aired until late at night, so it doesn't matter.'

'Ever heard of YouTube, love?' I sarcastically smiled. She threw be a look of daggers. A few sniggers came from the audience. I really didn't like this interviewer, and she definitely didn't like me. I knew I recognised her from somewhere and then it suddenly hit me - she was friends with Parez Hilton.

'Yes. I have.'

'Anyway, we do have proof.'

'What's that then?'

'Louis? Can I please have your phone?' I asked. He pulled it out of his pocket and showed me the video - he had obviously cottoned on to what I was talking about. I took it and whispered a quick thanks before turning to the director. 'Any way we could get this up there?' I asked. He nodded, got a chord thing and plugged one end into a laptop connected to the screen, and the other into the phone. With a click of a few buttons, the video was up. I clicked play and the video played on screen. She watched the video and a sour expression curled onto her face.

'That video is so obviously bias,' she rolled her eyes.

'Oh for God's sake! You're not very bright are you? It's not bias, its actually what happened!'

'Go take an IQ test. Bet my intelligence levels are higher than yours!'

'Ha. Yeah right. Why don't you go into a health clinic and ask for a STD test. It's probably the only one you'll ever take that has a positive outcome!' I pulled a fake smile on my face. She gasped and looked insulted. The audience smirked and some even cheered. With a little more force than intended, I shoved Louis's phone into his hand. I over to grab my bag before walking up our of the door, past all of the audience. Harry was silently giggling.

'I'm going to go check on her,' h sniggered and came after me through the doors to catch me walking down the corridor.

'You are absolutely amazing,' he said as he caught up to be before taking both of my hands and pressing his lops onto mine. This immediately calmed me.

'Just so you know, that isn't the way that I intend to handle this,' I sighed.

'Really? Because that was bloody brilliant!' he grinned.


'Yeah! Right, can you wait until the interview is over? Just please wait for me?'

'Yeah of course I will,' I smile at him and kissed him on the cheek. He let go of my hands and ran back through the door with a goofy smile on his face.

About half an hour later, Harry and the boys came out with Paul and a sour looking interviewer. She pursed her lips and have me a curt nod before turning on her heel and leaving. Harry draped his arm over my shoulders and left the building with me. I buried my head into him as we walked. He grinned and sighed happily.

'Want to watch a film? The cinema isn't too far from here...' he asked. I smiled up at him and nodded. He turned to tell the boys and invite them.

We were soon in a movie theatre with drinks in the holders in our chairs and popcorn on our laps. The lights dimmed and after about 20 minutes of adverts, the film started. It was a rom com which was nice. Half way through the film and the popcorn wa gone, a lot of it on the floor from throwing it up in the air and trying to catch it in their mouths. They failed a lot of the time. The man in the film was giving the woman the whole 'I love you and I will never leave you, please come back to me speech' as Harry put his left arm around me, held my left hand with his right and I leaned into his chest. He slid down in his seat a little, getting more comfortable and closer to my ears. He kissed my earlobe and my jawline and I giggled.

'I wonder if our love story will be like that? Standing out in the rain and having a snog after a little speech?' Harry whispered.

'You kidding? You hurt me and I'm not one for a soppy speech and a quick snog to fix everything. I get hurt and your gone,' I grinned, turning my head back to the screen.

'If I ever hurt you, I'd rather die than live without you. If anything ever happens to us and you end up marrying someone else and having a kid with him, it would honestly feel as though I was being ripped apart inside. I'd miss you too much - I really do love you,' he breathed so close to my ear, that his lips actually brushed against it. I melted at every word. I couldn't think of having a relationship and a child with anyone other than Harry. He was mine - I was his. I thought back to what I had said. If he hurt me, I would melt for him and take him back if he said anything like that, because I knew it would be true. A kiss in the rain would've been a bonus. The film soon ended and I recieved a sharp poke in the ribs. I looked up and Liam nodded towards Harry who was dozing while holding me close to him. I giggled at him and poked where his dimples would be if he were smiling. He jolted and looked down at me. He smiled and we stood, lacing our fingers together as we left the cinema.

The sun was setting by the time we left. Harry was particularly quiet.

'I'll catch up with you back at the hotel,' Harry called to the boys. Zayn turned and nodded before beginning to walk again.

'Where are we going?' I asked. Once again he led me to the beach. I removed my shoes but instead of just sitting on the sand, we walked right up to the blue ocean and started kicking about in it. After a while, we made our way back up the sand and sat on a wall.

'We're in concert every night this coming week. I won't see you as often,' Harry stated softly, holding our laced hands in his lap and tracing shapes into the back of my hand.

'Youll see me on stage,' I smiled. He looked back at me.

'I won't be able to do this though,' he said, leaning in and kissing the side of my lips before pulling away. I stated at my bare hands and Harry's tattooed arms.

'I would really like a tattoo on my hand.'

'Of what?'

'A heart, maybe?'

'We could get one now?'


'Yeah! Come on!'

Harry pulled at my hand and we ran to catch a taxi. Harry told the driver to take them to the nearest tattoo studio. We soon got there and walked inside. Harry, having had about tgurty tattooes, knew the procedure. We were asked what I wanted and was soon sitting down, ready to have it tattoed. Harry reached out with his left hand and held my right. I was getting a heart next rotter knuckle on my thumb on my left hand. To my surprise, Harry was getting one in the exact same place on his right.

I was ready. The tattoo hurt - badly. I bit down on my lip so hard I tasted blood. However, the plastic film was soon on and after some serious pain, I had a little heart with the word love is small, fancy lettering through the middle. I noticed as we got up, Harry had the exact same one. He had just gotten a matching tattoo with me.

'Just to show that I will always love you, and no matter what anyone else thinks, you will always be mine,' he grinned, kissing me cheek.
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Aww :) haha. So what do you guys think? Leave a comment! Thank you for commenting and thank you got subscribing and recommending. Means a lot!! Xxx