Live While We're Young

Merry Christmas

It was November before we returned to the UK. Harry and I had been together for just over six months. He had asked me if I had wanted to move in with him. I had happily said yes which meant we would spent our first Christmas together that year. As soon as we had returned to the UK, I had explained everything to my parents, had let them meet and get to know Harry, before finally moving out and into Harry's place. In December, Harry and the boys had a fair few Christmas gigs and shows to do, before they were finally allowed to get off work for the holidays. We spent some precious moments together, putting on Christmas hits albums, screeching along to Slade, Shakin Stevens, Miriah Carey and more. We put up the Christmas tree and decorations. Soon enough, presents from friends and family members were filtering to the tree.

On Christmas Eve, Harry decided to throw a large Christmas Party. He invited the boys, their girlfriends, management, and friends such as Nick Grimshaw. He also had his family come down from Cheshire to see them. My parents hadn't been able to make it, but they sent their love. Before the party, I stood in our bedroom (yes, our bedroom. Even though the house had more than one bedroom, as we were in a relationship and lived together, we decided to share the room and bed) getting for the party. I stood in front of the mirror with the knee length flowing red dress and a gold belt wrapped around it, accompanied by a gold colour shoes and golden jewellery. I chose red and gold to make me look more Christmassy. Harry walked in the room as I was standing in front of the tall mirror that showed your whole reflection. I wore on my face some black mascara and eyeliner, with gold blended eyeshadow and red lips. The foundation and blush lined my face, giving it a smooth appearance. He walked up to me from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist and his head on resting on my shoulder looking at us.

'You look stunning,' he smiled at me through the glass. I blushed even under the makeup.

'Thank you. You look great yourself,' I smiled, turning in his arms and letting the material swoosh around my knees.

'Thanks babe. Should we go to get the door? I think people will be here soon,' he replied, taking my hand.

'Yeah, sure,' I checked my reflection once more and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I was very conscious about my appearance, and the way I would act - It would be the first time that I'd ever met Harry's parents. I was a nervous wreck. He had tried to convince me that they would love me but I wasn't so sure. The door soon knocked and my heart sank. Was it Harry's parents? What would they think of me? Harry had disappeared to the toilet so that only left me to answer the door. I fixed my hair and smoothed the creases of my dress before taking a deep breath and opening the door. I found a smiling Anne and Robin, Harry's mum and stepfather, standing on the doorstep.

'Hi....I'I'm Anna...Harry''

'Girlfriend?' I turned to see a smiling Harry. He walked up to us beaming and placed his one hand on my back.

'Yeah, come in out the snow,' I invited, stepping aside so they could walk in. Harry shut the door after they had entered. It was snowing lightly outside making a very thin blanket.

'It's lovely to meet you, Anna, sweetie,' beamed Anne. She looked so much like her son. Harry took hers and Robins coats and hung them in the coat closet in the hallway. I led them through to the Kitchen and offered them each a Bailey's. Robin claimed it would be his only one of the night as he would be driving all the way back to Cheshire at eight. I smiled politely and nodded. They took the drinks and sipped them I felt tremendously awkward.

'Hi mum,' Harry smiled, leaning in and giving his mum a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. He hugged Robin too and walked over to the stereo to put on a CD of Christmas songs. The doorbell went again so I happily left the room to answer it. Nick Grimshaw. Great. Another person I didn't know and would find it hard to socialise with.

'You must be Anna! Harry's told us a lot about you,' he winked. I smiled as he kissed me on the cheek in greeting.

'I listen to the breakfast show every morning. You're brilliant,' I conversed, leading him to the living room where Harry and his parents now where. I walked to the door as it went again and welcomed in the boys, Eleanor and Perrie. I didn't know the girls, but I knew the boys, so I assumed I would get on with the girls. Eleanor and Perrie hugged me in greeting as the boys did so, too. I received an extra kiss on the cheek from Liam and Niall. Soon all of the guests had arrived. I called out to Harry to help me bring in the food to put on the table in the living room, but he didn't hear. He was too engrossed in conversation to hear. I sighed and headed to the kitchen alone.

'Wait, I'll help you,' came a voice. I turned to see Eleanor placing her drink on the nearest surface and coming to help.

'Oh, thanks Eleanor,' I smiled.

'Please, call me El. You seem happy with Harry, how is everything?' she asked.

'Everything's going fine...I like living here with him.'

'You two are really cute, I mean, matching tattooes?' she grinned, I looked down at my hand and smiled.

'Yeah, well. I wanted a tattoo and decided on that and Harry copied me, so I wasn't planning it, Harry did.'

'It's still cute,' she smiled. Picking up a plate of food and leading the way into the lounge.

'Food!' shouted Niall over the buzzing crowd and music. El and I rolled our eyes and left to get all of the other plates before Niall ate everything.

Eleanor and I sat on the sofa while we watched our boyfriends interact. Perrie soon came to join us and we all stuck up a conversation before we were interrupted.

'Olly, Caroline, this is my girlfriend, Anna,' smiled Harry, who had held out his hand for me to take. I was a little shocked that he had invited his ex to the party with her co host to the Xtra Factor, but I put on a fake smile and stood, taking Harry's hand.

'It's really nice to meet you,' smiled Caroline, hugging me. Olly Murs also gave me a hug and a greeting kiss on the cheek.

'Lovely to meet you both, too. I watch the show a lot when it's on,' I was referencing to the Xtra Factor.

'Oh, thanks, love. You're getting on with Harry well then?'

'Yeah he's lovely.'

'Yeah, he's a lovely lad. Don't think I'e quite been forgiven by the fans yet but oh well. They'll soon get over it...hopefully. Well, I'd better go. Lovely to see you!' she beamed as she walked away. I gave Harry a hug as he went to talk to Ed Sheeran. I flopped down on the sofa inbetween the girls.

'Caroline is lovely!' I smiled.

'Ha, you can tell you didn't think that at first. The look on your face just screamed 'Why did you invite her?' ' smirked Perrie.

'It's just because she's an ex. It was a shock. No, she really is nice.'

It was eight o clock and Anne came to find me.

'It was absolutely lovely meeting you. I tried to talk to Harry and he wouldn't shut up about his amazing girl!' she beamed. She dropped her voice to a whisper. 'He has plans for you young lady,' she winked. She hugged me goodbye and left with Robin I resumed my seat with El and Perrie. I was enjoying just sitting and talking to them. Harry walked over once his parents had left. He stood over me before placing his hands on the back of the sofa behind my head and leaned over my body. He slid his lips to mine and almost immediately deepened it. I swung my arms around his neck and held him. I pulled away after a while.

'What was that for?' I giggled as Eleanor and Perrie were sniggering, trying their hardest not to burst out laughing.

'I've been wanting to do that all night, but I've been busy with the others and my parents probably wouldn't have enjoyed seeing it,' he grinned, still leaning over my body.

'Cute,' I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before shifting so he had to stand up. He winked at me and turned to talk to another guest.

'Is that all you do in your spare time?' winked Perrie. I laughed along with her.

The guests soon filtered out and Harry and I flopped down onto the setee. It was almost midnight. I kicked my shoes off and curled up in a ball into Harry with his arm around me. I sat there smiling with my eyes closed. I felt myself drifting into a deep sleep.

'Merry Christmas, love.' I heard Harry whisper as he scooped me up and kissed me on the cheek.

I woke to find I was curled up to Harry in bed wrapped in my fluffy pyjamas. He must've changed me and carried me to bed. I looked up to see his smiling face.

'Merry Christmas, Harry,' I yawned, hugging him tightly.

'Merry Christmas. Should we go downstairs?'

'Yeah, come on then.' I stretched and swung my legs out of bed and took his hand. 'Arent you cold?'

'Nah,' he shook his head. He was literally only in his boxers.

We walked down to the sitting room and put on some Christmas tv. We sat next to the tree and opened the cards and presents from friends and family. I recieved a lot of clothing and vouchers as well as perfumes and CDs. Finally, it came to Harry and I giving each other our presents.

'Me first!' I claimed, passing the wrapped gift to Harry. As he liked to wear a men's necklace around his neck, I decide to give him one of those. However, from a far the chain looked normal, but really it had our names embroider as it. At the bottom was a kind of locket. He smiled and held it tenderly in his hands after he took it from the box. He slid the cold metal around his neck and to his chest.

'Ironic...' he whispered. I didn't bother asking why he said that but he passed me a small box. I carefully pulled off the perfectly wrapped gift and opened the box. There was a beautiful gold charm bracelet that had embroided metal.

'Harry, it's so beautiful!' I gasped.

'Thank you for the present,' he grinned leaning in and kissing me again.

'You too! Thank you so much! I think I'm going to wear this permanently!' I smiled.

The rest of the day we spent with each other generally enjoying our Christmas. Niall and Liam came around and we all enjoyed a beautiful christmas dinner. Harry never left my side and honestly, that was the way I liked it.