Live While We're Young

Happy Birthday, Harry

Two months later, it was the week before Harry's birthday. I had no idea what he wanted or what to do for him. I asked the boys and they said to take him to a club. I told them I wanted to take him somewhere nicer than that and I wanted to do something really special. I couldn't think of anything, so in the end, the boys and I settled on that. It would really only eb the boys, myself, Perrie and Eleanor. Liam had invited his ex along as a friend, but she was just top busy with work. It was a shame really... I really would have liked to have meet a fellow dancer.

February dawned and the boys and I drove to the club. I wore a short back dress in black stiletto heels. My hair was crimped and my makeup was complete. Perrie and I were very similar - we hated the taste of alcohol. We weren't going to drink much, which meant we'd have to be the drivers home that night unless Liam stayed sober. We arrived outside the club and entered, immediately greeted with dancing drinks and the strong beat of the music pounding our ears. We all walked up to the bar and ordered anything we wanted to drink. I went to sit and sip my lemonade before Harry set his drink on the table and tugged at my arm.

'Come dance with me!' he shouted over the music.

'Harry, love! I wanted a drink!' I giggled.

'I want to dance! It's my twentieth! Come on! Please, babe!' he begged. I laughed and stood up. He took my arm and lede to the dancefloor. Rihanna - Diamonds came on and we started dancing and singing poorly. We dancer until my feet felt literally numb in my heeled shoes.

'I'm going to kick of my shoes! My feet are killing me! I can hardly walk!' I called to him. Without me thinking, Harry scooped my up in his arms and carried me to the table before sitting me down. He pulled my shoes off of my feet and allowed me to take a swig of my untouched lemonade. He sipped the smallest sip from his beer and offered me his hand so we could go back to the dancefloor. As we stood in the middle, Gangnam Style by Psy came on. We started laughing and did the dances to it just like everyone had done when it had first been released. It was midnight before a fairly sober Harry and a completely sober me left for home.

We soon fell through the door of our house and as we stood there, Harry took me in his arms as turned me to face him, holding me close to him.

'Thank you, for tonight. I really enjoyed myself.'

'I didn't know what to do for you, so I asked the boys and they suggested that. I couldn't think of anything else so we went clubbing.'

'You shouldn't have worried for fussed.'

'No worry at all,' I winked as I kicked off my shoes once again and leant up to kiss his cheek.

I was about to pull away and go to sit down, until I felt Harry kiss my neck gently. He worked his way to my jawline and my shoulders. I moaned a little and he smiled at the fact he could make me do that. He abruptly stopped and led me to the sofa, turning on the television as he went and settling on some random film. He sat at one end of the setee and I the other, so I swung my legs up onto his lap. He didn't seem to mind. I lay there watching the film intently until Harry distracted my by tracing light little circles on my ankle. I let him get on with it until I felt the little circles brush the inner side of my thigh. I gasped at the tingling sensation that shot through me and shiver that went down my spine. I turned to see a grinning Harry. He adjusted hisself, do that he was leaning over me, holding up his body weight. He leant in for gentle kisses, before making them more passionate. My hands ran around his neck, chest and arms. His hands wondered my stomach and waist. I began to wonder if it was too soon, but the thought left my mind when I realised it was February - we had now been together nine months.

He pulled back and showed me his smiling eyes and perfect dimples.

'I never told you how beautiful you look tonight,' he whispered in my ear. 'Not to mention, sexy.'

'Thanks,' but before I even had time to blush, he was kissing me again, pressing his body at a comfortable pressure to mine. Down by my thigh, I could feel his crotch harden. I slid onto my knees, off of my back, making Harry sit up without our lips leaving each others touch. I slid onto his lap and drew my arms around his neck, tracing letters and shapes on top of his back. I could feel the zip of my dress sliding down to reveal my back as Harry's hands wandered it. I tugged at the shirt he wore to pull it open revealing his chest. My hands slid down it, feeling every bump and perfectly toned muscle beneath my fingers. This was Harry's turn to moan between kisses.

'Are you sure you want to do this? I wouldn't force you into anything, babe,' he whispered, slightly breathless. I nodded.

'I'm sure,' I whispered, letting my eyes meet his as we sat forehead to forehead.

We tumbled back, passionately kissing up and down each others bodies. His shirt was off and as were his trousers. My dress had been thrown across the room. As Harry fiddled with the clip of my bra I tugged at his boxers. This feeling....lust?... Was so alien. I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or something that should never be done. Harry was so skilled at what he was doing, though, that the good thoughts overrode the guilt. We were soon in nothing but skin. His hands slid down my body until they reached my enterance. A strong finger slipped inside me, making me tense. A second slipped in and curled.

'Harry!' I gasped. He kissed me again and we fell onto my back. His manhood pushed inside me gently. It was so painful! I squealed a little before he pulled out. He went in again and started pulling in and out quicker. After a few minutes, the pain was replaced with pleasure. Harry began kissing and sucking my neck while his body was pressed to mine, our hips grinding together.

'Ah, Anna!' he moaned. He said my name over and over, louder and louder. I grinned as my name was being repeated in such a raspy manner from Harry. A warm sensation filled my body down below. I knew he had released. It felt incredible. My body tensed and my chest flushed. An intense swooshing feeling filled my stomach. My fingernails dug into Harry's back as a scream on pleasure escaped my lips.

'Oh my God! Harry! Harry!' I screamed, pressing my body closer to his. The feeling past after sixty seconds in heaven. Harry pulled out and collapsed with me. We were both breathless. My chest rose and fell as I was bought back to earth. 'Happy Birthday, Harry.'

'Thank you sweetheart.' we looked up at the clock and found it was early morning. We decided to just sleep on the sofa under a few blankets from the airing cupboard.


The door knocked the next morning. I groaned as Harry's amazing morning voice came.

'I'll get it, love.'

'You're going to need to put something on,' I whispered. He nodded and pulled on his boxers. Once he was out of the room, I wrapped the blanket around me and picked up the scattered clothes and staggered up the stairs to shove them in the laundry basket. I looked in the mirror and observed my obvious sex hair. I brushed my teeth and rinsed my face. Not wanting to get dressed, I pulled on my pyjamas from a drawer. I slid down the stairs slightly more awake than before and walked through the kitchen door.

'Who was that at the door, Harry?' I asked before I looked up.

'Hi Anna,' smiled a familiar northern voice. I turned and saw Perrie and Zayn sitting at the table.

'Oh, hey!' I smiled. I accepted a drink Harry offered me with a kiss in the cheek. I didn't know what Zayn and Perrie were doing there, but I didn't mind.

'Just found out we have a radio interview today,' Harry explained. I nodded and sipped my tea.

'I bought Perrie. Would stop you both being lonely,' Zayn pointed out. Perrie gave me a joking wink.

Within an hour or so, Harry and I were washed and dressed and had tamed our hair. Perrie and I sat in Starbucks with a cup of coffee in our hands.

'So what happened last night, then?' Perrie grinned.

'What do you mean?'

'What happened when you got in?'

'Nothing really. Watched a film and went to sleep,' I shrugged.

'Didn't know hair could get so wild and I didn't know Harry could get such scratches on his back from that.'

I blushed. 'I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about,' drinking my coffee, I tried to avoid eye contact.

'Oh, alright don't need to be embarrassed,' she whispered. 'Was it the first time?' I nodded at her. 'So you lost it to him?' I nodded again. 'Awww!'

'Shush Perrie!'

'Did you use protection?' she asked, suddenly looking quite concerned.

'Of course- wait....Oh my God! I don't think we did!' I gasped, my hand to my mouth, my other worriedly running through my hair. Perrie's eyes widened, but then she seemed to calm.

'You due on?' she asked, referring to my period.

'Erm...not for another week or so, I don't think.'

'I think you should be fine,' she smiled, leaning back in her seat. I sighed relief and did the same. We spent the entire day together talking about random stuff until we returned to my house, where the boys all came in. Eleanor couldn't come as she had work, but the evening was nice anyway.

I sat at the kitchen table with Harry the following Saturday. He and the boys were going to the recording studio that day. He was in an usually good mood that day, and I tried so hard to be as happy as him, but there was just something that made me feel like crap. I felt quite ill and I was growing extremely worried. My period was two days late. I had called Perrie that morning when I had discovered that I still hadn't started. She said she'd be round straight after Harry had left.

Harry had left and Perrie arrived about ten minutes after. I had thrown up twice that morning due to worry. She walked through the door and pulled something out of the bag. It was a pregnancy test. Silently, I went into the bathroom and did what I had to do. I put the seat of the toilet down and awaited the results. It came up clear. Positive. I dropped it on the floor and buried my head in my hands. I started to cry. I was only nineteen! I had always wanted a child after I was married, and not before.

'Anna? Are you alright?' Perrie cooed from outside. I stood up, steadying myself before opening the door. One look into Perrie's eyes and I broke down again. I collapsed abd hugged her, crying. I was so scared, it was unbelievable. I had to tell Harry, but the thing was, how could I tell him when I was so worried, scared and all other emotions? What if he didn't want a baby and suddenly didn't want to be with me anymore? All of a sudden, everything terrified me.
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