Live While We're Young

Accidents in the Dark

Perrie and I sat on the sofa waiting for the boys to return. I was so scared to tell him. He walked through the footwork the boys, laughing, his dimples showed and his eyes twinkled. He saw me and his smile broadened, and he walked over to hug me and kiss me on the cheek. I held him tightly and wouldn't let go. He rubber my back comfortingly and I finally stepped back.

'I want to tell you something,' I whispered.

'What is it?' he asked, confused.

'Not now, with everyone here. Come with me?'

Harry smiled. He put his hand in his pocket and froze. I turned to look at him inquisitively. He checked all of his pockets.

'I've left something at the studio...I'm just going to go and get it!' he started, sounding worried.

'What is it?' I called, catching up with him at the door.

'Doesnt matter. I'll be back in no time.'

'It can't be that important. Can't you leave it until tomorrow? It's dark and it's chucking it down!'

'I'll be, what, half an hour? Depending on traffic. I'll go and pick it up and be back as soon as possible!' he called as he walked out of the door and into the car.

'Where's Harry?' asked Louis.

'He forgot something apparently. He's gone back to the studio to get it.'

'Do you know what it is?'

'No.' Louis turned and smirked at Niall who grinned and took a sip of his beer. I puzzled before I sat next to Liam on the sofa.

'Harry gone back to the studio?' he asked.

'Yeah. He should've waited until tomorrow, it's late and he's probably tired.'

'He'll be back soon.'

We were all laughing and joking over a pizza and listening to some CDs. I hadn't kept track of time. The rain was coming down faster and faster, but in a warm house and a few friends, it didn't effect us. However, there was something missing - Harry still wasn't back. I did finally check the time and my stomach lurched. He had been gone over an hour. I decided to pick up a piece of pizza and walked out of the room to call him. His phone just kept ringing, so I gathered he must've been driving. There came a knock at the door and there stood someone who I knew lived nearby, probably down a main street, but had no idea what their name was.

'You're Anna, aren't you?' asked the woman in her fifties.

'Yeah, I am. Can I help you?' I pondered politely.

'There's been an accident on the main road,' he flustered.

'Yeah...' I said slowly.

'I saw your car drive past my house and minutes later there was an accident. I think Harry was in the accident!'

I froze and my pizza fell to the floor. I shoved on the pair of shoes by the door and tore from the house. I ran down our street, down another few roads until I finally saw the main road ahead. About jf way down the street, there wee flashing ambulances and police cats, with two cars in a heap and a fallen lamppost. I saw one of the paramedics lift a limp figure onto a stretcher.

'Harry!' I screamed. I ran over, past the police line and up to the stretcher.

'Excuse me, miss, you'll have to step back.'

'That is my boyfriend! Let me get to him!' I shouted at the man, tears streaming down my face. I pushed past him and ran into the ambulance beside Harry. He looked unconscious. 'I'm here Harry. Come on, love. You can make this. Come on.' I pleaded to the still figure of Harry. I held his frail hand and held it to my lips. The doors shut and the ambulance siren sounded. They drove to the hospital and Harry was taken straight to intensive care.

I sat in a waiting room with my head in my hands sobbing. All I had was hope. I sat back in the seat and looked up at the ceiling. I then looked around. There was a woman in another corner with a baby in a pushchair, carefully rocking it.

'He'll be alright, don't you worry. Daddy's going to be just fine... You're going to grow up with a mummy and daddy that love you very much. I love you very much. I might be scared, but that's just going to make me want to cuddle you even more when you're born.' I cooed, stroking my stomach and talking to the unborn foetus in my womb.


I looked up from my tummy to see Niall standing nervously in the doorway. He looked from my eyes to my stomach, back to my eyes again. I patted the seat next to me and he came to sit. I hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around me, stroking my hair.

'You're having his baby then?' he asked softly. I nodded into his chest. 'How long have you both known?'

'I've known since this morning. I haven't been able to tell Harry yet,' I explained.

'How's he doing?'

I let out another sob. 'I don't know!'

'Anna?' came another voice - a female. There was a nurse standing infront of us.

'Do you know what's wrong with him?' I gasped, worriedly, gripping Niall's hand as tightly as I could.

'Well, he is in a critical state at the moment, but we don't think the condition will develop into something worse. He has two broken ribs, a shattered ankle and swelling in the left side of the brain.'

I gasped and Niall tightened his grip too. His best friend being like that could only hurt him as well.

'What can you do?'

'Well, as far as we can tell, the swelling should have decreased since the scans. However, we will have to operate on his ankle. His ribs are just going to have to heal.'

'Is he awake?'

'No. This is part of the critical condition. He doesn't seem to be aware of anything around him while he's unconscious. If the swelling does decrease, it is going to be very worrying if he doesn't wake up.'

'Will he make it?'

'The chances of him not pulling through are slim.'

'Can we see him?' piped up Niall.

'If you really want to.'

We followed the nurse to a room where Harry was.

'Niall,' I whispered, tugging at his arm. 'I don't think I can do this...what if I can't take it? What if I see him and I just break down?'

'He's depending on you. He's going to need you there. He needs his girl to help him through this. He won't be able to do it without you,' he soothed, bearing his beautiful sapphires into my eyes.

'Alright. Help me?' I pleaded. He nodded and took my hand again.

We walked through the door and were immediately met with the bleeping of the life support machine, and the monitoring of his heart beat. I watched the green line rise and fall. I turned to see a limp Harry, pale and drained of all life. I took his resting hand once again and traced the heart tattoo that matched mine.

'We're going to get through this,' I breathed into his fingers. 'We're all going to get through this.'

Tears ran down my cheeks, falling into my lap. I turned to face Niall who was sitting on the other chair on the other side of Harry's bed.

'Come on, mate,' he whispered. 'Do it for the boys, do it for your girl and do it for you're kid. You're lucky enough to be given gifts like that - pull through and grab them.'

I smiled at Niall.

'Thank you,' I stifled a sob as I said this. I couldn't see properly through blurred vision. I lifted Harry's hand and placed it on my stomach, as if hoping he would sense the life inside of it and that would give him strength to pull through. After all, the baby growing inside of me was giving me strength and hope, knowing a part of Harry was living in me. Maybe if I thought this enough and Harry became aware of it, the Harry next to me would recover perfectly.
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Hope you enjoyed! Please leave your comments you lovely people! xxx