Live While We're Young

Just The Three of Us

Niall shook me as the sun was faintly shining through the window.

'I went back to your house and got you some clothes and your toothbrush. I'm going to have to go, but Liam and Louis will be here soon.'

'Niall...where's the bathroom?' I stared at the floor next to Niall's feet with my eyes wide.

'Down the hall and to the left. Why-'

I tore from the room and ran into the toilet, crashing into some nurses on the way. I slammed a cubicle shut and turned. My stomach retracted and I hurled. I had vomited quite harshly.

'Oh Jesus I hate this,' I groaned, standing up. I opened the door of the cubicle and went to come out of the door to find Niall standing with a bag for me.

'Thank you.'

'It's fine. I'm going to go, but before I do, I'll bring you up some food and stuff from the cafe. I'll leave on your chair.'

'Thanks,' I hugged him. He smiled weakly and walked away. I shut the toilet door, pulling an emergency lock across so that no one would enter. I brushed my teeth, and washed myself. I pulled on the clothes Niall had gotten me and left the toilet. There had been a little queue. I left and they filtered in. I found the coffee and walked over to the window, staring out of it.

'Anna?' a hoarse, struggling voice made me jump and whirl around. Harry was awake, staring weakly at me.

'Harry!' I gasped. I set my coffee down on the windowsill, walking over to grasp his hand.

'Hello,' he smiled.

'You're awake!' I breathed, kissing his fingers again.

'I couldn't stay asleep when I have you to be here with,' he groaned. 'I want to tell you something.' He shifted and sat up a little. 'Where's my jacket?'

I got up and fetched his jacket. What he wanted it for, I didn't know.

'So how long have you been here?' he croaked.

'The same amount of time you have. That woman in her fifties who lives down the road you crashed in came and told me as the ambulances arrived,' I explained. I sat as he fiddled with his jacket. I hated him struggling. 'I told you not to go. I told you to save it til the morning. It was dark and raining. The roads were slippy and you still went. Now you're in this state and-' I choked as I began to cry again.

'I'm sorry. I know, im an idiot, but I had to go back. Now this isn't how I imagined,' he said, finding it difficult to talk. He found what he was looking for and pulled it out of the pocket. He handed me the jacket and I lay it on the chair. 'I had to go make everything perfect... I love you. We've only known each other about a year, but I've fallen hard. We've been together nine months - nearly ten. I know you love me, too. It's just...' he opened his hand and revealed a tiny, black, velvet box. I took my hands to my mouth gasping. 'Will you marry me?' I let out a little squeal.

'I...oh my... Harry! Yes! Yes I will!' I laughed. I knelt at the side of his bed. I sat on the side of it and lay back next to him carefully. I put his arm around me. I rested my head against his chest.

'Perfect. It'll just be me...and you...' he breathed heavily. I remembered about the broken ribs on the other side of his to cage and shifted slowly so I wouldn't hurst him.

'Well, not quite...' I slowly stated.

'What do you mean?' he puzzled for a minute, he looked worried.

'There'll be more than just us.' I paused and watched different expressions take form on his face. I took his hand and placed on my stomach for the first time since he was conscious. 'There'll be the three of us.'

For a moment, Harry looked shocked, before a smile spread across his face and his eyes regained a faint twinkle. A little colour illuminated his cheeks and he stroked my tummy. 'I'm going to be a dad?' he questioned. I cupped his face in my hand and beamed down.


He rested his head back into the pillow.

'My life is turning out perfect. I have the fame, the money, my best friends constantly with me, a loving family and a gorgeous fiancée and a beautiful baby on the way,' he opened his moth to speak after a pause. However, he couldn't. His head flopped back into the pillow and his eyes closed. I dropped his hand.

'Harry?' I said frantically. I fled from the room to find a nurse. They tended to him as I was made to stay in the waiting room again.

'Just sleeping. He did faint, but now he's just sleeping, which is essential for him.' I nodded. 'He really scared you, didn't he?'

'Every time he closed his eyes when he spoke, I thought he was going to slip from my grip and lose him forever. Just then, I thought that's exactly what had happened.'

'The fact that he could actually converse with you for as long as he did was a near miricle. Just that was too much pressure on his brain. The swelling has significantly reduced but he's not recovered. Anyway, while he's sleeping, we were going to take him into the operating theatre. We're going to work on his ankle and see if we can do anything about his ribs. The brain we can give medication for, but nothing else. He's going to have to stay a week or two.'

'Thank you for looking after him.'

'Its no problem. Now, they're going to take him in. You can go home, get Harry some things, reassure his fans and whatnot. He'll be in for a few hours.'

I nodded and thanked the nurse again as I stood to leave. On the way down to the exit, I walked into Louis and Eleanor. El gasped when she saw me and pulled me in for a right hug. When she finally let me go, Louis hugged me and kissed my cheek.

'How bad is he?' Louis asked.

'He's going into the operating theatre. He has a shattered ankle and two broken ribs. They're going to operate on his ankle and see if they can do anything about the ribs. He has swelling on the left side of his brain. It's reduced, but when he was talking to me, it was too much pressure for it, so he blacked out. He's sleeping now. They're going to drug him up and take him in.'

They nodded. 'I'm going home for a few hours. I'll be back by the time he wakes up.' I was subconsciously stroking my tummy.

'Why are you rubbing your stomach? You not feeling well?' Eleanor asked.

'In a way...' I replied. I paused before saying 'I'm pregnant. Found out yesterday. Liam and Zayn need telling.'

'He got if then,' Louis winked, indicating the diamond ring in my left ring finger.

'We're also engaged,' I smiled. 'I'm really happy, and excited, but I'm just too worried about Harry.'

'We'll take you home.'

Louis and Eleanor drove me home. I packed some clothes for both Harry and I. I reassured the fans on twitter before we made our way to the hospital again.
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Thanks for reading and commenting! 3 chapters in one day! Aren't you lucky? Please tell na what you think by leaving your comments! xxx