Live While We're Young

Blobs and Splodges

Weeks later, I was three months down the line and Harry was on crutches after having three operations on his ankle. He was under the watchful eye of the hospital and had to keep checking back for hospital appointments. That day was one of those days.

We had managed to arrange for our first ultrasound scan to be about ten minutes after Harry came out from having his head scanned again. He was still in danger, it was essential that he stayed calm and happy, otherwise we could black put again. The swelling had near enough vanished, apart from one area at the very side of his head. It was so small, you wouldn't think it would have much of an effect, but according to the doctors, it did. Harry had gotten used to the head scans by now and it wasn't mug of a big deal. The fans were worried as hell when they discovered of Harry's injury. He insisted there was nothing to worry about and that everything was fine, and even had us announce our engagement and child early to stop his girls worrying. Of course, this kicked up a bit of a storm, and it hadn't died down. People hated me, others liked me. People wanted to kill the child, people wanted to be the child. The lists were endless.

Harry came out of the scan smiling. We wouldn't know the results until we came back from the ultrasound. We slowly made our way to the other side of the hospital. We sat in the waiting room, waiting for our names to be called.

'Anna and Harry Styles?'

We had decided to put our names down as that, considering I would be Mrs Styles by the time the baby was born. Several people looked up at the sound of Harry's name. I helped Harry up with his crutches and made our way into the room. Harry sat down in a chair next to the bed that I slipped on to. The doctor entered.

'Hello. Right, looking at Baby Styles now, are we?' Harry and I nodded. He took my hand and held it tightly. I knew how excited he was, as was I. But there was something I hadn't told anyone yet, not even the doctor. I knew I had to come clean soon. I was so scared.

The doctor told me to pull my top over my bump - it was rather bigger than anyone else's three month bump that I had seen, and I was concerned I was either eating too much or giving birth to a half giant. He rubbed some cold jellyish substance in me and then started the ultrasound. There was a odd little shape that was surrounded by a grey and black outline. I felt Harry smile as he had his lips to my hand. I smiled broadly as te fuzzy little shape.

'There's the head and an...arm...wait a second...' paused the doctor. He got up and went to get someone else.

'Harry...what's wrong?' I asked, looking down at him to see him staring worriedly at the door.

'I...I don't know...' the doctor re entered with another doctor. A slight panic rose in my chest and I could see Harry trying to see the scan. 'Doctor, what's wrong?'

Both doctors stood observing the monitor before the extra one left and a broad smile flitted onto our doctors face. 'Nothing! Just had to get Doctor Hodgeson to check. I'm pleased to announce that you two are blessed with twins!'

I looked in shock at first to the doctor, then to the monitor, then turned to face Harry's wide orbs as he turned to my eyes. We sat, our jaws hanging open before a smile stretched onto my face and I let out a little squeal for joy, throwing my arms around Harry's neck.

'Anna this is amazing!' he laughed, a tear of joy trickling onto my neck.

'Are you sure?' I gasped, turning back to the doctor.

'Yup....and here are your scan pictures,' he said, handing them to us.

'Time to think of names when we get home,' Harry winked.

'Well, for now they can be Blob and Splodge, because that's what they look like, a blob and a Splodge,' Harry laughed at me puzzling over the photo and saying this.

'Right. Let's go and show their uncles Blob and Splodge
Harry chuckled. The doctor smiled as Harry picked up his crutches and made his way to the door. I was about to follow him when I remembered.

'Harry, love. I just need a word with the doctor about Blob and Splodge. I'll be out in a second. You sit and wait for me in there,' I smiled. He nodded and hopped away to sit in the waiting room.

'What's the problem?' the doctor enquired.

'I'm worried about this whole birth thing. There's been some problems in family past...'

'Take a seat,' he indicated a chair next to his desk which I took. 'Care to explain?'

'Well, my grandma hemorrhaged when giving birth to all three of her children. My mum hemorrhaged with me and lost just under two litres of blood. She nearly died. My uncle has that disease... I can't remember what it is called...but it's where if you cut yourself too deeply then it won't stop, you have to go the hospital and get stitches before you pretty much bleed to death. Also, when I have even an injection, my arm will just ooze blood for ages before it heals. I was once told if I ever have a baby, if it was a boy, it could have the same problem as my uncle because of my parents and my own blood types. I was also told that I, too, could lose so much blood...' I faltered, not wanting to think of the consequences. The doctor took in every word I said.

'If this is life threatening, we could, you're not going to like this, but we could offer obortion-'

'No!' I spat, rather too harshly.

'No, didn't think so. We could offer you a sezarian section. It would be your safest bet. But...'

'But what?'

'It wouldn't be for the children. You are wider at the hips and feet which means that you are capable of giving birth but your uterus space is quite limited. Cutting through all of that could have a dangerous effect on the babies,' he finished.

'I'm not risking their lives for the sake of mine. No. I-I-I'll go through with the birth. If I bleed too much, and I don't make it or something -'

'I'm sure you will make it-'

'But if I don't, I know that they have an amazing dad, four amazing uncles, loving families and all the money and support they could possibly need. Thank you,' I smiled weakly. I went to leave the room and placed my hand on the handle before I turned back to face the doctor. 'Harry must never know about this. He can't get worried about me dying or anything. Don't tell him.'

I left the room after a reassuring nod from the doctor. As I entered the waiting room, Harry got up and hopped over to me. I slid my arms around him and carefully hugged him, minding his tender ribs. I kissed him on the cheek and stepped back.

'What was that for?' he asked.

'Just because I know you're going to be an amazing dad,' I smiled. I hid my sudden worry. I rubbed my tummy, mentally reassuring the twins that their mummy is never going to give up in them.

After collecting the results of Harry's brain, we discovered he was doing fine and that risks of blackouts were slimming all the time. His medication was lowered and we made our way home.

'You're unusually quiet, love,' he said as we drive home.

'Just tired. Been at the hospital all day, it's taken something out of me!'

'Well after we've shown Blob and Splodge to Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn, you can have a nice long rest. You'll need it!'

'Yup, I sure will.'

We made out way through the front door to find the boys all airing I the living room with food and a film.'

'Who wants to see Blob and Splodge!' we called. The boys jumped up. Niall took the ultrasound pictures and stated at them.

'Blob and Splodge?' puzzled Liam, looking quizzical about the names but he put emphasis on the and.

A smile appeared on Niall's face. 'Twins!' he exclaimed. He passed the pictures to Liam and he beamed. Louis dropped I his hands and knees and started talking to the kids.

'Your uncle Lou is going to teach you everything! If you're boys how to get a girl... Actually, your dad would be better at teaching that... And if your girls, how to slap a lad who's coming onto you and sent him running,' he joked, talking directly to my stomach. We all laughed. Zayn was examining the photos by this point and when Louis got up, as did he.

'They're going to be precious!' Zayn smiled.

'Never known a more precious Blob and Splodge,' Niall joked. We all laughed and went to sit down.

'Oh! Harry, how's your head?' Louis asked.

'Ob right, yeah, the swellings practically gone. They've lowered my medication. And hopefully I'll be off of these damn crutches soon!'

Everyone was thrilled to hear this, including me. I was just too wrapped up in my own little world, thinking about what I had to go through and risk for the life of my children.

*A few months later*

Harry went up to the hospital for what everyone hoped would be his last check up. I stayed home as I wasn't feeling well. The boys went with Harry to his final appointment.

I really fancied a curry. I think that curry and chocolate fudge cake had been some of my cravings. I made my way to the kitchen and scratched around the fridge and cupboards. I made a Tikka Masala sauce. I cooked off some chicken and stirred it all in a pan. I took some rice out of the pantry and started to cook it off. I added in some spices and finished the creation. I found a chocolate fudge cake in the freezer and shoved it in the oven to cook.

'Ah!' I called out. Here twins had kicked and had been a lot lately, their kicks hurt more and more. I recovered from it and decided to give them company by talking to them. 'You're having a good feast tonight kiddies! Oh I'm fed up of calling you kiddies...I want to know if you're boys or girls!' I whined, happily. I lay the rice out on six plates. I had the same portion of what I gave all of the boys because of the babies. I then added the Tikka chicken and sauce.
'Ow! Blob... Splodge... Either of you...stop it!'

I placed the plates on the kitchen table and made my way back to the kitchen to turn off the oven. Another sharp pain shot through me as I leaned over to turn it off. 'Ow!' I screamed out.

'Anna?' shouted Harry, as I heard the front door open. I took the cake out of the oven and placed it on the counter.

'Kitchen, love! Dinner's on the table!' I heard the boys walk into the dining room as Harry walked into the kitchen to see me. 'You're off crutches!' I panted as we walked in.

'Yup! Made a full recovery. They can't stress how lucky I am. I rekon you're my lucky charm!' he winked. 'You alright?' he suddenly looked concerned. I winced and bit my lip until the pain subsided.

'Absolutely fine...' I sighed. Harry placed his hand on my stomach. 'Ah!' I screamed.

'What?' he panicked.

'Didn't you feel them kick?' I worried.

'I don't think these are kicks, babe...'

'Oh, what else are they going to be?' I snapped.

'Contractions?' I looked at Harry with wide eyes.

'Don't be stupid. There's still four months until I have the kids!' I exclaimed. 'Oh my God!'

'You're coming to the hospital, with me, now.'

'No, Harry. Don't worry. You're Dinner's on the table. Go get it,' I falsely smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the dining room. I doubled over, shouting out in pain again.

'You're in labour!' Harry persisted. Louis suddenly appeared in the doorway.

'She's what?'

'Shes in labour! Lou, drive us to the hospital!'

'Harry, I'm fine! Lou, go and eat!'

Louis also took my hand and they led me through the door, to the car, and drive me to the hospital. I groaned in pain. We made it to the hospital, and the doctors took me in. I couldn't be giving birth. How would that be possible? There was still four months!

Everything was blurred. Sounds were distant. Every bone in my body was screaming. I was shouting out for Harry, needing him there. I didn't know what was going on, but I needed the pain o stop. I felt weak, everything seemed alienated. Soon I was deifting into nothingness - and then... Blackness.
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