Live While We're Young


There was a faint bleeping noise as I opened my eyes. I turned my head and a soft tuft of full brown hair was buried into my side. I felt a pressure on my hand which let me know that they were holding it.

'H-Harry?' I asked weakly. The tuft of hair shot up and I was met with a pair of emeralds.

'You're awake!' he called out.

'Well...yeah... What happened? All I remember is the...contractions... And then... I don't know,' I faltered.

'Early labour induced by stress. All the worry you were containing was putting pressure on the babies as well, so that made them want to come out. Neither of them are ready for it though. You blake out when they were trying to help you.'

'How long have I been out for?' I croaked.

'Two days?'

'Oh, we missed the ultrasound!'

'No, we can do it another time. Today, if you feel up to it?'

'Sounds brilliant.'

'So, what have you been worrying about?'

'Nothing. Just really hoped you'd get better. And with planning the wedding that's next month! Who wouldn't get a little stressed?' I lied. Well, yes, I was worried for Harry and wanted him to make a full recovery for the wedding we sat and planned for everyday. I also didn't even want to think how huge I would look in my dress at five months pregnant - six by the time I'm walking down aisle. But the thing was, I couldn't stop worrying about actually giving birth. I had denied having contractions at home because I was so concerned about what would happen!

'No need to worry anymore. I'm going to take more responsibility-'

'Harry, you can't get stressed! Your head!'

'The doctors said I've made a full recovery!'

'You still have to be careful,' I warned. He nodded. My stomach growled.

'That reminds me,' he said, looking at first to where the sound had come from to his bag. He took out a little rub. 'Here you go, princess.'

'Fudge cake!' I smiled. I took the tub and took out a bit of the cake. I ate happily.

'The curry was beautiful by the way. The boys bought me and Louis ours when they found out you were in here. Thank you.'

'You're welcome.'

'You're awake, I see.'

I looked towards the door to see a doctor. Doctor Wilth by the look of the nans tag. He was the one who did the ultrasound. He was accompanied by the midwife.

'I trust Harry told you of what happened,' he stated. I nodded, swallowing and shoving the tub back into Harry's arms while he smirked. 'How about we take you in for that ultrasound? We could bring the equipment in here if you like?'

Within half an hour, the equipment was being put in the room I was in and they were ready to start the ultrasound. More jelly was spread onto my stomach until the door opened and there stood four handsome boys.

'Weren't going to start the scan without her uncles now, were we?' jokes Louis. He perched at the end of the bed next to Harry, who was next to me, holding me hand. Zayn say in one chair and Niall the other. Liam stood next to the monitor.

'Friends of yours?' asked Doctor Wilth.

'Could say that,' Harry and I spoke in unison.

He started the scan. Blob and Splodge appeared on the screen.

'They're doing fine. It looks like you have to healthy children there. Would you like to know what they are?'

I looked into Harry's eyes. 'Do you want to?'

'Yeah! If you do?'

'Course. Okay, yes please.'

I felt Louis shift excitedly at the end of the end of the bed. It was so cute at how excited he got at our baby - I couldn't imagine what he'd be like with his own.

'Hm... It's .... No.... Well, it looks to me as though you may be having..... One of each!'

'A boy and a girl?' asked Zayn.

'It appears so!' the midwife said, after she'd inspected the scan.

'Aww!' beamed Liam. I felt Harry's arms huh me. I hugged him back tightly.

'You have given me the most amazing thing I could ever have wished for, Anna. Thank you do much. You've given me my baby bit and my baby girl in one. You are going to be such an incredible mum,' he whispered in my ear. I kissed his cheek as he pulled away and we got handed scan photos. I hugged Harry again.

'Well, it takes two. I couldn't have exactly done that without you,' I whispered back. He pulled away, grinning.

I was let out of the hospital later after a few check overs to make sure I was alright. We finally arrived home and I collapsed on the sofa. Harry came over and plopped down next to me. He took my hand and set his sweet lips on mine. He bit my bottom lip lightly so that he could gain entrance. I granted it and he slipped his tongue inside. I pulled away and hugged him. I looked around to see Niall smirking at us.

'What? You never seen two people kiss before?' I grinned.

'I just feel sorry for when the kids are watching telly and they turn around to find you two snogging,' he flashed a cheeky smile.

'I can just imagine us embarrassing the picking them up from school or somewhere, can't you? Imagine one of them kissing their boyfriend or girlfriend and then we just start doing the same thing to take the piss?' I chuckled.

'Oh don't say that! I haven't even held Darcy in my arms yet and I'm already dreading her getting a boyfriend!' he screwed up his eyes and looked away, hating the thought. I laughed before turning to him.

'Darcy?' I questioned. He blushed.

'I'll leave you two to it,' Niall smiled as he left the room to go to the boys.

'Well, yeah. I like the name...think it would be cute?'

'I never thought I would but come to think of it, I do like the name...'

'So you'll let me name her Darcy?' he looked into my eyes like an eager small child.

'Yes, Harry! I will let you name her! I get to name Blob...'

'So Darcy was Splodge?'

'Yeah, but only because Blob sounds more like Bob, and Bob's a boy's name.'

Harry laughed. .'So what do you want to name Blob?'

'I like...This is going to sound so stupid...You know how I love Harry Potter?-'

'You're not going to name it Ron are you?' Harry laughed.

'I was thinking more along the lines of Draco,' I giggled. I was actually serious. I looked at his face and coughed a little. 'No? I like Carson, too?'

'Carson? Never heard that before,' he pondered. 'Sounds alright actually.'

'Yeah? It was my Grandad's name, but he died of lung cancer. I like Carson.'

'Harry, Anna, Carson and Darcy Styles. Our little family.'

'Our perfect family,' I smiled.

We were soon pouring over a guests list which, apart from the dress, was the last thing to do. Louis went off to the printers to give them the list so the invitations could be printed. Everything was falling into place. I was so looking forward to the few months. I would be marrying the father to my children, who were due two to three months after I married. I was also looking forward to the forthcoming years. Watching Carson and Darcy grow up. I was looking forward to the rest of my life, which is something I never thought about! I couldn't help but give a cheesy smile. Harry wrapped his muscular arm around my shoulder.

'Thinking about the future, too?' he asked, reading my mind.

'Everything that's going to happen - the wedding, the kids, they grow won't be too long before they're off to college and uni and don't have as much time for us anymore. We'll all grow old... Just thinking of all that could happen is exciting...but it scares me...'

'just think of every moment we've had together, and cherish the moments we get now. They aren't going to last forever. Time's precious. No one can keep it. That's why we both love and fear it all at the same time,' he stroked my hair while saying this.

'Sounds like something Zayn would say, but you're right. I love you, Harry.'

He pressed his lips to mine and made me smile.

'I love you, too. When we grow old, don't you dare die before me, bacause I can't imagine my life without you, even for a day. And if you do, ask to bring one more person.' I smiled sweetly at what he had said.
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Writing this chapter, I thought I'd do a sequel when I finish this... Probably of Darcy and Carson in their teens. What do you think? Leave your comments on the idea and on the story so far. I hope you're liking it. Thank you to everyone who comments, recommends and subscribes. You're all amazing xxx