Live While We're Young

Mr & Mrs

My heart thudded. I couldn't hear a sound. I could feel my body shake with every move I made. Through the doors, the crowd chattered. The doors opened. The music began. I took my dad's arm and held the bouquet in the other hand. I took a steadying breath and stepped forward.

'You look stunning,' my dad whispered. I smiled to the ground at looked up to see Harry and his best man at the alter waiting for me to reach it. Harry's eyes twinkled and Louis, his best man, wore a broad grin on his face. I looked around at the smiling guests. My mum had little beads of tears in her eyes. I smiled at her and she put her hands to her mouth as if she were praying and smiled at me.

We reached the alter. My father kissed my cheek and went to sit down, as did the bridesmaids, Perrie and Eleanor. I held Harry's hands. The priest started talking.

'You look beautiful,' Harry whispered.

'Thank you,' I blushed.

I couldnt really hear what the priest was saying, but somehow I found myself saying the 'I do's ' and repeating the vows. I couldn't believe I was standing there in my wedding dress becoming Mrs Styles. I felt a tear or two bead down my cheek and I flicked them away with a few awes from the guests. The final I Do was said, before the priest said;

'I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.'

Harry took me in his arms. He held me close and crashed his lips to mine. His lips were so full and sweet. I cherished the moment as I held onto his neck. The guests erupted into cheers and whoops. We broke apart, smiling into each others eyes. We left the huge church and made our way to the venue where the speeches were to be said, food was to be eaten and dancing was to be done.

We arrived at the large table in the big hall. We sat at the head table. Before we tucked into the food, the speeches came up. I listened intently. My dad was first. He gave a beautiful speech about me as a baby and now we were having children of our own. He had tears beading down his cheeks.

'Dad...are you...crying?' I asked.

'No...Just....I spilt some water...'

'On your face?'

'You've never been one to buy a lie, have you, sweetheart?' he chortled. I stood, showing everyone my thirty week old bump with the twins.

Next came Louis' speech, as he was the best man. Harry had had difficulty choosing this position, but as Louis and him had said it years ago and had promised the position to each other, Louis got it.

'Well, there's not much to tell about Harry and Anna's relationship...they've only been together...I think it's a year? But I'll try my best.

There was this one time when Harry had taken Anna out for the night...something about a bet...and he came back all smitten. He was acting all weird and tripped over all this day we found out he was going out with her. He wouldn't stop talking about her...I'm not even joking!'

'That's a lie, Lou!' blushed Harry, glancing at me smirking from the corner of his eye.

'Sssh! This is my speech, Harold! Anyway, I remember this once, he was just sitting there, and I came off of the phone to Eleanor. He was fiddling with his phone. I'd told El I missed her, she was beautiful and I loved her. So then Harry pipes up, still staring at his phone all glossy eyed, 'She's beautiful. I love her.' I walked over to his phone, grabbed it out his hand and fell on the floor laughing when I saw he was scrolling through all of her Facebook photos! I'm being serious, he was stalking her on Facebook!' everyone laughed. Harry blushed and hid his head in his hands, laughing. I was crying with laughter.

'You stalked me on Facebook?'

'I looked through your profile once!' he defended.

'Now that's what I thought! But, I checked your internet history on your phone, and she was your entire history! Her Facebook profile popped up about ten times, and, it wasn't just Facebook, it was Twitter as well! In fact, I even caught him reading through year old tweets of hers!'

Everyone was laughing now, mainly from the shade of crimson Harry had turned at the embarrassingly true story.

Louis carried on telling more hilarious embarrassing stories, making Harry turn shades of red I'd never seen before. Next came the only speech I really cared about. Harry.

' Louis...I guess...So, after that, you can kind of guess that I like....wait I can't just say that anymore...Love Anna, and, well, the embarrassing stuff that goes with it.

Basically, it all started out as Anna thinking me and the boys being really quite annoying. I don't like people thinking that about me, so we put on a bet. Basically, it gave me a week to show her I'm not annoying. I didn't like her anymore than a work colleague or a friend, but then with all the activities, something changed...I really liked her.

I ended up winning the bet, because she didn't think I was annoying anymore, but she thought I was fun and nice to be around. We never agreed to any prize for the bet, so she asked me what I wanted. I thought I'd see what she thought and asked for be my girlfriend...we .... kissed....everyone found out sooner than we'd wanted, but it was okay. We came back to the UK and I basically proposed and then we found out she was pregnant. Then we found out we're having life just seems perfect. Loads of people would say 'But Harry, it was perfect anyway, you are constantly with your four best friends, you're living the dream, you have enough money to do anything!' but the thing is, there was always something missing...and now I know what...It was Anna. It was a family of my own. I had mum, dad and Gemma, but I was away from them way too often. Now I know that I have two beautiful girls and a gorgeous boy keeping the house warm when I'm away.'

He finished and I found myself crying from the speech. He was just so sweet.

'So thank you to everyone for coming,' he held his glass up in the air. 'A our new, perfect family!'

The guests chanted back what Harry had said and then clinked glasses. He sat and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.

'Thank you. I love you,' I smiled.

'I love you, too. You are my everything.'

We made our way to the big hall after we ate the delicious food. It had tables around the edge of the room and a large dancefloor with a DJ and it's speakers at the front. Harry took my hand as everyone lined the dancefloor . We stood in the middle of the hall with everyone watching us, hand in hand. The music began to play... Coldplay - Yellow. I looked down and smiled as Harry and I swayed on the spot as close to each other as the baby bump would permit. The lights were dimmed and there were elegant disco lights sweeping the floor around us.

'What are you grinning at?' he asked, lifting up my chin to meet his beautiful eyes.

'Remember that night.... We took a walk down the beach abd lay on the sand...'

'Oh yeah, I pulled you down and we stared at the stars. I started to sing this,' he remembered, beaming.

'That was the night we first kissed,' I noted.

'That was the night you became my girl.'

I Smiled and leaned up to kiss him after he'd said that. I loved him calling me 'my girl', I thought it was adorae and it was exactly what I wanted to be.

'What was that for?' he grinned.

'Being mine,' I stated simply, still smiling. The song came to an end and people were filtering onto the dancefloor. Niall tapped my shoulder and offered me his arm in an over exaggerated manner. I jokingly took it and walked with Niall to dance. As a song began to play, me and Niall began being stupid on the dancefloor.

'So, how does it feel?' he asked over the booming music.


'Being Mrs Styles!'

'Honestly? Like a dream come true. Everything in my life seems perfect!'

'Lets hope it stays that way for a very long time!'

'Yeah, I hope!'

The song ended and I danced with Liam. I then danced with Louis before finally dancing with Zayn. I had a dance with my dad, Harry's dad and my friends before refusing to leave Harry's side. I yawned and hugged Harry tightly.

'You alright, babe?' he cooed.

'Yeah, just tired. Today has been like an utter fairy tale,' I smiled stupidly.

'Well, come on, Cinderella, let your Prince Charming take you home!' I giggled as Harry scooped me up in a Bridal fashion. We announced that we were leaving and were met with a swarm of people bidding us good bye, congratulations and good luck to the future. Louis and Eleanor were staying at our house that night, so we gave them a spare key to let themselves in.

We drove home and opened the door. When we were in, we changed from our wedding attire. I hung my beautiful snow coloured, silk, embroidered dress in the wardrobe. It was massive - it had to be for the bump - but I hoped that when Carson abd Darcy were born that we could soon re new our vows and I would wear a dress about two sizes smaller.

I slipped into my fluffy pyjamas and let down my beautifully crafted hair. I took the make up wipes and slid off the make up. I crawled into bed and was soon met with Harry's arm being protectively wrapped around my waist.

'Goodnight, Mrs Styles,' sighed Harry, happily. His breath tickled my neck and sent shivers down my spine.

'Goodnight, Mr Styles.'

I slowly drifted into sleep after Harry had laced our fingers together. Then the realisation hit me. I was Mrs Anna Styles. I may have only just turned twenty, but I had no regrets. I had a perfect husband and two perfect children on the way. My life had never been more amazing, and as I fell asleep that night, I had so many wonderful dreams of our little family...

I sit on the luscious green grass with a little girl of light brown, curly hair and brown eyes. We are stringing together daisy chains, making them into necklaces, crowns, bracelets... The beautiful little girl hops up and runs to a tall, handsome man and a little boy half his size but the spitting image of the taller man... Pale skin...dimples...a mop of brown curls...and stunning green eyes. They are tapping a foot ball with their feet, running around and passing it to each other.

'Daddy! Daddy!' cries out the little girl.

'Hello my little Princess,' he laughs, scooping her up in his arns and perching her on his hip, one arm wrapped around her.

'I made this one for you...' she smiles, out stretching an unfastened Daisy Chain. 'You're hands are too big, so I didn't do it up yet.'

'Well, slip it on and I'll do it up,' suggests the man. I smile at how perfect he is with handling the children. She wrapped it around his wrists and pierces a small hole in the stem of a daisy. She slits them in and shows her father.

'It's beautiful,' he grins, pecking her cheek and letting her down.

'Dad! I want to play!' whines the boy. The little girl comes rubbing back to me, flinging her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly. After a long while, the two boys came to sit with us. I smile into a large pair of beautiful green eyes as he kneels in the grass next to me. He leans in and presses his soft, full pink lips to mine. I crack a smile, as does he...

'Mummy, look! A butterfly in your hair!' comes an amazed little voice. I pull away from the kiss but hold onto the mans hand. Out of the top of my vision, I see a small pair of winds fluttering at the daisy tiara in my hair. I smiled.

'A natural beauty,' grins the man, lifting his finger and allowing the butterfly to crawl onto his finger and showing if to his fascinated daughter.

'Isnt it just? I smile, stroking my little girls hair.

'He meant you, mummy,' whispers a little voice in my ear. I turn my head to see the little boy had cupped his hands over my ear to whisper that to me. I blush a little.

'Yeah, I did.' the man kisses my cheek and the children begin laughing.

I awoke the next morning to that same pair of lips pressing themselves to mine, and the same paid of irresistable green eyes boaring right into my very soul. I couldn't definitely stay with that forever.
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I really hope you're enjoying this. This chapter is probably quite short... Sorry! Please keep your comments coming! I love reading them!! xx