Live While We're Young

Blood Bath

Two weeks after the wedding, the fans hysteria had started to die down. Harry hated seeing his fans hurt, and, for a few days, cut himself off completely from the internet and the outdoors as he couldn't bear to see his beloved fans cry and he certainly didn't want them hating me or the children. When he did finally go on Twitter and Tumblr, he had calmed down in seeing that his fans had accepted it and weren't so emotional about it. To be honest, I didn't like seeing thousands of teenage girls break down in tears over him. I didn't like it being because if me. There were a few moments when I felt extremely guilty, but knew it couldn't all have been because of me. However, I did think it was cute that they loved Harry to the ends of the earth, despite the fact half of them had never met him.

I sat in the front row of the audience to the Late Late Show. The boys had come over to Ireland to do a little promoting. The titles came on and Ryan introduced the guests. The boys walked out onto the stage and said hello to everyone.

'Now, boys, it's been a long time since you were last on the show. What has been the biggest thing that's happened to you...err...Niall?'

'Where to begin!' he called out sarcastically, exaggerating turning to Harry and raising his eyebrows, making Harry blush and smile, showing off his gorgeous dimples. 'Um, I think the biggest thing that's happened to me, personally, is finishing the tour. It's been so huge and I've loved it so much. I hope we do another one just as big.' The boys nodded in agreement.

'I think that it was probably getting back off tour, too, actually. It's been such a huge thing and thanks to the fans it can keep growing and getting bigger so thank you to you all for doing that,' smiled Liam. Trust him to give a thank you speech.

'I think it was those rumours that Perrie and I had to stop...people were saying we were going to get married and that's not actually true,' grinned Zayn.

'No that turned out to be somebody else,' joked Louis. He nudged Harry in the ribs. 'I think it was probably getting sleep after being on tour... Away from work I live quite a boring life really...the biggest thing that's happened to me is more than eight hours' sleep...fascinating!'

Everyone turned to look at Harry. 'Well! I got a girlfriend on tour...Crashed my car and ended up with two broken ribs, a shattered ankle and severe brain swelling, putting me at risk of brain damage or even death. I got my girlfriend pregnant before I crashed and found out in hospital. I proposed to her. I found out we were having twins and I married her! I think that's it, but knowing me, it won't be,' Harry checked everything off on his fingers until he ran out. Everyone laughed at Harry's eventful year.

I felt a tight constriction in my abdomen. I assumed that it was just one of the kids kicking. It was sharp and painful, but it soon subsided. I stroked my bump and thought nothing of it. The interview went on.

'So, Harry, have you decided what you're going to call the kids? Do you know what they are yet?'

'Er, yeah. There's a boy and a girl. Really unusual so we're really lucky. We're going to call one Darcy and one Carson.'

Another cramp, slightly more painful, and slightly longer to subside. I winced a bit and Harry turned to look at me. I smiled and waved at him.

'Okay so we're going to take some questions from the audience. Do we have Mia?'

A girl shouted out hello with a strong Irish accent.

'Um, Niall, if you could swap hair with one of the boys for a day, who would it be and why?'

'um... I think I'm going to go with the obvious one and say Harry because I wanna try the hair flip and see what effect it has really,' Niall laughed, ruffling Harry's hair. The crowd giggled.

Another pain. Another wince.

'Okay so do we have Eve?'

'Hey! Liam, now that you've been able to drink alcohol for a while, do you have a favourite drink on a night out?'

'Orange juice,' Liam laughed. 'Honestly, I'm not a big drinker. A nice drink here and there is nice but I think that question would beat be asked to Niall.'

'Pint,' Niall said, tilting his head forwards towards the girl, looking at her, raising his eyebrows and pointing. She giggled.

'Do we have Mark?'

'Hi Louis. My daughter wants to know if she could ever be Mrs Tomlinson?' he chuckled. His daughter who looked about sixteen, looked up at her dad in horror.

'Dad!' she squealed, turning pink.

Another pain. I screwed up my face. I now recognised the pains.

'Aw cute. Maybe babe, maybe,' Louis winked. I tried to get Harry's attention. I let out a little whine from the pain. Harry's eyes flicked to me and over the audience again. A girl called Evie spoke.

'Harry, when are the twins due?'

' a few weeks I think,' he smiled. I bit my lip in pain, trying to hold back more pained noises. He looked over at me to check. I shook my head. His eyes widened. 'Or not...'

I tensed and arched my back more as the pain really kicked in. I let out a squeak.

'Anna are you okay?...' Harry slowly asked. I could tell he was scared. I shook my head, curling my hands into fists and making my knuckles turn white.

'Harry, I think...' Niall began, but Harry had jumped up and had ran over to me.

'Are you alright? Is it your stomach? Is it the babies?'

'Well it's not going to be period pain, is it, Sherlock?' I snapped, pain pulling at me every which way.

'That's it for section one, we'll be back after the break for part two,' Ryan signalled for an advert break. The boys immediately jumped up and over to me, followed by Ryan. The crowd had completely fallen silent.

'Come on, I'll get you to the hospital,' Harry urged, tugging at my hand.

'No, get back to the interview,' I groaned.

'You are so stupid!' panic thick in his voice. 'Come on, love, get up.'

'I can't, Harry!' I moaned, in pain.

'I'll help you!'

'Harry, if I start walking, my waters are going to break all over this floor. I am not being embarrassed like that.'

'Come on, Anna. We'll help you!' Niall also was at my arm. Since when was he so urgent when it came to birth?

'Anna, you're going to get up with me, okay?' Harry had collected himself and spoke to me in a calm voice. He hit up off his knees and crouched. He took my one arm around his neck. Louis did the same with my other. 'One, two, three!'

I stood, pain clenching.

'Ahh, Harry I can't!' I near-screamed.

'Come on, love. Louis and I are going to help you up the steps...come on...don't hold your breath! Breathe...take deep breaths... That's it love, breathe,' he soothed, guiding me up the steps. Liam had raced a head to hold the door open for us. Zayn had gotten my bag and was helping me to the car. Painfully, I slid into the passenger seat as Harry got in the drivers seat. Zayn put my bag in the car.

'We'll be over straight after the interview!' Liam shouted.

'Good luck!' Zayn called as Harry hit the acceleration.

'Harry!' I gasped as another contraction took place.

'It's all going to be alright, Anna! Come on love! Breathe, yeah, just like we did,' Harry started practising those same breaths with me. My whole body felt like I was being tortured. I closed my eyes, doing the same breathing techniques as Harry and flopped my head back into the seat. I was sweating from the pain slightly. It was another half hour before we made it to the nearest hospital.

We were rushed to a delivery ward. I couldnt think for the state of pain I was in. It was excruciating. I was led to a bed. I was about to lie on it when it happened. My waters broke. They splashed all over the floor and I was washed over my another wave of unimaginable torture, that I didn't even care.

'Oh my god! Anna are you alright?'

'She's fine, sir. It's what happens,' a midwife comforted Harry.

'Harry!' I screamed. I could feel stretching and pulling. I really was t ready for this. I was laid on the bed.

'Four centimetres dilated...' stated the doctor. 'She still has another six to go...this isn't going to be easy, especially with twins...' Harry ran over to my bedside and held my hand. I was given Gas and Air and sucked on it as if my life depended on it, as that's exactly what it felt like.

'You are doing amazingly, love. Just think of all of the amazing tones we can have when the kids are born...' Harry kept on talking. All I could do was pant and scream.

'I'm so scared!' I whispered. I had suddenly remembered why I had dreaded birth so long to begin with, and what I had refused to tell anyone.

'You're fine, sweetheart, you're gonna be fine. I'm here!' he cooed, stroking my hand.

'No, you don't understand... Agh!' I screamed again, clenching Harry's hand and making him wince. The door burst open and in came four figures. One plopped to his knees beside the bed.

'How's she doing?' came another Irish accent.

'Really stupid question, Niall!' I exclaimed, tensing and roaring at another contractions. I never meant to snap, but it was hard not to be short tempered at this stage. I felt as if I was being torn apart.

'Six centimetres... Another four... Come on, love, you're doing fantastic,' the doctor announced. I groaned at another contraction and at the fact I wasn't even able to deliver yet.

'Anna, you are incredible!' cheered Zayn, holding my other hand and kneeling on the floor of the other side of the bed.

'Agh!' I screamed again, tensing and crushing both of their hands in mine, making them bite their lips.

'Eight centimetres!'

By this time I had been in labour for three hours. It wouldn't seem it, but my body felt as of it had been under torture for days. It was so late. I was repositioned on the bed.

My heart thudded hard against my ribcage it hurt. I panted for breath. I shouted out, and I wasn't even pushing them out yet - my cervix was stretching. I felt as if my internal organs were being stabbed and burned on stakes. I was sweating from the pain. I'd look into Harry's eyes to comfort me, but the usual star-like sparkle was replaced with worry and sympathy at the fact I was going through all this. My brain wouldn't function properly. I couldn't realise anything that was going on in my surroundings. All I knew was that my body felt as if I had been plunged into hell. What was supposed to be a kind of pain relief did nothing for me. The Gas and Air had absolutely no effect on me. I was terrified, too. I knew the children would be fine, as I was risking everything to have them healthy and well. What scared me was what would happen after they were born. My thoughts were swept away with a cry out. I hadn't taken in any of the events going on outside my body which was begging for relief. I knew I never wanted to experience such pain again. I just had to think positively - It's for the children, Anna. Darcy and Carson, it's all for them. After another hour, which took us up to about five hours of hell, the doctor finally cried out;

'Ten centimetres!'

The nurses came over and ushered Zayn out of the way. Everything seemed to be distorted. My legs were wide, ready for the babies to be born. The doctor was as the end if the bed with the midwife, and a nurse was next to me.

'Alright, Anna, I need you to take a push!' encouraged the doctor. I pushed with all my might. 'Okay, and another one!'

'Fucking hell!' I screamed. Liam and Zayn exchanged a look as if to say 'I'm so glad I'm not a girl!'.

'Another big push for me sweetheart!' the doctor cheered.

'Come on, Anna. You're doing incredibly. Well done. Give a push, come on...' Harry cooed, trying to help.

'Fuck! Oh my God! Fucking hell!'

'Its okay! Come on!'

'Harry! I know you're trying to help but just shut the fuck up! You're here for me to squeeze, not imitate a doctor!' I growled as I pushed, overwhelmed with pain. Harry smiled and nodded. He knew I didn't mean it.

'We can see a head! Little pushes now, Anna...yeah, and another...good girl,' Harry had dived to the bottom of the bed, still gripping my hand, to see the baby be born. I gave several little pushes on command and moaned and groaned even more. This was just torture.

'One last, big push!' called the doctor. I gave it that push and felt something happen at the bottom of me.

'Yes!' shouting out the doctor. I heard Harry gasp and surf of laugh at the sight of one of our babies being passes to the midwife to have the umbilical cord cut. I collapsed into the pillow, forgetting about the other twin until it started coming down.

'Bollocks! Oh you little bastard!' I screamed out. I heard a little laugh come from Louis and gave him a death glare.

'Push, Anna, push!' Harry squeezed my hand. I grabbed his and cried out again. I was already sore from giving birth the first time, but now I had to be sore while giving birth the second time.

'Dick!' I screamed. This was the most I had ever sworn. Niall looked as though he had an idea. He came over to me and kneeled where Harry had been before and stroked my hair.

'Wanker, shit, fuck, cunt,' he began listing, wanting me to repeat after him. Swearing, Nialls speciality.

'Wanker, shit, fuck, cunt,' I repeated, trying to choke back cries and screams.

'Bollocks, bastard, dickhead, prick.'

'Bollocks, bastard,' Harry was smiling vaguely at us as he was watching his second child burst into life. 'Dickhead, PRICK!'

I screamed out as the second baby was just being pushed out.

'One final, massive push!' Louis called when he knew the head was there. I felt so sorry for the boys witnessing this. I pushed with all my might, the biggest push I could have posdibly given. I clamped down on Harry's hand as hard as I ever had and screamed out. It was born. I flopped back.

'Would you like to hold your beautiful boy?' asked the midwife next to me. I smiled, nodding, accepting my first born as a of the pain left my body. Harry sat in the chair beside me as another little bundle wa passed to him, wrapped in white.

'Darcy,' he smiled, pointing out the baby in his arms. I panted and looked down into my angelic baby boy's face.

'Hello, Carson,' I smiled. I was so tired. The boys had stepped away, still in the room, but they'd just given us a moment.

'Beautiful aren't they?' Harry asked, staring down at his little girl.

'Harry... Hold him... Take... Take Carson...' I said quickly.

'What?' he asked, bewildered. I felt something hush from inside of me and downwards.

'Just take the boy! Now!' I cried, urgently. Liam scuttled over and took the baby from my arms. Harry looked down and his eyes widened. Liam gasped.

'Doctor!' Louis screamed, running to get him. I looked down to see the white sheets soaked with a dark pool of crimson red, coving almost the whole of the bottom of the bed and my delivery gown. It was like sitting in a blood bath. I gasped. What I knew would happen had happened. I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but they wouldn't. I blinked. The last thing I remembered was the doctor come running over with Louis before I collapsed back onto the pillow, completely blacking out, not being able to see or hear or feel anything.

I was floating in a painless nothingness. It was a bliss... A sort of heaven after those horrific ten hours.
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Ps sorry for all typos!! Stupid phone!! Dx xx