Live While We're Young

The Flight

Our luggage was soon on the plane and after a long time in customs, so were we. We sat in the seats printed on our tickets. Thankfully, I had a window seat. I stared out of the window at the airport. I felt someone drop down into the seat next to me and recognised their laugh.

'Oh Jesus,' I breathed, running my fingers through my hair.

'Hey Anna! Looks like we're plane buddies,' Harry grinned, cheekily.

'Right... Yeah...' I said.

Harry called to Niall something who then called something back. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. I resumed staring out of the window. It was soon time to take flight. We strapped ourselves in and we took off. Once we were airborne, we were permitted to remove our belts. I stayed quiet and soon took my book out of my bag. I opened it and began to read.

'What you reading?' Harry asked, peering over at me.

'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,' I replied, casually turning the page.

'Oh, cool. What part are you up to?' he wondered. I was amazed how intrigued he was.

'They've just escaped Gringotts with the cup. I love Harry Potter. I'm so upset it's over. It was my childhood...I remember crying for hours when I didn't get my acceptance letter from Hogwarts,' I smiled at the memory, leaning back into the seat and placing the book open in my lap.

'Aw, that's quite sweet,' he smiled.

'Really? I was so gutted when I had to go to normal high owls, no magic, no Hagrid...'

'I can see why you'd prefer Hogwarts,' he chuckled.

'Yeah. It was a good birthday really.'

'You alright? You've gone really pale.'

'Oh, just altitude sickness. I don't like being up too high. When my ears pop I start to go a bit pale and feel a little sick. It will pass soon though,' I explained.

'Oh, right. Do you have any water in your bag?' he asked.

'No. I drank it all earlier,' I laughed.

'Here, have this bottle,' he said, rummaging through a bag at his feet and handing me a bottle. He was being so nice today... It was unusual... He wasn't being annoying!

'A-Are you sure?' I asked him.

'Yeah, go on. I have another one in my bag anyway, so don't worry about that.'

'Thank you,' I smiled, accepting the bottle and taking a small sip.

'Do you really think I'm annoying?' he questioned after a pause.

'Well... It depends. At the moment, you're being nice but when you're acting immature at rehearsals and such, I do find you quite annoying,' I admitted.

'I just like to have fun. Tell you what, when we land, I'm going to show you that I can be fun without being annoying!' he laughed.

'Oh, I bet,' I smiled sarcastically.

'You sound as if you don't think I can do it!'

'Well, you know...'

'Alright, I'll make a bet! In America, give me one week, and I bet that I can prove to you that I can be fun without you thinking I'm annoying, and by the end of the week, you will like me!'

'Alright then! How much you betting?'

'We'll come to that later. Who ever wins gets to decide the price. Also, no lying. I'll be able to tell if you are or not.'

'Deal!' I agreed, shaking hands with him. I laughed before returning to my book as he sat on his phone.

A few hours later, I had finished the book and now had a rubbish film playing. I had my jacket draped over me, keeping me warm. Harry was asleep. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep, so I just stared out of the window over the clouds and sea. The sight was calm and serene. It made me even more tired, and envy sleep even further. Minute after minute passed. The flight seemed to last forever. I never did well staying in one spot for long periods of time, but I knew I had to stay put. I took out my phone abd started listening to all of my music on there. I played several if my favourite songs by Aerosmith and Goo Goo Dolls. Next to me, Harry stirred.

'Oh, hey. How long have I been asleep for?' he asked, his eyes squinted.

'About two hours. Just listening to music. I've not been able to sleep,' I replied.

'Who are you listening to?'


'No way! You like Aerosmith?'


'So do I! What song are you listening to?'

'At the minute, Dream On.'

'Awesome song.'

I handed him an earplug and he listened to the music. I tried not to laugh as he did an air-guitar and mimed along to the song badly. I thought that he had already begun on the bet, so I hid my face, pretending to get stuff out of my bag.

With Harry awake, the flight went by a lot shorter than when he was asleep. After about another hour, I drifted into an uneasy sleep, only to wake not even an hour later, and to wait for the flight to finally land by talking to Harry easier than I ever had before. He seemed to be really trying to be less annoying. It was actually quite sweet.

We soon landed. Tired and groggy, I straddled off of the plane. All of us stayed in one big group as we went back through customs and retrieved our cases. Now was time to go to the hotel. The only problem was finding the darned thing.
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Sorry it's short! I'm writing on my phone is its awkward. Anyway, thanks to everyone who has/is reading, subscribing and commenting! Leave your comments to tell me what you think! Hopefully, an update will be on the way soon! x