Live While We're Young

School Run

'Harry! Hurry up! We're going to be late! Carson! Whet are you love?' I called, no where in particular, just needing my husband and my child to come to me.

'Here I am, mum!' came a little out if breath voice. I turned to see Carson running into the kitchen to me. I knelt down and looked at him.

'good boy!' I smiled, sorting his collar and trying my best to arrange the stubborn curls on his head into a less tragic style. 'Where's Darcy? We're all going to be late!'

'Mum! I can't find my jumper!' shouted a little voice.

'I have it Darcy! Come here, love!' Darcy came running in. I held out her jumper and she pulled it on over her head. 'Have I given you your inhaler this morning?'


'Good.' I turned and zipped up their lunchboxes. I turned and handed them their lunches. 'You got your book bags?'

'Yup! They're on the table!' Carson pointed out.

'Right, go and get on your shoes then I need to brush your hair, Darcy. I have hair clips,' the children ran out of the room as soon as I had said that.

'Harry! Please hurry up!' I called through the house as I left the kitchen.

'Morning babe,' smiled Harry, popping up out of no where. He gave me a sweeping kiss on the lips before he patted the nook of my back and walking from the room. I held a hairbrush in my hand with some hair clips. Darcy came up to me and stood before me. I gently ran the brush through her tightly curled brown hair, before taking the whispy baby hair from around the sides of her face and took some silver clips and clipped them away.

'You ready, love?' asked Harry. I nodded, making sure the children had everything they needed for their first day at school.

We clambered into the car. I strapped Carson and Darcy into their booster seats before I slid into the front passenger seat next to Harry.

'We got everything?' Harry asked, looking into the mirror to the children in the backseat. They smiled and nodded. They were so identical, it was insane. Both of then strongly represented Harry, with big green eyes, curly brown hair and full lips, but they both had the freckles I owned when I was younger, my pale complexion and my shape eyes, face and nose. They were so gorgeous.

'Yes, Harry. Let's go,' I sighed. My children's first day at school.... It was such a big thing... They were five.... Growing up so quickly... Harry patted my knee and smiled at me before putting the car into drive. We drove through the crowded London streets on the way to the primary school about ten minutes away from where we lived. Only problem was, with the morning traffic, of turned into a twenty minute drive. To try and get me to relax, Harry put on the radio. One Direction's first single off of their second ever album, Live While We're Young, came on.

I laughed. 'Come on kids!
Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy til we see the sun! I know we only met but lets pretend it's love! And never, ever, ever stop for anyone! Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young!'

Darcy, Carson and I sang along very loud and very badly as Harry grimaced in the front seat. He hated hearing himself on the radio.

'Uncle Zayn!' called out Carson, as Zayn began singing.

'Now it's uncle Niall!' Darcy noted.

'Heeeeeerrrreeees Daddy!' I teased.

'Its all of us, actually,' Harry stated.

'Yeah, but you can hear you more!' I giggled. He lightly shoved me.

We finally arrived and parked at the school after the song had finished. We clambered out of the car and walked onto the playground. We were just on time. We stood hand in hand with each other and the children.

'Are you two excited? It's your first full day at school!' I said happily.

'Yeah!' Carson exclaimed.

'They'll be fine,' I heard Harry whisper in my ear. He knew how nervous I was for them. The school bell rang and I leaned down to hug the twins.

'Have a good day... Be good... I love you both,' I smiled. They ran off to the school with their class. We watched them disappear into the building with their teacher before we intertwined our hands and walked from the playground. Parents whispered and looked, but we didn't care. We were used to it by now. We walked from the playground, knowing that our children seemed to be growing up too quickly for us to keep track of. All we knew is that we had to keep track of and treasure all of the moments we had together.
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Well that's the end of the story! I hope you really liked the story. Thank you for all of the comments, subscriptions and recommendations. Please comment what you thought of the chapter and the entire story.

Don't be sad the story's over! If you want more, I think I'm going to write a seaual! Send me a friends request so that when I have begun to write it, you will know.

Thank you!! xxxxx