Live While We're Young

The First Concert

'I enjoyed yesterday,' I smiled, walking down another street in KA talking to Harry. He was now taking me out for another day of trying to prove he wasn't annoying. We couldn't be too long though, as Harry and the boys had their first show that night.

'Really? That's good then. How do you feel about water?' he asked mindlessly.

'I'm a fair swimmer. I suppose I quite like the sea,' I shrugged. 'Why?'

'Well, how would you feel about trying something I've never tried before?'

'What is it?'


'No way!' I exclaimed.

'Is that a good no way, or a bad one?'

'Good! I've always wanted to do this! Oh god, this is going to be absolutely fantastic!' I squealed. I was weird like that. Everything my family didn't want to do, I did. I always wanted to water-ski, parachute jump, paraglide, and dive in the Great Barrier Reef. I could understand the paragliding and parachute jumping, and why they didn't want to try them, but the diving I didn't understand. When I looked back up at Harry, he seemed pretty pleased with himself that he'd chosen something I'd always wanted to do without even asking me.

'Right then, let's go and higher the wetsuits and get water-skiing!' he grinned. He picked up pace and I followed. We got the wetsuits and changed into them and went to where the water-ski crew was.

Minutes later we were out on the water, laughing abd screaming as the water splashed up in our faces. Messing about on the water and getting soaking wet, and doing something I'd always wanted was incredible. Harry decided to try abd show off a bit. I was holding on with both hands, yet he started to try and hold I with just one hand, then swap them over. He started trying to jump on the water with hilarious consequences. He ended up doing a sort of trip on the water and falling in. I started laughing at him and the boat I was on the back of drive near him. I felt something yank at my foot as I wizzed by that caused me to loose my grip and also fall in. I was pushed to the surface, coughing and spluttering.

'What did you do that for?' I squealed, trying and failing to rid my eyes of the blue sea water.

'Wasn't fair that I fell in and got soaked and you didn't!' he laughed. I lightly slapped his head and he flipped his saturated curls.

'There's my boat dude. Looks like yours went off and left you,' I teased.

'Well, I'll just get in your boat then, shall I?'

'Yeah, why not?'

The boat stopped and the man who had steered it helped us in. We sat in the back of the boat after pulling on yellow life jackets, watching the seafront as we sped around the sea.

'Good to know our hotel is somewhere near the seafront!' I called to Harry over the roar of the boat engine.

'Yeah! Otherwise we'd have to walk ages all wet and sea-smelling!' he called back, turning to look back at land. I looked down at the froth that was spraying up the side of the boat. I ran my hand through it and leaned over slightly. There were a pair of hands placed on either side of my waist as I leaned in. I turned my head a bit to see Harry's resting on my shoulder.

'Don't lean too far in, otherwise I'd have to come and save you, and I'm no Clark Kent, which means I'm no Superman. You'd be probably doomed if I had to dive in there after you,' he pointed out. I grinned and splashed a bit of water up in his face. He laughed.

'You can let go now. I'm getting up,' I cheekily smiled, leaning back into the seat.

The boat neared land again, and Harry and I stepped out when it had docked, and finally removed the life jackets. we thanked the boat man and the water-ski team. We changed back into our clothes to return the wetsuits.

'Have fun?' Harry asked.

'Yeah, that was absolutely fantastic. Thank you,' I smiled. He nodded.

'It was nothing. We'd better get back to the hotel and clear ourselves up. Then we've all got to get ready for the big concert! First one of the tour! Whoo!' he jumped around and did a mock victory dance, smiling like an idiot. I giggled at him. Now that I'd spent some time with him, his annoying side seemed to be ebbing away. I knew that the next day wouldn't be so fantastic, as he had a radio interview, then a concert. The following day he had a tv interview and then the day after he had another concert. That was as far as I knew for his timetable.

'So, how about before the concert in two days time, I get the boys to come bowling. You can come with us. Then the next day we could all watch a film?' he suggested.

'Oh, no. It's fine. You've already taken me shopping, and now water-skiing, you don't need to do anything else. Why are you doing al this anyway?'

'Don't you remember? We had a bet! I still have five days to prove to you that I can be fun and not annoying. Tomorrow I can't do anything or the next day, but Friday we can all go bowling, and we can go to the cinema on Saturday. That gives me just one more day,' he grinned. I had completely forgotten about the bet until then.

'Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Alright then. I'll come, but right now, let's get off this beach and back to the hotel. I need to wash and dry my hair and change before we get to the stadium and get you and the boys ready.'

Once I was back in my hotel room, I washed my hair and dried it, as well as changing my clothes. It was then that I realised how tired I was. I had just drifted into a light, accidental sleep lying at the end of my bed when Lou knocked the door. I jumped abd slid off the bed with a thud.

'Coming!' I called through the door, running my banged head as I walked.

'Come on! We've got to go!' she ushered. I glanced at the time and swore under my breath before grabbing everything I needed and running out of the room with Lou. We got into a car in the street and drove to the studio as quickly as we could. Lux was in the back, laughing and smiling. We ran into the dressing rooms as the boys where doing a sound check. I grabbed my dancing costume off of the rail and pulled it on. I threw my clothes on a hanger and hung them up out of the way. I sat infront of the mirror, covering my face with an appropriate amount of foundation, mascara, lip gloss, eye liner, eye shadow and lip liner. I then tidied my hair the same way Taryn and the other dancers had and was soon ready just in time for the boys to come in. Niall sat infront of me so I could do what I had to before he changed in for the concert.

'How are you going to do this in the costume changes?' he asked. 'You have to change yourself and dance!'

'Lou has other members of the team. Anyway, costume change one, I'm not dancing until two songs after so that's enough time for me to change. Costume change two is a little more tricky, but you'll only need touching up, you don't need me to dress you. Costume change three I have a one song difference and you won't need anything doing for any of you then. It should work out fine,' I listed as o applied the men-make up to his face. He was soon up and changing into his costume. The crowd was filling the stadium and the excited buzz could be heard through all of the doors. All of the boys were ready. Us dancers positioned ourselves on the darkened stage with the band, before the boys themselves opened the concert with their biggest hit off of their previous tour - What Makes You Beautiful. I moved to the time with the other dancers and followed the correct steps. I was nervous as it was my first time dancing infront of a huge crowd like that, but seeing how comfortable Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis were reassured me silently that I would be fine and nothing bad would happen as long as I kept smiling and did everything right.

About half an hour later after costume change one, we were back in stage, the boys were singing their newest hit, Live While We're Young, and us dancers were dancing an upbeat routine. The song ended and is dancers stood there smiling, but out of breath.

'So we all know that you guys loved this part of the tour, so we kept it in. Here are some of our favourite tweets from you today,' Liam smiled, before waving his arm in the direction of the big screen behind him. A tweet popped up on there.

'My mum says that Harry is a bit like a monkey, but who does the best monkey impression?' Louis read out. 'I don't know, let's give it a try!' they all started jumping up and down making funny monkey noises.

'Close...Josh, what do you think?' Niall asked the drummer.

'You're all pretty monkey-ish, but I'm going to agree with the girls mum. Harry loves bananas as well so it suits him perfectly!' he laughed. Harry nodded.

'I am monkey boy!' he shouted. The stadium erupted with laughter and screams.

'And that was from @ItsTotallyTish! Okay so here's another one!' Zayn said. 'Louis, do you miss Mary?' Zayn laughed a bit as he read the tweet, remembering Mary Byrne from when they were on the X Factor.

'I want to say that Mary is the absolute love of my life!' Louis jokingly sighed, twirling round in circles like an in love teenage girl from a bad chick flick.

'You wish,' Harry quietly said into his microphone.

'She's mine!' Louis screeched, being sure to hold the microphone well away from his big mouth. Liam read out who the tweet was from. Niall read out the final tweet.

'Harry, do you have a new girlfriend, or are you just 'really good friends' with your dancer?' there was a picture underneath that had been sent with the tweet that must fave been taken four hours ago. It was an excellent shot of when I was leaning over the boat and he had got me so I wouldn't fall in.

'So Harry, I haven't even heard of this!' Zayn laughed.

'Woah, that was earlier. Basically, like, she thinks I'm really annoying and I don't like people thinking i'm annoying, so I took her water-skiing to prove that I'm fun and not an annoying git,' he explained, with a lot of hand gestures. He blushed deeply. I had finally recovered from the dance when Liam addressed me.

'That's Anna isn't it? Anna what do you say?' he asked, walking towards me with the microphone. I shook my head as he walked closer. He held the microphone in my face. It was too late.

'I still think he's a bit annoying really, but, you know, the water-skiing was fun,' I shrugged. The crowd clapped which surprised me. After they had said who the final tweet was from, they dived into singing Take Me Home. It was quite a good concert, and for my first, very enjoyable.
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Thank you for commenting, reading and subscribing. I say it every chapter. Please leave your comments, another update will be soon. The twitter name in this chapter I just made up, it's not me or anything, seeing as my name's not Tish, it's Tara, haha. Hope you're enjoying this story. Sorry for any typo's x