Live While We're Young


Early that morning, Harry changed the bandage and helped me haul my luggage to the lobby, where we met up with everyone else. We tried not to stand near each other, so Harry went to talk to Niall, and I decided to talk to Josh, the drummer. The cars finally arrived and we piled into them. After a quick drive we arrived at the airport. We were almost late and after a tedious round of going through customs, we were finally permitted to board the plane.

I say with my legs up on the seat infront of me with the earplugs of my phone in. I clicked shuffle. I groaned a little as One Direction Same Mistakes began to play. Harry's voice began the song. I partly wanted to listen but I just clicked skip, and Adele Skyfall which I settled on, seeing as I did enjoy the Bond film. There was a tap on my shoulder and I saw Harry standing next to me, facing down the seats.

'Aren't you supposed to be in first class?' I asked.

'So are you! Do you see any other dancers in this part? Cone up to the first class cabin. I'll sit next to you, just like I did that first plane ride. You'll like it more this time.' he took me up to the first class part of the plane and offered me a seat. I stiffly took it and was worried anyone would suspect anything when Harry was next to me in the big, comfortable seats. Once he'd settled, he took my hand and sank his head back and closed his eyed with a smile. I looked down at our intertwined hands and sighed happily before staring out of the window.

'You alright, babe?' he whispered so that only I could hear.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired.'

'Hows your hand?'

'Its stinging a little, but it'll be fine.'

'Smile, you have a lovely smile, but I haven't seen it since the other night.'

'Im just worried everyone's going to find out about us and all of the trouble and attention.'

'You know we'll have to tell them at some point?'

'Yeah, I know.'

'When would you like me to tell them?'

'How long til we get to Australia?'

'About two months.'

'Then when we get to Australia.'

Harry chuckled and nodded. 'Australia it is.'


We landed in New York. The following few months were accompanied with touring and travelling up and down the country, with secret dates and hidden hand-holding. No one knew other than the boys and Paul, but as we boarded the plane to get to Australia, I knew it was only a matter of time before we had to come out of the closet. We had almost got caught plenty of times, but never quite revealed. There had been rumours on Tumblr and Twitter, but Harry stamped them out and left it as that. Harry sat next to me once again on the plane when we were about to fly to Australia. I had developed a sick feeling whenever the plane took off, so Harry had learned not to talk to me when it took flight. Once we were airborne, however, Harry leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

'Are you still alright with me telling everyone about us the first interview we have when we land in Australia?' he asked. I nodded. 'Are you sure? You seem worried.'

'I'm worried your fans are going to hate me and that we aren't going to have the time we get together now because of an invasion of privacy. I'm scared all of this,' I paused and indicated our intertwined hands. 'is all going to change.'

'It won't. I won't let it. Anyway, we have a day off when we land. Try to get some sleep on here, because it will be day time there when we land. We're going to check into the hotel and then we're going to hire a couple of boats for anyone who wants to come down to the beach with us. It's going to be a bit of a relaxation thing- a reward for all of the hard work.' I nodded at him. I Lang back in the seat. I was happy only the people next to us could see us - Louis and Liam - because at least they knew. It was so obvious that we were together, especially as I rested my head on his shoulder to fall asleep.

'Anna....Anna....Are you alright, sweetheart? Anna, babe, wake up,' I distantly heard a voice coo. I bolted into a sitting position with wide eyes. I had just been having a truly horrible dream but had no idea what it was about. I looked out of the window into the midnight sky. 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah...I'm...I'm long have I been asleep for?' I asked, sitting more comfortably as a jacket fell into my lap - Harry must've covered me over.

'About four hours or so. I was asleep, but then you starting jerking as if you were fitting or something, and I woke up.'

'Sorry,' I said apologetically.

'No, don't apologize. It's fine. You shaking and twitching in your sleep is more important.'

'Thank you.'

'You need a drink?' he offered. I nodded and took the water he offered me. I gave him back the bottle and repositioned myself do my head was resting on his chest. I looked up at him smiling to see his eyes glinting down at me. His eyes were beautiful.

'I don't think I tell you this often enough. I love you. I know it's only been two months, but in two months and a week, going from me thinking you were the most annoying git on the planet to's pretty good. I do love you. You're lovely and I don't know why I ever thought differently in the first place -' I was about to carry on talking when he silenced me with a soft kiss. His sweet lips pressed against mine as I kissed him back gently. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

'I know you love me. You are beautiful, talented, funny, crazy and all round lovely. I love you, too. And I don't feel you know that,' I blushed as he said this.

'I didn't say I loved you to hear it back. I told you so you knew that I was thinking of you and that I really a happy your mine,' he kissed my nose and held my head into his chest. Within minutes of just sitting there, we soon drifted into sleep together.

I woke and the sky was bright. We had been flying for about ten hours. There was probably about another ten hours to go until we landed and could have a nice time out at the beach. I took my hairbrush out of my bag that was at my feet and brushed away the knots from how I had slept. I took out a breath mint and offered one to Harry.

'Does my breath really smell that bad?' he asked, pretending to be offended.

'Haven't dared to inhale it yet but I don't want to take a risk,' I winked. He took the mint and after a few minutes, finished it. He leaned over and exhaled a soft breath on my face.

'Smell alright?' he joked.

'Lovely and fresh.' I kissed his top lip. A little smile spread across his mouth as he leaned back up. I scrolled through songs on my iPhone before offering Harry and earplug and he took it. We listened to the first song that came up which was Aerosmith - Dream On. We mouthed the lyrics pulling faces and doing actions that would probably look pained to anyone else. We collapsed on each other laughing before Louis poked Harry in the ribs and wiggled his eyebrows. They started whispering before Harry sat up grinning.

'What was all that about?' I asked.

'The first interview,' he replied simply.

We landed in Australia hours later. We arrived at the hotel a long amount of time after that, and I was finally able to sling my luggage through the door and drag the cases to the bed in the bedroom. I threw open the top on rummaged for my bikini. I changed into it and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was so pale and I hated my reflection. I slid on a flowing, white beach dress that had a drawstring belt around the middle. I applied some sun lotion and slid on my sunglasses. I dropped my sandals to the floor and pushed my feet into them as there was a knock on the door. I strolled over to it and pulled it open to see Harry there. As the dress was a white, flowing, kind of see through material, he could see my body frame in my bikini through it and his jaw dropped slightly. I felt a little uncomfortable.

'You ready?' I asked Harry.

'Yeah. Lets go.' I scooped up a bag and left the room with Harry. We went down to the beach where the two boats were. So as not to draw any attention or suspicion, I went over to the boat where many of the other dancers were and Harry went off to the boys. I watched him board the boat and accept a drink the same time I did.

I started talking to one of the other girls and laughing. I heard a splash a little while behind us and guessed that the boys had decided to jump in and swim. I carried on talking with the other dancer until she walked away. I placed my drink down on a table next to me and pushed my hair away, letting it fall freely around my face. Just then, a pair of strong, muscular, very wet arms wrapped themselves around me and their wet chest pressed into my back.

'Harry not here!' I half giggled, half hissed harshly.

'If we're going to admit it to the world tomorrow, we may as well give them something to talk about.'

He turned me in his arms to face him. 'Wha-' I began, before his full lips crashed into mine once again. My hands rested on his chest and on the back of his neck as his hands were firmly placed on my back, leaning me back as he leaned over me. He bit down lightly on my lip as he deepened the kiss. I heard a silence fall around us but didn't care. Butterflies were filling up inside of me and a tickling feeling grew right where my heart was - I knew then they were the sparks and that I truly did love him. A smile twisted itself onto my lips, and feeling me smile, so did Harry. He stood me back up without breaking apart. He finally pulled away before holding me close to him once more in a tight hug. I closed my eyes and smiled at the moment and could feel him grinning over my shoulder. I could also feel everyone's shocked stared on my face and Harry's back, but it didn't bother me.

'Come here,' he grinned. He signalled for me to kick off my sandals, sunglasses and leave my beach dress on the boat. I did so and he took my hand. We stood at the edge of the boat and he shouted out 'Three! Two! One!'. Without anything really registering in my head, I was pulled into the cool, refreshing Australian water. I emerged from the water, flipping my hair back and finding Harry. I laughed as he swam up to me.

'I'm so glad we're finally going to be public about this. Just means I can do this more often,' he swam closer and put his arms around me, kissing my cheek.

'You're not getting me that easy!' I giggled. I pulled away and sent a huge splash up in Harry's face. He spluttered a bit before laughing and joining in. I ducked under the water and pulled at his trunks before surfacing before seeing a look of pure embarrassment on his face. 'I didn't see anything, don't worry,' I winked. Anyway, I didn't actually pull them down.

We spent what was probably the next half an hour splashing each other and annoying the other people swimming and standing on the boat. After a while, he took my hand and swam me over to his boat.

'Harry all of my things are on the other boat,' I pointed out.

'So' he shrugged. Amazingly, we scooped me up bridal style and carried me onto his boat. I had my arms around his neck giggling. I soon looked up to find that Louis had filmed almost the entire thing...
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Hope you liked! This took a while to write...sorry I skipped two months of touring and relationship, but this is where their relationship can get interesting and I didn't want the story to go on too long with thousands of fill-in chapters. Let me know what you think! Comment, subscribe and recommend!! xx