Live While We're Young

Little Talks

'Louis.... What are you doing?' Harry asked slowly, carefully placing me down on the floor. I picked up a couple of towels, wrapped one around me and gave one to Harry.

'I filmed you,' he shrugged brightly.

'Why?' Harry gasped. He knew how worried I was about press attention.

'I didn't film the full thing!' he pointed out defensively.

'What bits did you film?' Harry made to take the phone and succeeded. He clicked play and saw himself swimming and climbing aboard the other boat. He then wrapped his arms around me, conpletely hiding me. The angle was perfect when Harry leaned me down for the kiss. Louis wolf-whistled behind the camera. Harry stood me back up, still kissing me before breaking apart, and hugging. I watched as I was only left in my bikini and plunged into the water with Harry.

'I'm going to pause it now, this could go on for a while,' Louis's voice came from the video after a few seconds of us splashing each other and when Harry came up to me to hug me and kiss me on the cheek. When he started re-filming, Harry and I were swimming towards the boat, hand in hand. Harry scooped me up, bridal style, and lifted me onto the deck. Then Harry said 'Louis...what are you doing?' before putting me down. The film stopped filming.

'What you do that for?' Harry fumed.

'I wanted to remember that romantic moment! And I also thought that I could tweet it a few days after you were announced official?'

'Louis!' I groaned and he smirked.

'Don't get embarrassed because he snogged you, you liked it really,' Lou winked. Harry slipped his arm around my waist and held me close to him.

'Don't worry. It's not like it's going to leak tonight. Anyway with those pictures, all the uk fans will know about you two before the interview tomorrow, so there's no point in getting worried.' Louis then left to talk to Liam. Harry took my hand and stood me at the edge of the boat. He dived in the water, onto the other bost, retrieved my beach ware and asked to move the boat closer to the one I was on so he could hand me my things. I giggled as the boat went back to its original position, and Harry dived in the water to greet me.

'Thank you,' I smiled, kissing his cheek.

'I'm alright.' I pulled on the beach dress and sunglasses. I left the sandles next to a sun lounger as we lay on them, side by side. I leaned on my side to face Harry and he did the same thing.

'Best part of the tour by far,' I grinned.

'Why's that then?'

'I can freely spend time with you. Abd you know what? I'm actually not scared anymore.'

Harry reached out and took my hand. 'I'll always be right here so if you get scared, just give it a squeeze and I'll help you in any way I can.' he leaned across the small gap between us and pecked my lips. I smiled as he, still holding my hand, lay back to absorb the sun.

The water droplets in his perfect torso glistened, making it seem ten times more heavenly. Every time he breathed in and out, his chest puffed up before slowly deflating. Every perfectly worked muscle seemed to relax with Harry. He looked peaceful and happy. I tore my eyes away from his body and lay back like Harry was, only my one leg was outstretched and my other was bent up and leaning over my other one, a little. I closed my eyes and relaxed, enjoying the Australian sun rays kiss my body. It was several minutes before either of us spoke again.

'You really are beautiful,' came Harry's voice. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Harry propping his head up on his hand. He smiled as I turned to face him. He made my heart swell.

'Why do you make me feel like this?' I blushed.

'Like what?'

'Like I don't want anything to end when I'm with you and how I think my heart is under too much pressure everytime we touch.'

'That has to be the sweetest, yet cheesiest thing I have ever heard.'

'Honestly, it's the sweetest yet cheesiest thing I've ever said.'

'Well, I like it. It's cute. Anyway, what do you feel like doing later?'

'I'm not sure. Like, a movie in the hotel room would be nice.'

'You don't want for much, do you sweetheart?'

'No, not really. I love the extravagant luxuries, but if there's an option of a huge party or sitting at home with a few close friends, more often than not, I'd stay at home.'

'I wish I had that option,' he sighed. I suddenly felt quite sorry for him. I reached out and held his hand.

'Well, now you have someone to act like you're at home with. You don't need to do anything anyone else is doing to force yourself into having a good time.'

'Thank you.' he lay back quietly in a pleasant silence that probably lasted about ten minutes. 'What do you think of marriage?' he finally breathed. My mind jolted a little yet I made my body try to appear calm. I shifted a little to come to grips to what with Harry had just asked.


'Marriage. What do you think of it?'

'I've always wanted to get married. The church with the big white dress. All of the guests dressed to the nines. The vows, the way the woman walks through the door and every one stands and turns to stare at her... And the pure love in the mans eyes. The years of happiness...the party after with the food and the dancing. The feeling of security - feeling as though you're in a fairy tale, and you really can find a prince who will love you forever,' I sighed. I turned back to Harry to see his smiling eyes, watching me intently in a daze. 'What about you?'

'it's more than just a piece of paper, like some people think. If people think its just a piece of paper then they can stay boyfriend and girlfriend forever. No, it's a promise. It's showing someone you really love them and that they are the one for you. Marrying them, you feel the need to tell them as much as possible, but in reality, marrying the person and giving each other that promise I implicitly giving them all of the love in the world.' he smiled. 'What about children?'

'I love them. I'd love one of each - preferably a little boy as the older one to protect the little girl. When someone guides you through a pregnancy and a birth for a life that is made of your love, it's magical, really.'

'Yeah, me too. Having a baby would be magical. It would just prove that through all struggles, something really beautiful can be a result of it.'

'Poetic,' I grinned.

'Do you think we'll ever marry?'

'Bit soon, isn't it, Harry?'

'No, I'm not proposing or anything. I'm just saying, if we lasted a few years, do you think that if I proposed, would you say yes?'

I thought for a moment before giving a steady reply;
'I think that if everything were to go the way it's going now, there wouldnt be much of a chance of me saying no.'

Harry smiled. 'And children?'

'When we're married, probably. Ive never really believed in having a baby before marriage.'

Harry's smile broadened as we both looked out to the horizon and watched the sun begin to set. Harry silently stood up and tugged at our laced hands. We walked off of the boat and made our way to the hotel.
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Comments please! Hope you like it! The plot is starting to develop! Xxx