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Complete Chaos

New Frenemies

I sat perched upon the rooftops watching the world quickly pass me by. The moonlight shimmered on the rain covered streets below and people were shuffling past one another to hail a taxi or enter the shops that were still opened at this time. They were so moronic and death would be a sweet relief from their miserable existence. Well little did they know there was a new villain in Gotham and she went by the name of Chaos. I flipped out a small knife that I had hidden in my coat pocket and began playing with it “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe” I smiled evilly to myself as I pointed the knife at a random person each time until I finally landed on someone. I chuckled to myself “looks like it’s your lucky…oops I mean unlucky night AHAHAHAHAHAHOOOHEHEHE.” I slid down the drain pipe that clung to the side of the building and landed gently in the alley way. I straightened out my floor length, black leather trench coat and hid in the shadows slowly waiting for the person to walk by. I heard their heavy footsteps pounding the pavement and knew they were close. They stepped in front of the alley and with one swift motion I dragged them into the black abyss that consumed both of our figures. It was a younger man, probably in his late twenties. I slowly began walking towards him and he backed away from me and I could tell he was frightened I could see it in his eyes…good he should be scared. I flipped out my smallish knife and began to hum a random tune. He began to stutter “p-please d-d-don’t hurt m-m-me…you c-can have all my m-money, just d-don’t hurt me.” I let out a bellowing laugh “AHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHEHEHEHEHEHA hurt you? No no no no…..kill you, yes.” I grabbed him by the shirt and plunged my knife into his throat piercing his voice box so he couldn’t scream. A huge malicious grin spread across my face as blood began leaking from his mouth. “Don’t you just love blood, the way it feels…smells…and tastes?” I pulled the knife from his throat and sliced it across his jugular and watched the blood gush out in small spurts until finally his heart ceased to beat any longer. I let his body drop limp to the cold hard street below and the proceeded to write on the wall in his blood ‘Chaos was here’ and then I went to a phone booth and dialed the police and before anyone could speak I said “there has been a glorious murder and I’m not going to tell you where the body is because you can trace this phone and find the body yourselves…oh and if you want to prevent this from happening again and again then I guess you will have to find me AHAHAHAHAHA” and then I hung up the phone and walked off into the night.

------Two weeks and eight bodies later------

I was beginning to become depressed, I mean I thought that the GPD (Gotham police department) was better than this. Now don’t get me wrong I love the killings but it’s kind of bumming me out that they are so stupid, it’s just too damn easy. I ran a gloved hand through my hair and let out a sigh “and here we go again” I smirked and began searching for my next victim. This was becoming harder now that my presence was known in Gotham…I mean I have been all over the news and people were beginning to stay inside. I looked up into the sky to see the bat signal. How pathetic they had to call on the batman to help find me. I smiled to myself as I saw a person come staggering out of the local bar and he was obviously inebriated beyond comprehension. I slid my knife into my hand and grasped onto it firmly. The moonlight glinted off the smooth polished metal and it was hungry for another kill. I began walking toward the man when I felt a blinding pain hit the back of my head. A mixture of pain and pleasure flooded through my body. I gently ran my fingers over the spot where the pain radiated from and I felt the warm crimson blood that I loved so much slowly seeping out of the wound on my head. It was coating my lovely blonde hair with a layer of beautiful crimson red. I slowly lifted my hand in front of my face and admired the beauty of the blood on my hand and then I felt a needle penetrate my flesh. My sight slowly began to fade and it became blurred and my legs felt like rubber and soon began to collapse underneath the weight of my own body and then blackness consumed my world as I passed out onto the hard concrete below.

------A couple hours later------

I was jolted from my unconsciousness by someone throwing water in my face. I hissed at the person and sat up straight and I tried to lunge at the person but my arms were being held back tightly around my body. I looked down at myself and I was locked in a strait jacket and then everything came flooding back to me, all of my kills, and then the sharp pain, and then blackness. I looked up to the idiot who thought it was a good idea to throw water in MY face. It was a guard who had woken me up and we were in an armored truck, and my guess is that we were heading straight for Arkham asylum. I mean I really didn’t belong at a regular jail or prison because I would just escape…not that I couldn’t, or let me rephrase that not that I won’t escape from Arkham because I will escape eventually. I don’t even think that I belong at Arkham either because I am NOT crazy, but what can I do…oh yeah this. I smiled up at the guard in front of me and got as close to him as possible. His head was only about two inches away from my face and that is when I head-butted him square in the nose and you could hear the crunch of broken bone as the crimson red began flowing from his now broken and swelling nose. He grabbed his face and roared in pain “you bitch, you broke my fucking nose” he pulled his hand back and smacked me hard across the face which sent a shock wave of pain and pleasure through me. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHEHEHEHEHEHE” I laughed out loud “thank you sir, may I have another.” Just then we stopped in front of Arkham and they got out and dragged me to the front doors. I smiled an evil smile as they walked me in through the halls. This was going to be fun I thought to myself as we passed some of the nurses and doctors. Finally we reached the recreation room and they pushed me inside and shut the doors behind me. I was greeted by some stares…some friendly and some not so much. I stood there for a minute before everyone went back to what they were doing before I entered. Two girls approached me and one began to speak “hello my names Ivy and this is Harley…what’s yours” I chuckled “well how about you get me out of this thing and ill introduce myself then.” They both smiled and Ivy helped me out of the restraints and it fell to the floor. I stretched my arms and cracked my back “that’s better” I stretched out my hand to them “the names Chaos.” Their eyes got wide and grins spread across both of their faces. Harley squeaked with joy “oh my gawd…you’re like so amazing, everyone around here knows of you, you’ve been on the news a lot lately.” I smiled a smug smile…step one of my plan was complete. I was snapped out of my day dreams by two people tugging me along by my arms “come on you have to meet everyone…specially Mistah J” I sighed angrily these people were going to get on my nerves and fast. Guess it’s time to ‘play nice’ at least until I can get out of this place…looks like it’s time to meet everybody.
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Hope everyone likes it :]