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Complete Chaos

The Joker

I let out a frustrated sigh as we walked through the halls. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could take it in here…yeah yeah I know it’s only been a couple of hours but still if I stay in here I will go crazy AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHEHEHEHEHEHE. We finally came to a room that contained games and couches…it was most likely the recreational room where everyone spent their free time. Once we stepped inside all eyes were on me as I stood silently behind Ivy and Harley “come on you got to meet everybody…well everybody that counts.” I let out another irritated sigh and ran a hand through my hair as I followed Ivy over to a table that held two guys “Chaos this is Two-face and Scarecrow” she pointed to each of them as she said each of their names. They were playing a card game when we came over. My eyes scanned over each of them taking in every detail about them. Scarecrow was very handsome he had short dark brown hair with piercing blue-grey eyes that seemed to look into your very soul. He also wore a pair of wire framed glasses and a very nice suit…wait a minute how come he gets to wear normal clothes while the rest have to wear a prison uniform? Now two-face on the other hand seemed so familiar to me…but I just couldn’t place the face, or half the face AHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHEHEHEHE. On the half of his face that wasn’t horrible burnt he had short blonde hair and he to also had blue eyes…damn I know I’ve seen him before, and then it clicked he was Harvey Dent or at least he used to be.

After she introduced me to them I kind of zoned out deep into thought of how I was going to escape this dreadful place and back to my life of crime that I loved and missed oh so much. I was snapped back into my reality by a hand waving in front of my face and someone calling my name…it was Ivy. “What…” I snapped at her. She jumped a little bit when I did this “sorry” I lied “didn’t mean to snap at you” I put on a fake ass smile because in all actuality I wasn’t sorry I thought it was funny, but if I was going to make it out of here then I would need some assistance. She smiled a friendly smile at me “it’s ok…just wanted to tell you it’s time for lunch” I nodded and followed slowly behind her until we reached the lunch room. I grimaced at what they considered to be eatable in this dump. My eyes scanned over all of my choices until I finally said screw it and just chose an apple and water. Ivy led me to the table in the far back of the room where Harley was sitting with some guy I had yet to meet…not that I really cared. As we neared the table I heard Harley let out a sickening squeal as she jumped up and ran over to me “oh my gawd Chaos you hafta meet my puddin” her voice made me cringe and whoever was sitting at the table must have seen my growing annoyance because they let out a growing psychotic laugh…kind of like how I laugh. Harley ran back over and sat next to who I’m assuming was her “puddin.” She wrapped her arms around him only to get knocked off of the chair and I couldn’t help but snicker. She got back up and sat in the chair facing me “Mistah Jay this is Chaos” she introduced us. I sat down across from him and flipped out a small switch blade that the guards just so happened to not find on my person. I flipped it open and sliced it into my apple cutting small slices out and plopping them into my mouth. He just stared at me for the longest time until he finally spoke “so doll…what brings you to a dump like this hmmm?” I snickered as I finished my apple and put my blade away after I cleaned it off “well let’s just say that I am an agent of chaos and Gotham didn’t agree with my *clears throat* life choices or should I say death choices AHAHAHAHAHA” the joker joined in with my laughing and right away I could tell we were going to get along just fine.

After lunch was over it was time to head back to our cells until dinner time. I threw my apple core away and began walking back to my room. It hadn’t even been a full day and I was going out of my mind. That’s it I have decided that I am breaking out of here even if I have to take down every last guard to do it…and believe me that would be my preferred choice because I could do with a little killing right about now and there are only about ten guards…I could take them out easily. I smiled to myself as I walked back to my cell…oh tonight was going to be such a blast AHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHEHEHEHE. I lay down on my thin white mattress and drifted off into a wonderfully horrid dream filled with blood, gore, and killing…oh so much beautiful killing as screams filled the summer night’s air and blood flowed through the streets of Gotham. I was woken from my wonderful dream by a loud bang almost like a bomb had gone off and then I heard their screams fill the air. I smiled at the sound of pure panic all the staff were being killed. I flipped out my small switch blade and jiggled it around inside the lock on my cell until I heard a small click and the cell door flung open to reveal all of the chaos that was going on. I cracked my neck and I dove head first into all the killing. I grabbed the first guard I could find and plunged my knife deep into his neck pulling it out just as quickly and watching the crimson red liquid spurt out until he finally died. I let out a menacing laugh as I ran my hand through my hair coating my blond hair in a beautiful blood red. I continued down the hall and continued to slaughter people until everything was coated in blood including myself. After about an hour of killing and screaming the building fell into complete silence as everyone who was not a ‘psychopath’ was killed on sight. I walked to the front doors of the asylum and pushed them open flooding the place in a pale moonlight. I heard footsteps approach me from behind and I turned my head just enough to where I could see them…it was the joker and Harley. Harley ran up to me and pulled me into a hug…I grimaced but hugged back anyways. “How would you like to become a part of the team hmm?” it was the joker who asked this…I just smiled my wicked grin and nodded my head in agreement. Harley let out an ear shattering squeal as she hugged me tighter. I let out an annoyed sigh as we all walked to the van that was parked outside waiting for us. All I can say is Gotham had better look out now that we are free AHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHEHEHEHEHE.
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Hope every one likes it :D