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Complete Chaos

The new girl in town

I groaned as the light beamed through the curtains flooding every inch of the decent sized room. Looking around me it all came rushing back to me, the cutting, almost dying, and the wonderful kiss we shared. A smile found its way upon my lips as I threw the covers off of me and hopped out of the Joker’s bed. Today was going to be a good day. I have my very first solo mission which is to pick up a new team member. I raced out of the room and down the hall to my room. Flinging open the wooden door I slid inside and slammed it shut locking it so no one else would come in. I flung open my closet and my eyes scanned over all the fabrics when finally I settled on this. ( After I had my outfit ready for the day I hopped in the shower, shaved, and washed everything thoroughly. Once I was satisfied I hoped out of the shower and did my hair and make-up then got dressed and by the time I was done it was already noon. So satisfied with my entire look I headed down stairs to start my mission.
------ Shades POV ------
A loud buzz sounded through my small bedroom and my hand slapped down on top of the button bringing the noise to a halt. I peered through my sleepy haze at the big red numbers on the clock that read eleven thirty ‘shit’ I thought to myself as I quickly hopped out of bed and raced towards my closet quickly deciding to go with this for the day. ( I quickly jumped in to the shower and did my morning routine then hoped out and got dressed, and did my hair and make-up. When I was finished I grabbed my suitcases and packed all of my clothes and anything else I might need which was basically everything besides my bed. I sat them by the door and proceeded to grab a granola bar and a fruit smoothie. I checked the time and it was now eleven fifty which left me with ten minutes to spare. I couldn’t wait to work with the Joker and his team, now don’t get me wrong I love my brother and everything but I don’t want to work for him. I finished my breakfast and just in time to because there was a knock on my front door. Pulling the door open to reveal a very pretty girl she was tall and blonde. She must have noticed I was staring because she cleared her throat snapping me back into reality. I stuck my hand out “sorry, the names Dent, Hayley Dent” she gave me a friendly smile and shook my hand. “It is nice to meet you Hayley my name is Scarlett Pratt but everybody calls me Chaos.” I grabbed both of my suitcases and shut the door behind me locking it in the process. Once we were in the hallway I remembered what it was that I wanted to ask her “hey…umm Chaos how exactly did you find my place? I mean I never told anybody where I live besides my family.” She smirked and shook her head “well I first went to your friend’s place, what’s his name Jonathan Crane but he said he couldn’t release that information without your consent so eventually I made my way to your brother’s hideout and he sent me here. You gotta know how to track people if you’re gonna be working for the Joker.” I nodded and continued to follow her outside to what I assumed was her car.
------ Back to Chaos’s POV ------
We finally made it outside and to my newly acquired vehicle. It was a pure black Lamborghini. I noticed shade gawking at my new ride and couldn’t help but smile “well don’t just stand there hope in” she nodded and opened the passenger door and slid in to the nice leather interior. I followed suit and hopped in the drivers’ seat and started the engine. I let the engine idle for a couple minutes while I selected some music to play on the way home, pulling out my iPod I handed it over to Shade “here since you are technically the guest I will let you choose what we will listen to.” She smiled and took the small music device in her hand skimming through all of my songs until finally she decided on the My Chemical Romance album that I had downloaded. She pressed the middle button and the song Teenagers filled the car. I smiled at her as I revved up the engine and pulled back out onto the busy streets of Gotham. I know it has only been a couple hours but I can tell that me and this girl are gonna get along just fine.
After about an hour of driving we finally pulled up to the huge hotel that we all shared. I parked the car in front and shut off the engine “whelp you ready to meet the gang” she let out a shaky sigh “as ready as I’ll ever be” I gave her a reassuring smile before getting out of the car. She got out of the car as well and I took one of her bags from her “allons-y” I smirked to her as we neared the house “just remember rule number in this house, whatever you do, DO NOT piss off the Joker. Everyone else is pretty easy to get along with as long as you don’t make any waves.” I looked at her one last time before pushing open the door and hearing the screechy voice that belonged to none other than Harley. She came running down the main stair case that led to the front doors “oh my gawd” I grimaced at the sound of her winey voice and I could have sworn I seen Shade do the same. Harley pulled Shade into a hug “you must be Hayley Mistah Jay has told me all about you.” Shade pulled away from the hug “the names Shade and who the hell are you” Harley looked a little taken aback by this but then she smiled “oh sorry my name is Harley Quinn.” I could sense that Shade wanted to leave so I cut into the conversation “whelp Harley…as much as we would love to stay and chat…wait I’m sorry we wouldn’t like that at all we have much better things to be doing” I grabbed a hold of Shade’s arm and we walked away from a confused Harley and I couldn’t help but to laugh at her expression it was priceless. We made our way up the stairs and finally came to my room. I pushed open the doors and walked in with Shade right behind me “well until we can get one of the other rooms tidied up for you, you will have to share a room with me.” She nodded and placed her bags at the foot of her bed “oh I meant to thank you for earlier down there with Harley…what’s her deal anyways is she always that annoying” I chuckled “oh yeah, but I find it’s just best to ignore her…oh and no problem it was my pleasure to do that” I laughed about how confused Harley looked back there “whelp welcome to the team…hopefully you last longer than the last recruit did.”
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Hope everyone likes it :D