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Complete Chaos

Morning rutine

------SHADE’S POV------

The soft buzzing of my phone receiving a new text message is what woke me up. I blindly searched around on my bed for my cell and finally found it down by my feet. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as my eyes scanned over the words in the text message. It was from Crane ‘hey Hun, I know it’s your day off but I got a new case, and was wondering if you wanna help me out.’ I smiled at the thought of spending even more time with John, so I quickly replied ‘sure babe just give me about an hour to get dressed and I’ll meet you at our usual spot.’ I hopped out of bed and hurried through my suitcases that I brought with me until I found my perfect outfit ( ).

Careful not to trip or make too much noise, I raced towards the bathroom and took a shower and shaved as fast as I could. Once I was content with the way I looked, I made my way down stairs towards the kitchen where the Joker, Harley, and a couple other henchmen sat eating breakfast and talking business plans for the day. As soon as I entered it became silent, but only for a millisecond and then it returned to normal or at least our version of normal. I grabbed a granola bar and a health shake from the fridge and told the Joker where I was going and that I would be home late and that was if I even made it home tonight. Then I was out the door and on my way to help John with whatever experiment he was doing now.

------BACK TO CHAOS’S POV------

The alarm sounded off causing me to jolt out of bed and fall face first into the floor this in turn caused me to burst into uncontrollable laughter. Siting up I glared at the alarm clock. As I got to my feet I lunged at the alarm slamming my hand down on top of it as hard as I possibly could “there that’ll teach you to go scaring people.” Once I finished my giggle fit I soon realized that Shade wasn’t in the room, shrugging it off I decided to get dressed for the day. I made my way over to the rather large walk in closet and finally decided to go with this ( ). Gathering everything in my arms I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I hopped into the shower making sure to shave and clean everywhere before getting out and getting dressed. As soon as I was satisfied with the way I looked I slid my gun into the holster on my leg and on the way out of my room I made sure to grab my butterfly knife that the Joker gave me as a sort of welcome to the team present.

Before slipping out of the room completely, I took a quick glance at the clock on the dresser and it read 11:30. I made my way down stairs and entered the kitchen to find the Joker going over some kind of plan for today. Brushing it off I stalked over towards the cupboards and scavenged through them until I decided to go with chips and a can of Monster. Hey, don’t judge me…after all it is the breakfast of champions. I sat down at the table across from the Joker and quietly ate my chips. A few minutes passed by and I must have zoned out because when I looked up the Joker was right in front of me which caused me to fall out of my chair, but I managed to take him down with me. I landed on my back with Jack right on top of me. This caused me to burst into a giggle fit and soon Jack joined in and the room was filled with crazed laughter. Jack paused from laughing but his smile never faltered “hey doll, what do you say we take a ride. I’ve got some uh business to tend to” he got up from on top of me and held his hand out for me to grab. I gently took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. We stood there against each other for the longest time just looking into each other’s eyes until the silence was finally broken by Jack. He cleared his throat “well uh doll…we should probably get going” he gave me a wicked grin “we’ve got some work to take care of…come on let’s go for a drive.” He draped his arm around my shoulder and grabbed his car keys as we made our way out of the hide out.
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I am really sorry for the filler and for not updating for a while...but I hope you still like it