Status: Working On

The Perfect Mistake

Chapter 4

The car ride to the club was interesting to say the least. Axel was being annoying as usual and talking about random things, some of which Roxas wanted to hit the red head for mentioning. He could tell that Riku had been getting irritated as well; although Roxas couldn't help but tell that the silver haired male was on edge as Axel spoke. It made him curious and made him believe that the two were hiding something. Roxas sure wanted to know what it was, mostly when it seemed that even Sora knew more about what was going on since his he kept doing that telepathic thing that it seemed only Riku and he could do. Roxas always found it odd that the seemed to be able to tell what the other was thinking but he guessed it was because the knew each other for so long. Axel and he were slightly like that but not to such an extent, for which he was glad about. He definitely didn't want to know what Axel was thinking all the time. It would have probably given him nightmares.

Once the pulled into the parking lot Roxas could feel the excitement course through him. He could hear the music already and he was eager to get inside. When the car came to a halt he was the first one to open his door and step out into the cool night air. He turned around to look at the others who looked to have been whispering something to each other.

"Well now I feel left out," Roxas muttered before they began to walk toward the entrance.

"It's okay Roxy, it's not that important."

"If it wasn't important you could tell me."

"If you really want to know-"

"Axel!" Riku hissed before smacking the red head across the chest with the back of his hand.

"Fine, you'll just find out later."

"Whatever, I'll just get it out of Sora tonight."

Sora squeaked in response and looked at Riku and Axel. The red head laughed, while his best friend looked slightly frightened. Ignoring them Roxas practically skipped inside the club and smiled at the thrill he always got from entering such a place. He bound over to an empty table, closest to the stage that he could get. He sat down as he waited for the other three to walk in. As he looked around he spotted the dance floor, which was already crowded with people. Roxas, anxious to get out on the floor, fidgeted in his seat as he continued watching the people dance to the music. He definitely needed to let loose after the past week.

"Just go," Axel laughed as he walked over to the table.

"Wait where's Sora and Riku?"

"Talking 'privately' I think. Don't worry about it, they'll be over shortly. I'll order some drinks."

"Axel if this ends up like last time I'm going to kill you."

"Well I'll make sure no one tries to get into your pants, but I won't guarantee that there won't be any groping," Axel smirked.

Roxas rolled his eyes before standing up from his seat. He slowly made his way to the crowded dance floor and weaved in and out of people until he found the perfect spot for himself. It didn't take him long to begin moving to the beat. His hips swayed as he danced, drawing some attention to himself from various people in the room. Roxas didn't really notice since he was engulfed in the music. While he danced it was almost if all his problems didn't exist, even if only for a little while.

If it wasn't for his blonde spikes of hair it would have been difficult to pick him out of the crowd at first glance. There were more and more people dancing to the music that played throughout the club as the night went on. Roxas hadn't even realized the time that went by until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to look at his red haired best friend with the usual smirk across his face.

"Sorry to ruin your fun but I got some drinks, and you're going to need it," Axel nearly had to yell over the music.

Roxas looked confused for a moment before he noticed that he had been sweating from the closeness of all the occupants of the dance floor as well as dancing. He couldn't help but laugh lightly before nodding his head and following Axel off of the dance floor and back toward their table, where Sora and Riku were sitting and chatting.

"About time you took a break," Sora joked when Axel and Roxas both sat down.

"Yeah you're right. What I don't need is to end up right back in the hospital after just getting out," Roxas shivered at the thought. He really hated hospitals. They were far to depressing and that definitely wouldn't help him in any way.

Axel pushed a glass in front of the blonde before he stood up from his seat. "Don't worry it's just water, and I've got to get ready since my band will be on after bit. Don't have too much fun without me."

With that Axel walked away to where Roxas guessed was backstage. He guessed that was one of the reasons he liked this club; besides having just a DJ play songs from his computer, they also had live bands play every once in a while. Even though he wouldn't admit it to Axel because his ego was large enough already, Roxas really liked his best friend's band. He was quite looking forward to listening to them play. That was why he had agreed to go to his gig, besides the fact that he got to dance.

He turned his gaze to Sora and Riku who hadn't said much since he had gotten to the table. "So what have to two been talking about?"

"Just random stuff," Riku shrugged.

"When is that different from normal?" Roxas asked.

"You know Sora sometimes has a difficult time staying on one topic," Riku said before Sora gave him a playful shove.

Roxas had to admit that it was nice to just hang out again with people he was close to. It was a nice break from everything and kept his mind off of having to return to school on Monday. He felt like he could almost relate to that phrase "You don't know what you have until it's gone" since he had nearly lost everything a week ago. He felt terrible for hurting his family and friends. At least now he appreciated the things that he had, even with what was going on in his life. He would deal with it one way or another. It didn't think that he'd have as many problems since those closest to him would be watching over him. When he was alone was a different story and not something he wanted to think about.

"Earth to Roxas," Roxas shook his head as he heard Riku's voice.


"Axel's band is about to play," Sora said excitedly as he pointed to the stage.

Roxas turned his attention toward the stage as he saw Axel and his band mates all on the stage, conversing with one another as they fiddled with their instruments. The blonde was sure that Axel picked out their table since it was closest to the actual stage. He wondered if the red head did that so they could watch comfortably in their seats or just so he wouldn't have to walk that far after he was done. He guessed it didn't really matter either way.

Axel walked up to the microphone as the band situated themselves on the stage. "Hey everyone, we are Flurry of Dancing Flames, got it memorized?"

He introduced before there was a bunch of cheering and the music started. Roxas nearly had to roll his eyes at his best friend's introduction. He couldn't remember a time when Axel hadn't introduced something or someone without his signature catchphrase and they had known each other since they were old enough to talk. As the music continued Roxas tapped his foot and watched as his best friend preformed. It was interesting to watch the red head move around the stage as if he owned it. That was always the way the man was and it would have been strange otherwise.

"I keep forgetting how good they actually are," Riku said before the brother's nodded their heads in agreement.

Roxas looked at Sora for a moment and could see how bright his face was as he continued to watch the stage. He wasn't sure if it was the fact that most things fascinated his brother or that it was Axel that had him transfixed. Either way he would have to monitor the brunette while Axel was around. He really didn't want to kick his own best friend's ass for hurting Sora. Axel wasn't the type to keep a relationship with one person for very long. It would last a couple weeks tops and then he'd move on to the next person. If he did that to Sora he'd be a dead man and the red head sure as hell knew it.

His gaze then turned to Riku who, Roxas though, looked a bit distracted like he had something on his mind. Lately Roxas had seen that expression quite a bit on the silver haired male. He noticed it a handful of times even before he was in the hospital, but now that he was out he had seen it more in one day than he had in the past. It was tugging at his mind as he wanted to know what it was about and would have thought on it more if he hadn't felt eyes on him. When he refocused he noticed Riku was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Crap, I was staring." Roxas rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner, "Uh sorry, I kind of just zoned out."

Riku seemed a bit hesitant to accept the excuse but did anyway and went back to watching Axel's band. Roxas let out a small sigh of relief at that. He didn't want to seem like some creeper that just stared at people now. Although, he wasn't exactly sure why he cared what Riku thought of him. He never really thought that he had cared what the guy thought before; why now all of a sudden did he care? He didn't quite now but he didn't want to think anymore. His brain was swarming with far too many thoughts and it was starting to give him a headache.

"Thanks! You've been a great crowd," Roxas heard Axel say and finally snapped his attention back to where he actually was.

Axel didn't take much time before he was back to the table. From Roxas's experience with being around Axel after the male performed he knew that they would be in the club for a little while longer while the red head was still on his performance high. He wasn't sure what it was the caused Axel to act in such a manner as he tended to but he pinned it on the adrenaline.

"Roxas come dance with me!" Axel hollered and pulled him out of his chair before he could mutter any form of a response. He looked at Sora for any sort of help but all he received from his brother was laughter.

He sighed before giving in and actually moving his feet in the direction he was being pulled. He figured Sora and Riku would soon join them anyway and he would hopefully be able to pin Axel off on his brother. He usually wouldn't do that to Sora but he had learned real quick that his best friend liked to be far to be in everyone's personal space when he danced. It wouldn't have been that bad of a thing if they had been dating or something, even though the thought of that just made his stomach twist in disgust. Even though the way Roxas danced made it seem that he welcomed being up and close to someone while dancing, he would rather stay to himself. It was a more intimate, in his opinion, to dance like that with someone.

Once on the dance floor he was glad to see that Sora and Riku hadn't been far behind them. He nearly laughed as Axel's attention went straight to his brother as they all started to dance. As the music went from song to song the four boys remained on the dance floor, completely enjoying their night and each others' company.

"I've got to get some water," Roxas said above the volume of the loud music.

The other three just nodded before Roxas retreated over towards the bar. He had always found in strange being at the bar since he was only seventeen. It wasn't like he would ask for any alcohol, like Axel liked to do.

"How can I help you?" The bartender asked him as he approached.

"Um, can I have a water please?" Roxas said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was sure by the sweat on his forehead that it had to have looked like he needed something to rehydrate himself with.

"Here you go," The bartender pushed the glass in his direction before turning their attention to another man at the bar.

Roxas gratefully took the glass and placed it up to his lips to take a drink. He nearly spilled it on himself when he felt someone extremely close to him. He turned his head to gaze over at an unfamiliar face that was standing right next to him. The way the man was eying Roxas made the blonde rather uncomfortable.

"Why hello there," The man's voice was as smooth as silk and he had yet to take his gaze off of Roxas or give the boy some personal space.


"What's a cute thing like you doing over here by yourself? Get tired of your friends out there?" He motioned over to the dance floor.

"Needed some water." Roxas was growing even more comfortable as the man continued to speak. The guy had known he was there with his friends so he must have been watching him.

"Makes sense with the way you were moving out there. I bet you're very talented in other ways as well." Roxas tensed as he felt a hand move to his hip and the man's breath against his ear. "Why don't we go somewhere private and we can test my theory."

"I-I...uh..." Roxas couldn't manage to say anything. He never knew what to say in these type of situations. Usually he'd just keep his mouth shut or he'd make matters worse for himself.

"Shy one huh, even more fun."

"I don't think he wants to go with you," Roxas heard a familiar voice and his heart began to pound roughly against his chest.

"I wasn't talking to you and if you know what's good for you then you'll get lost."

The next thing Roxas new was the hand was gone from him and the heat was gone from his side. He turned around to see Riku with the man's arm pulled in a way that the blonde knew had to have been painful.

"If you know what's good for you then you won't touch or go near my friend again," Riku spat.

"Fine! Just let go!" The man said and once Riku had let go he ran off.

Roxas stood there still holding his glass of water and leaned up against the bar counter for support. His legs felt like they would give out any second. He had dealt with the feeling enough that he knew exactly when it would happen if he had been paying enough attention.

"Are you alright Roxas?" Riku asked with concern in his voice right before Axel and Sora quickly made their way over to them.

"I-I'm fine..." Roxas muttered softly, just loud enough for the others to hear him.

"Maybe we should go. It's getting late as it is." Sora suggested.

"Alright just let me go let the band know that I'm leaving. I'll meet you at the car," Axel told them before he walked off in another direction.

"You sure know how to attract unwanted attention don't you?" Riku said as if he was trying to lighten the mood.

Roxas gave him a small smile before he nodded. When he was sure that his legs wouldn't give out on him he sat the glass down and began to move away from the bar. Even with the last incident Roxas still had a good night. Axel had definitely been right about people watching him while he danced. He would surely have to watch what he did from now on, or at least make sure he had someone with him at all times at a club.

When the three of them reached the car Roxas leaned against the car. They had to wait for Axel to get out there to even get in the car and all of them were starting to wish they had grabbed the keys first. Riku was about to go back and look for the red head but the male in question soon began to walk in their direction.

"Sorry I took so long, Demyx wouldn't stop talking and you know what he's like when he's like that." Axel said before he walked over to the driver's side door. "Well let's get going. Don't want mama Cloud to complain I had the two of you out all night."

The whole car laughed at the comment about the eldest brother as the car began to move. It definitely had been an eventful day, but Roxas couldn't help but have enjoyed a majority of it. It was almost perfect and now he was exhausted so he was looking forward to crawling into his bed and sleeping in until his family dragged him out of bed. Things could have been a lot worse but they weren't and that was what was going to keep the blonde upbeat about that night and keep the negativity locked away, for at least this one night. When he would have to return back to school in a few days, well, that would be a completely different story.
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I once again apologize with the late update. I've been really busy lately and having internet troubles as well so I haven't been able to upload the chapter. I also apologize for any minor mistakes that I made within this chapter. It's rather difficult to edit your own work since it's easy to pass over small things. Well I hope you all enjoy the chapter. I tried to make it a bit longer to make up for previous chapters and the long wait. Well anyway enjoy and I'd love some input on it so far that and so I know that you guys actually like this story. ^_^