
SKINS UK Series 1/2

My new favorite show is SKINS. It has actually taught me a lot. It has taught me how to be inspired, not to be like shit, not to screw someone just for the hell of it and tell someone if you love them. I know that the world is hard and the characters are fictional but what happens to them is completely true. It helps that they are all teenagers. Aka Tony, Michelle, Sid, Cassie, Jal, Chris, Maxxie, Anwar, and Effy live in hell most of there days.
Like for Instance, Tony had started off as a jackass. Then later on got nicer but that doesn't happen for a long time. He was the older brother of Effy Stonem. His Parents were crazy and acted like they didn't what was happening to Tony and Effy. Tony was really the only one that understood Effy. Tony also had a girlfriend, Michelle. Michelle was a total bitch and thought she was the queen of the group. She wasn't. She and Tony had and off/ on good relationship. They both had cheated on each other. That wasn't good. Michelle also had not a very good relation with her family either. Sid was Tony's best friend and the virgin of the group. He also had a huge crush on Michelle but she was dating Tony. Tony knew he had a massive crush on her and would always be cracking mean jokes. He also was the one to buy drugs from this crazy hippie. It didn't work out very well. When they got to the party Tony asked about the drugs but Sid couldn't get them. So he was mad but Michelle had came with her friend Cassie. Cassie was in love with Sid the first time they met. He was clueless. She was very sweet but she had Anorexia and likes to take pills. She would also say "Wow, Lovely" a lot. She eventually got very close to Sid. And Sid began to care for Cassie as well.

Continuing. later