A Different Light

Im Yoona finds herself in a sticky situation. She knew that it was all her fault. She sighs as she chastises herself for making three stupid decisions. At nineteen years old, she has done a lot of stupid things but by far; these three had been the most idiotic mistakes that she has ever committed.

Her first one was forgetting her revision papers at the dance studio where she and Kai—the boy that she grew up with alongside Baekhyun and Chanyeol—had practiced for their dance number.

Her second one was running from her house down to the studio three blocks away clad in nothing but her pajamas and slippers underneath her thick jacket—in the dead of night, when it was autumn and a dreamy smoke would slide out of your mouth as soon as you exhale because of the cold.

Her third (and most vital one) was to catch Kai still dancing by himself in the studio—his body moving along to the beat in a sensuous and breathtaking way, his eyes closed in concentration and a slight smile breaking its way to his almost-always serious face--for it was at this moment that she started to see him in a different light.