Guess Who

Devon Gallagher

Devon Gallagher’s Story
Devon Gallagher loved fire. He was and is The Boy on Fire. Devon had been accused of arson several times before but none of the charges ever stuck. That was something about him his killer admired. Being roughly the same age as Devon made it easier to understand him and know how to kill him. See his killer was intuitive and liked to know his victims it made him feel less guilty. So Devon’s shadow watched him for a couple of days; following him to the library, to school, to parties even. He knew he wouldn’t get caught because no one in town even noticed him. He was like a ghost. The Shadow knew he was causing the other people not to see him but he did it so effortlessly that sometimes he forgot he was even doing it. One night after a hugely populated party Devon was walking home. Unaware of his tail and far too drunk to really care, Devon took a short cut through the court yard of the local oil drum factory. Gallagher’s tail got an idea and decided to act on it because he was growing bored of this boy. Very gently the Shadow pushed into Devon’s mind. This was the moment he had been waiting for.
Maybe you should play with some fire!
Oh it won’t hurt anyone. Maybe you should try setting your hand on fire! The other kids do it. It won’t hurt you.
Come on now, you know you want to Devon, you’ll be the boy on fire.
Almost like a zombie Devon reached into his pocket as he came to a stop. Shadow had to focus a bit harder on Devon’s mind because this boy was strong willed, much stronger than any that he’d come across before. Focusing hard on controlling Devon the Shadow watched as Devon walked toward an oil drum and dipped his hand in up to the sleeve. Seeing the slowness of the boy’s movement Shadow became nervous and forced him to speed up. God only knew how much time they had before someone from the night watch noticed them. Devon struck the match and held it to his hand. Blue flames licked up his hand. At first there was a look of awe on his face then after a moment or two the look turned to pain. He opened his mouth to scream but Shadow shut up his vocal cords to keep him hushed. Fear took over when Devon turned and spotted his Shadow standing not ten feet away from him.
“Hello, old friend.” The Shadow Reaper said. Devon stumbled back in terror and knocked over an oil drum. He tripped drunkenly into the oil pool forming around him. The flames shot up and coated his whole body. Shadow just watched, amused as the boy ran around trying to get the flames off his scrawny body. He spoke again.
“Running around like a chicken with its head cut off won’t do you any good, you know that don’t you? Or have you not been taught that in school? Maybe they’ll learn to teach it,” Shadow stood over the flaming carcass of what use to be Devon Gallagher with a smile, “You are really doing the world a great justice. They’ll teach children like you not to play with fire and how to put the fire out once they are on fire. Stop, drop, and roll, don’t you remember that? Well no matter, it’s too late for you now. Hope you had as much fun as I did, old friend.” Shadow turned on his heel and started off into the dark court yard. In several hours someone would find the body of the boy and everyone would think he just had a death wish. Devon Gallagher is The Boy on Fire, even to the last moment of his death.

Officer: Tyler Fawn. But how, he is only a teen. Not much life experience!
James: Our kind is taught young. Trained to kill, and love to kill. Don’t worry Mr. Officer; the deaths really aren’t that bad. Well apart from not being able to scream. Have you guessed the name of the society they are part of? Or did I forget to mention that you had to guess that too?
Officer: That bit seems to have slipped your mind.
James: Well then, let us continue on your adventure of darkness. Hmmm… Let’s go with Miss Callie Saint John, the girl who was poisoned.