Status: just something i'm trying out. if you like it, write a comment or something. that simple.

Don't Know How to Stop

Chapter 3

Everything around him was dizzy, it was like he could only focus on one thing and the rest just disappeared into a fog. But that’s was just fine, he didn’t care about anything more than the great feeling off dancing and grinding wildly in this mass of people. He had no idea where he was, it was Cameron that dragged him and the guys (not Danny because he was in the tour bus with Myca) to this place.
It was some kind of house that had a big backyard, with those stereotypical neighbors that just couldn’t wait to call the cops on them as soon they got too reckless and loud. He gulped down the rest of his beer and left the dance floor to take a leak, alcohol had the tendency to make him pee every half an hour or so; which was bloody annoying.

When he was done with his business and washed his hands, it was disgusting when people didn’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom, he walked out and steered to the dance floor once again. He wasn’t the best dancer but with the amount of alcohol he didn’t fucking care, it was fun.
And you could grope on some lovely ladies and get away with it. As he looked around his eyes set on a figure that made him grin – even though he only saw the backside it was hot.
Tight black jeans had hugged that ass perfectly, he always been more attracted to a good behind than boobs, and a white long sleeved. Sure around her there was more reveling girls but his eyes were only set on her and he couldn’t deny the attraction. Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t a cheater but a good dance (cough grind cough) had never hurt anybody.

Sam bit his lip and shimmied over to where she was standing all alone leaned against a wall near the dancing people; showing off both the legs and butt. When he got there he didn’t noticed that she was a bit taller and didn’t really owned that much off a curvy body; he just leaned into the body with his hands greedily set on the hips, his front pressed against that nice ass and his face in the crook of her neck. If he paid attention he would have noticed that on the chin was a bit hairy and that her face smelled like his own perfume, but he didn’t.

“Hey sexy, feel like dancing?” He mumbled into her ear and his breath hitched when he heard an adorable giggle, that was very fucking familiar, and that those bony perfect hips rolled against his front.
He let out a groan as he eagerly grinded back, one of his hands quickly found its place underneath the shirt. The unknown girl pushed him so his back faced the wall and he was trapped, but he didn’t mind. This was awesome, and god it felt so good. The grindings got more heated and he couldn’t help himself when he let out a moan.

Okey, this couldn’t exactly count as a dance; he wasn’t even in the dance floor, he was beside it, and this felt more like a ‘let’s move this shit to the bedroom’ kind of thing but he was not the one to turn away. Not now when her hand captured his and slowly guided it down to the pants; fuck she was naughty, he didn’t even know her name. But when he got there, he was not feeling up anything of the female specie, no-no; he was cupping a fucking package. Sam froze and with wide eyes his ‘dance partner’ turned around (his hand was still inside his pants, making his arm twist in an uncomfortable way) and he gazed upon one of his best mates. He pulled up his hand and just let it hang, not really sure what to do about it; thank god he at least cupped him with underwear on.

“Fuck Sammy, had no idea you were such a good dancer.” Ben mused and the corner of his mouth turned up and showed off a drunkenly grin. The sick part of it was that he was still turned on, his little guy down there was not being discrete at all, and so was the lead guitarist.
“I..uh. I.” Sam spluttered, wanting to crawl under a rock and die. This made Ben giggle even more, his breath tickling Sam’s neck, making him gulp, and lean into his body; their boners pressing up against each other. He couldn’t stop the moan from being heard and instantly a blush formed on his cheeks.
“Don’t worry, this could be our dirty little secret” Another giggle passed Ben’s lips, he was referring to The All-American Rejects’ song ‘Dirty Little Secret’ that was playing in the speaker, though it was remixed so you could dance to it. Before the shorter one of them could react their lips was smashed together, Ben going crazy with the biting and nibbling that Sam tried to respond as eagerly he could in his drunkenly haze, even though his mind was screaming that he should stop and run away. He didn’t, instead he tried to get as close as he could but it ended to soon; Ben left him breathless and craving for more.

The rest of the night was a blur and he drank until he passed out, but when he woke up he was in his bunk, instead of that house, with a killer head ache. Frowning, he stumbled out to see his band mates chilling in the ‘living room’ talking about last night. He came out just in time as Ben chuckling; telling he didn’t remembered a fuck about last night. And right there his insides felt like exploding so as fast he could, quite clumsily, he ran to the little bathroom han puked his gut out; the only thing he could hear was the pulse pounding in his ear and a distant voice asking him if he was okey.

When his head collided with the window he yelped out in surprise and pain, snapping him out of thoughts that had captured his attention.
“The fuck Ben, what was that for” Sam snarled and couldn’t help a pout forming on his lips.
“I’ve tried talking to you for the past 10 minutes you fucker.” His friend replied, amused.
Sam rolled his eyes and punched Ben in the arm, to make things fair.
“As I was saying, James’ taking Brandi out on a fucking date-night or whatever, so you’re stuck with me.”
“Oh please have mercy; your excitement is killing me over here.”
Sam glanced over at him, with a hint of a smile and sighed. He was acting like a bitch, ignoring everyone and being in the worst mood. He knew he was doing it but he couldn’t stop, he just didn’t know how to.
“I’m starving.” Ben stated, apparently not caring if he got a respond or not, because a minute after that he was pulling into a small parking lot outside Taco Bell that just happened to be near.
Well then, Taco Bell it is.

This was awkward. Very awkward. You might wonder why it’s so awkward, that it’s making the bassist squirm in his seat while trying to eat his damned burrito. Yeah, it was because Ben was staring at him with so much intensity. Not glaring or looking mad just, staring. Why? No idea.

“Stop staring at me, mate” Sam said and playfully threw a piece of food at him, an attempt to lighten the mood.
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Sam raised his eyebrow up in confusion.
“You’re acting all bitchy and strange, more than usual I mean.”
There was a slight pause ‘cause it wasn’t exactly as Sam was going to be all ‘let’s share all my annoying and dumb secrets’ anytime soon. Probably never.
“Talk to me Sam, you never do anymore; it’s fucking annoying.”

Wow, ironic that his girlfriend and his, whatever Ben was nowadays, said the same thing.
Had he really become that anti-social? Apparently.

“Just feeling down, you know. Missing the family and having problems with Brittany.” It was true, just not the entire truth, but it wasn’t a lie either. Damn he was sneaky.
“Oh, that’s sucks. I’m here for you though if you need me.” Ben gave him a big warm smile that went straight to the heart, and he wasn’t slow on giving one back.
“When are they coming back?” Sam asked, referring to James and Brandi.
“Late I guess, not sure.”
“Okey, cool.”

Fuck, he hated how they didn’t even could hold a conversation for longer than a minute, it was sad. Even though Ben didn’t show any discomfort of their lack of small talk during the dinner, he did. It shouldn’t be like this when you’re hanging out with one of your best friends, it shouldn’t.

After they ate and got to the car to drive to where he was going to stay the mood hadn’t changed a bit. So when they arrived to the apartment the first thing they did was to put in a movie, Sam guessed Ben didn’t like this weird silence that surrounded them so he was willing to watch a thriller with him. Well, until Sam(antha) called and wanted him to come home. That night he went to bed before James & Brandi came back, he knew were the guestroom was so he settled in nicely and as tired he was he fell asleep quickly, and as every night it was dreamless; like he wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
i hope you like this and don't get to cunfused about all the flashbacks that keeps happening.

AAAAAAND, i'm not gonna update until i get some comments because i feel mean.. and preeetty insecure about this whole thing because people are reading this and some of you are subscribing (i love you) but not giving me feedback.

anyways, this chapter was a bit yummy and the next chapter is gonna be very long and contain very much of Ben & Sam.