Status: New; slowly getting started

Call Your Girlfriend

call your girlfriend; it's time you had the talk

"I've been cheating on you."

That's not exactly what a girl wants to hear from her boyfriend of nearly a year. A day before your birthday, nonetheless. Actually, it's the exact opposite. I can't tell you how heartbreaking it is to hear. Well, actually, I can.

You kind of sit there in shock for a good minute. The silence washes over you as you try to regain normal breathing patterns. Then the realization hits you and you try your best not to cry your eyes out. It feels like said boyfriend ripped out your heart and stomped it into the ground. Eventually, you can't hold in the tears anymore and they just start to spill out without warning.

"I'm so sorry, Kylie," Harry's deep voice tried to comfort me but I couldn't bear to listen to him any longer. I didn't even want to ask who the other girl was. I simply hung up on him. Yes, he didn't even tell me face-to-face. Fantastic, right?

I tried to to keep calm as I walked into class that day. As much as I would have liked to skip that day, missing another class wasn't optional. Harry had made me skip enough times to spend the day with him. If I didn't show up, I was sure to be kicked out of college. I did my best to ignore everyone around me. I didn't talk to anyone but I could feel the stares of my friends, questioning my odd behavior. I was sure I couldn't repeat what had just happened without completely losing it.

I guess this is what happens when you date a huge pop star with hardly any drama for two years. Of course, there were the constant death threats from some of the delusional fans but the nice ones outweighed them with wonderful comments. There were always rumors but Harry and I were able to ignore them. It was too good to be true, that's why it turned to shit so quickly.

"You alright, Ky?" my friend, Jane asked as class ended.

Before I could even reply, I started to cry. Again. I really hated to cry in public so naturally I decided to run out without answering her. It was times like this that I was glad that knew the streets of New York City so well because I had managed to run all the way to the subway station. When I realized that I hadn't even finished the rest of my classes, I started to panic. My hysterical sobs echoed in the subway. The old lady that sat next to me gave me a frightened look and moved away. I didn't blame her. I probably looked crazy.

The fact that I was crying more because I had just ruined my academic career rather than because I had just been cheated did soothe me a little bit. Once I had quieted down, I looked around the cart. Everyone was staring at me. Most had angry looks on their faces. They weren't happy that I was ruining their peaceful rides to work. I mumbled a, "Sorry," and turned my gaze to my lap.

I took the ride to try and figure why Harry would do this to me. I thought we were happy. I thought we had something special going on. I thought we were in love. Maybe, it was all one-sided. I guess I was silly to think that this super celebrity could ever want to spend the rest of his life with me. I was just a normal girl, going to school to be a journalist. Compared to him, I was nothing special.

I never really understood why Harry wanted to be with me in the first place. We met at a premiere party for some singer I've never heard of's newest CD a year ago. I had been picked by my journalism teacher to cover the party and write a juicy story on it. I interviewed One Direction and the whole time Harry flirted. Right before I left, he asked for my number. He texted me everyday, asking to to go on a date but every time, I declined. I guess, he liked that I wasn't fazed by his celebrity status and tried even harder. One time, I accepted. After a few dates, we made it official.

Harry was the sweetest boyfriend I had ever had. He was romantic but at the same time he was dorky. He told the worst jokes but I didn't mind. I loved them, actually. The thing I loved most about him was the fact that he wasn't trying to be someone he wasn't. He tried to keep me out of the limelight as much as he could, not wanting me to be bombarded with paparazzi every time we went out. I now that I thought about it, maybe he was just ashamed of me.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the subway stopping. I quickly exited and walked back to the apartment that I shared with Jane. I holed myself in my room, hoping to forget about everything. Sadly, I knew it wasn't that easy.
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i love love love this song so much. obviously it's where i got the idea for the story.

i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. it's not very long, but it's only the start.

comment, recommend, subscribe. it'll make me happy.
