Status: New; slowly getting started

Call Your Girlfriend

give your reasons; say it's not her fault

"I told her," he said, quietly, as we sat in the studio. He stared at his lap, his brown curls hiding his face. I knew he regretted ever starting what he had. To be honest, I did, too. Kylie was the sweetest girl I had ever met and I would never intentionally hurt her. The multiple times Harry had brought her to the studio, I loved her. She was so kind and funny.

There was always something about Harry that I couldn't resist, though. I wasn't attracted purely on looks, those were just bonus. It was the way he was so dedicated to music. Every time I would watch him record, he would be so into whatever he was singing, even if it was just background vocals.

It all started out on accident, honestly. I'm an intern at the record label they're signed to so I basically see them everyday. One night, after a long day of recording, the boys asked me to come for a drink with them. One drink turned into several and hours later, I was back at Harry's flat. The rest is history, as they say.

That wasn't even the worst part of it all. The worst was that it kept happening and I wasn't even trying to stop it. Each time I was to meet Harry somewhere secretive, I told myself that I was going to say something. I was going to end it but I never did. Instead, we continued to hurt not only Kylie, but also ourselves.

"How did she take it?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Harry rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed that I had to ask. "Oh, you know. She was perfectly happy when I told her."

"Don't be snippy with me," I replied, standing and walking to the the other side of the room. He almost said something but Niall walked in, causing him to shut his mouth, quickly.

"Hey, guys. Have you wished Kylie a 'Happy Birthday,' yet?" he asked, with a smile.

My mouth went dry. I had no idea that it was her birthday. If things weren't already terrible for her, it all happened on her birthday. I felt awful. Probably not as bad as Harry.

He buried his face in his hands. "Fuck. I forgot," he mumbled. He stood quickly and fled from the room.

Niall looked at me with raised eyebrows. "What's his problem."

"Me," I replied, quickly. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. "Niall, we did something awful. So awful." I sank down into the chair that I had been standing by. The blond boy walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Come on, Scar. It can't be that bad. What is it?" he asked.

I looked up at him, tears now streaming down my face. "He cheated on her, Niall. With me."

Niall's arm fell away from me. "Oh, fuck. Does she know?" I nodded and he ran a hand through his locks. "Fuck, she must be hearbroken. What were you two thinking?"

"We weren't. We were drunk!"

"Was that the only time it happened?"

I hesitated. I didn't need to answer because apparently it was written all over my face. Niall shook his head. There was no hiding the pissed look on his face.

"I gotta go call her," he said, finally. He left the room just as fast as Harry did.

I was alone, then, exactly what I didn't want to be. When the news got out to the media, it would not be good. I could just imagine the what everyone would be calling me. Home-wrecker. Slut. Whore. What would my parents think? I'm sure this wouldn't be a proud moment for them. My little sister would hate me. She always gushed to be me about how cute Harry and Kylie were and how she hoped they would get married one day. I could lose my job over this. But I realized that I wasn't the one hurting the most over this. Not even close.

Suddenly, I began to panic. I stopped thinking and I ran. All the way to the airport. I didn't call anyone or text them. At this point, I'm sure everyone in the studio knew what was happening. Everyone probably hated me now. They probably wouldn't care where I was going.

"Can I help you?" the lady at one of the many desks in the airport questioned, a fake smile plastered on her face.

I took a deep breath before speaking. "One ticket to New York City, please." If I was going to lose my job over a mistake I made, I was going to at least try to make it better for Kylie.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is a birthday update! yayyy! :D eighteen years of age, finally. i forgot that i had made it kylie's birthday in the story.

this is chapter is short, i'm sorry. ugh and i definitely didn't proofread so be warned.

a beautiful cover of call your girlfriend
and another
