Status: Active

Sixteen and Pregnant by a Werewolf

Ch 43: The Question

" I'm not sure." I told him. " We never really talked about it."
" Well, we need to talk about it because you and I are sharing a room and I'm pretty sure something is going to happen, eventually."
" I don't think anything is going to happen right now. I mean, I just had five kids. I'm not ready for anymore to pop up."
" Who said anything about kids? I don't want kids right now. I'm not ready to be a father until I get married."
" You're planning on getting married?"
" Yeah."

I could feel the hurt rising up in my chest. I am wondering who he is going to marry. To tell you the truth, I hope it's me. I mean, I really like Jeremy. I'm wondering if he is feeling the same way for me.

" What's wrong?" He asked.
" Nothing." I said, shaking my head. " I'm just thinking about something."
" Tell me."
" I just always wondered if you have the same feelings for me."
" I don't even know what your feelings are for me because you never tell me anything."
" I really like you."
" Like in what way?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked out at the sparkling water.

" What kind of feelings?" Jeremy asked.
" Love." I told him, still looking at the stream.
" You love me?"
" Yeah, I do."
" Since when? You never told me anything."
" It just came when I first seen you."
" Wow. You didn't even know me then."
" I know Jeremy."
" Are you getting mad?"
" I just should have kept my mouth shut."
" Why?"
" Because Jeremy, you're making me feel embarrassed for telling you anything at all."
" I'm sorry, but I didn't know you felt that way."

I sighed and finally looked up at him.

" Let's talk about something else." I told him.
" Sure." He said, shrugging his shoulder.

We stopped talking for a few minutes.

" How was it?" Jeremy asked.
" How was what?" i asked him, really confused.
" Labor."
" It was so painful. I cried and screamed every time I felt an contraction."
" Well, I won't let you go through that pain again."
" Well, don't say never. It probably will happen if we don't stay cautious."
" True."

Jeremy scooted over to me and placed his arm around my shoulders.

" So, can I ask you a question?" He asked me.
" Sure." I said, looking at him.
" Would you like to be my girl?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't been updating. Please, give me time. I'm still not through my nauseous stage of pregnancy....