Status: Active

Turn It Off

Take a look at your friends

We got a lift back to Scarlett’s about three hour’s later; it had taken ages to do our make up and hair then the nails just added on time. When we were back at Scarlett’s, her Nan had made us some lunch and a couple of little cakes for us to have a little birthday celebration of our own. After we’d had our lunch and thanked Heather we ran upstairs to double check we’d gotten everything to go down to the club and start to help make sure everything was going right, We’d already decided to take our dresses with us and get changed at Pulse. We shoved the last details into our bulging bag and ran off to the car.

We arrived at the club at about three, three hours till people started to arrive. The DJ was there, the bar was set to only serve certain drinks (Heather wouldn’t allow any strong booze at a party she was responsible for) and only a certain amount, the bouncers were sat on the door getting briefed on what to keep an eye on and who, to make sure only people on their lists were allowed in. The decorations were all set up Scarlett had perfectly chosen a black and white theme. Tables were set up all around the room with black chairs tied with white ribbons and a crystal bowl filled with dark Scarlett roses. Scarlett had been so precise in choosing everything right down the very last song, it had to be perfect.

Hour’s passed within the blink of an eye as we waited for the party to start, we wanted to help so much the time had slipped our bustling minds and when we checked the time we had half hour to get changed and touch up our make up. We ran off to the bathroom, we were both buzzing from the excitement, we both ran into our separate cubicles to get changed. I quickly pulled into the fishnet tights I’d brought and my black prom style dress I’d brought with Scarlett. It had a deep red bow around the centre, Scarlett had said I was allowed to wear red with her if I wanted but I decided not to steal her limelight and wore a little bit to say thanks for the thought. She picked out some high heels for me; they were patent red and matched the sash on my dress perfectly. I stepped out and started to touch up my make up. About two minutes after me Scarlett stepped out, and I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor within seconds. She was wearing a beautiful Scarlett red dress that stopped just before her beautifully long legs; it gracefully placed itself across her shoulder and was carefully embroidered up to the slim black sash that wrapped around her tiny waist. She stepped in kitten heels, she was already tall enough, they were a cute pair of shoes, which matched her dress and had a similar design to her dress. She perfected her look by slowly placing a red rose into her long curls of black hair. She looked Stunning. Drop dead Gorgeous.
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It feels really strange knowing people have actually read this. Even one subscriber. Who ever you are, you're an absolute darling :) I realise the layout on this is a little strange but i'm a little bit too new to this so don't quite get this.
I'm really sorry, i think the next chapter after this will be a filler as i already know how this is going to go i'm trying to break it up so i can keep you guys interested. I'm also trying to finish some of my college assignments which are a complete bitch to do! I don't get half the stuff i;m meant to be doing...

Title Credit: You me at six - If you run