Status: I will update as often as possible

Self Destruction

Chapter 1

Emmie's POV
Finally, today’s the day. The day I get to get away from this hell hole for a week. Not that my parents are exactly aware of this but I still need to get out. I’m headed upstate for a concert. The concert I’ve been waiting all my teenage years for, Asking Alexandria. They have gotten me through the toughest of times. When I didn’t think I could go on anymore. As soon as the bell finally goes off I’m out of here. I don’t even need to go back home. I brought everything with me to school so I wouldn’t have to go back. Just shut the hell up Wanzer. No one cares. Just let me out. There it is. The bell. I run to the door before anyone can stop me.

I drive a couple miles down the road before stopping so I can change from my ugly ass school uniform into my red skinny jeans and Asking Alexandria tee. It only fits that I wear their shirt to their concert. I also pull my waist length, light purple hair into a messy ponytail and pin my bangs back off my face. I plug in my iPod and put it on A Prophecy on full volume. And I’m off.


I reach the venue an hour early. Perfect. I can fix my makeup and hair before I need to go in. I dig for my makeup bag from my duffle bag in my backseat and start on my makeup. First my dark eyeliner riming my light green eyes and then mascara. Only to finish with bright red lipstick. I let my hair down and comb through it quickly and get out of my car. I lock it as I walk away towards the venue.

I push my way to the from so I’m right behind the barricade. This is the night I’ve been waiting for. I can’t wait for it to start. Before I know it James runs out on stage and takes his place at the drums. Or as he calls them, drooms. He is followed by Sam, Cameron, then Ben. Gorgeous Ben. Oh how I have fangirled over him. It’s crazy how much I love him. Ben is quickly followed by Danny who starts the show by yelling “Are you fuckers ready?” Everyone there shouts “Fuck yes!” Then they begin to play Closure and the mosh pit really gets going.